Myrtle Tree Oil: a Wonder Remedy for Wrinkles, Depression, Infectious Disease and Neurological Disorders

myrtle tree oil

By  Carolanne Wright

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Famous for its superior antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, oil from the lemon myrtle tree knocks out stubborn salmonella and staph organisms while providing a variety of cosmetic uses. Not only does it soothe wrinkles and blemishes, but also calms nervous system disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, vertigo and depression.

And as an added bonus, myrtle oil is considered an aphrodisiac.

Time-honored oil of beauty and health

The ancient Greeks associated the myrtle tree with Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, for good reason. Through its exceptional astringent, antiseptic and skin firming properties, myrtle oil is a powerful tonic for the skin.

Pharmacologists believe the high level of myrtucommulone-A is responsible for the strong analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory attributes of the oil. Due to impressive antiseptic qualities, myrtle is an excellent topical remedy for skin infections, wounds and ulcers – including stubborn MRSA varieties.

It also contracts and tightens the skin, helping to alleviate wrinkles. High myrtle content encourages the synthesis of sirtuin compounds, helping to further reduce skin aging. For those suffering from acne, myrtle opens the pores and acts as a bactericide, thereby reducing the incidence of breakouts.

Mediterranean countries have long used myrtle extract to encourage hair growth as well. Additionally, it has a “highly selective cytostatic (inhibiting) effect on tumors,” as stated by the botanical health and wellness site Bioesti.

Applications of Myrtle Tree Oil

Myrtle essential oil also contains active compounds of cineol, myrtenol, pinene, myrtenyl, linalool, acetate, geraniol, borneol and camphene.

According to Organic Facts, its benefits include:

Expectorant – Clears congestion of the respiratory tract, including the nose, sinuses and lungs. Encourages productive coughs.

Sedative – Sedates and calms. Provides relief from depression, anger, stress and tension. It also soothes allergies, inflammations and irritations.

Nervine – Balances the nervous system. Beneficial for disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, shaking limbs, vertigo, anxiety and fear.

Aphrodisiac – Relieves issues of frigidity, impotency, erectile dysfunction and loss of libido.

Disinfectant – Discourages infections through its bactericidal, fungicidal, germicidal and antiviral properties. Heals infections of the intestines and stomach, eliminates diarrhea.

Myrtle oil is helpful against hemorrhoids, cystitis, leucorrhea and urinary tract infections too. It is especially beneficial for chest infections in babies and the elderly. The oil has been found to be more effective against salmonella and staph bacteria than tea tree oil as well.

The fragrance is uplifting and fresh. It has no known side effects or contraindication. However, always consult with a qualified practitioner before internal use of any essential oil, including myrtle.

Sources for this article include:

Previous articles by Carolanne:

About the author:
Carolanne enthusiastically believes if we want to see change in the world, we need to be the change. As a nutritionist, natural foods chef and wellness coach, Carolanne has encouraged others to embrace a healthy lifestyle of organic living, gratefulness and joyful orientation for over 13 years. Through her website she looks forward to connecting with other like-minded people from around the world who share a similar vision. Follow Carolanne on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Please note this article was first published on  Natural News.


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