The Child From Hell – Raising a Child with Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome


By Dr. Susan M. Walker

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

I know, what a title, right? But it was very much my reality when my child was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome (autistic like behavior) immediately after receiving his second set of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) inoculations.

Bob was born a healthy, happy, blonde haired, adorable, big blue-eyed baby. He stayed this way up until 18 months old. The evening of his second series of MMR inoculations, I began seeing a dramatic change in his demeanor. Instead of his normal cry for assistance, his crying had turned into loud shrieking screams. It made the hair stand up on the back on my neck, sounding as though he was in extreme pain. When I’d pick him up, he would arch backwards away from me, and did that with everyone who attempted to hold him. His bubbly spirit had left him and now he was sullen, distant, and violent. He’d kick holes in walls, he’d bite, and he scratched all of us, even his babysitters.

He never walked anywhere, he’d always take off running and would run away every opportunity he got. I couldn’t take my eyes off him even for a split second. There were many times I would have to get the community out searching for him, because he’d take the screens off the windows and crawl out. He went through phases of creating hellish situations, for example, he liked the sound of breaking glass, whether is was beer bottles breaking that he’d found by dumpsters, or patio windows he’d shatter by throwing rocks.

I remember hiring a babysitter to watch him. She told me that she put Bob in his room in ‘time out’ and set the timer for 20 minutes. She said when she checked on him, she discovered his room empty – he had jumped out a two-story window and had taken off! As she was out looking for him, she heard fire truck sirens going off in the neighborhood, and to her horror discovered that Bob had lit the bushes on fire next to an apartment near mine, but not before he had broken into a car and stolen a cigarette lighter.

By this time, there was no getting through to Bob, he was in his own world – a world where no one could touch him or interact with him. He never looked anyone in the eye. He avoided social situations and if taken into one, he would scream and create an intolerable situation for everyone involved. For the next eighteen long years, my family had to learn to cope with Bob who became extremely violent over the word “no.” We all lived in a hellish situation, never knowing if Bob was going to hurt someone or himself. He had no empathy for any of his wrongdoing.

Pregnancy and early life

While pregnant with Bob, I remember feeling terribly tired. I was in the U.S. Marine Corps and stationed at MAG-41 at the Naval Air Station in Dallas, Texas. I was attached to an aviation wing and performed analytical work on both CH-53s (helicopters) and F4s (fighter jets). I remember walking through the hanger bay while jet engines were being tested and the noise from them pierced my eardrums. The planes were also going in and out of preservation, de-preservation, whereby the planes were coated in chemicals. I remember both the jet fuel and the chemicals from the aircraft would burn my eyes and I constantly had conjunctivitis (pink eye).

Later on in my career, I learned that two of the duty stations I was assigned to had tested agent orange on the bases, and agent orange was found to be in the drinking water and saturated in the air. Yet no one assigned there was told anything about this, and consequently personnel were coming down with respiratory illnesses for seemingly no reason. I remember coming from that base to my next duty station, and feeling sick. I suffered lots of respiratory illnesses and ‘female’ problems. I would tire easily. By the time I had my third child (Bob) my health was tenuous. By the end of my military contract, I had the opportunity to go to a C-133 squadron in New York, or go to college with a full scholarship.

At that time, I was a single parent and thought long and hard about the rest of my life. I wanted a life for my children that didn’t include moving every three years. I wanted stability and roots for them. So I opted to go to college to become a schoolteacher, specializing in Special Education so that I could help my son, Bob. I went from financial security down to no money, and with the addition of Bob to our family, I had three children to raise. At that time Bob was an infant, less than 4 days old. I had to skip the post-partum blues and run off to class with my baby in tow. I sat in the back of classes and nursed him. He was so quiet and good as gold. Everyone wanted to see and hold him. I was so proud of my little bundle.

My other two kids were great, although my second child had learning disabilities in reading and English, but did extremely well with math. My first two children were very outgoing and excelled in soccer and BMX bike racing. They earned lots of trophies for all their hard work. Bob was also full of energy and, to wear him out a little, I’d take him on my three-mile runs. He would keep up with me for nearly two miles, then I would put him on my shoulders to run the remaining mile.

Bob liked running, which was about the only thing besides swimming that he did like. I would often take him down to the San Marcos River that ran through the middle of campus. He would flop down by the water’s edge and watch the fish swim by. I had him swimming by the age of 2 because I was so afraid he would jump in the water and drown. I watched him intently, hoping I could find ‘something’ to make him better as I would often cry in despair over him. But down by the water, I watched him look at the fish as they swam by. He would watch the fish for hours while I read and studied. It was the only time he was not screaming or acting out — as long as nobody disturbed him.

Keeping to the vaccination schedule

Bob’s third set of inoculations was coming due. I hadn’t occurred to me that it was likely the immunizations that were causing him to be this way, so I went ahead with the schedule. But all peace was shattered that night when I put him to bed. Lying down seemed to distress him, so I picked him up to hold him close to my body. That was when he began letting out a those blood curdling screams that woke the neighbors. More screaming ensued, so I took him outside to walk him around. He struggled against me; he wouldn’t even look at me. I called my daughter over to see if she would get the same reaction from him – she did, so we knew he wasn’t just reacting to me.

I took him to the Emergency Room but they could not find anything physically wrong with him that would be causing this reaction. He’d had constant ear infections, so I thought maybe he had another ear infection, but no. He did not want to be held and didn’t want anyone touching him. The doctor suggested that I take him to see a psychiatrist, which I did. They diagnosed him with Reactive Attachment Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Personality Disorder, and a number of other disorders. Counselors looked at me oddly, thinking I had poor parenting skills since I had such trouble ‘controlling’ Bob. I didn’t know what I had done wrong with him. I had no problem with my other two children.

Then, when Bob started school in kindergarten, I was called to come to school immediately, and Social Services were notified as well, because Bob had pulled his pants off in class and defecated and urinated right where he stood. He then began playing in it, defying his teacher and administrators, who tried to use force on Bob to get him to comply. They were telling him to put his pants back on, and just as they used the word “no” on him, he reacted by slinging his feces at them!

Stabbings, violence, and a butcher’s knife!

I was constantly flabbergasted by what Bob would do and the awful situations he caused. He even stabbed his therapist in the hand with a pencil that was laying on his desk, because the therapist didn’t let Bob hold a brass apple that he also kept on his desk.

By the time Bob was in 4th grade, he had to be placed in a level three group home, due to his violence. These group homes had trouble handling him and soon he was in a level four facility that resembled a jail. Bob was a danger to himself and others. Between group homes, the psychologists would place Bob back in my household awaiting another group home opening.

I remember waking up one night about 2 o’clock in the morning. The moon’s rays were peeking through the curtains. Something made me open my eyes, and as I did I saw something flash above my head. I squeezed my eyes shut then opened them again with full realization of what was over my head. I turned my head sideways and saw Bob sitting at the head of my bed with a butcher knife that he held inches above from my forehead. “Good grief!” I thought, “what next?” I had to quickly collect my thoughts and hoped I could react in a way to discourage what he might have planned. I turned to him and said, “Bob, why don’t you put the knife back where you found it, and come back here and I will scratch your back for awhile.” To my surprise, he complied.

After that I took all kitchen knives and hid them.

Could the vaccinations have caused Bob’s autistic-like behavior?

Autism, from the Greek word auto (self), was first described in 1943 by psychiatrist Leo Kanner. He reported that: “This condition differs markedly and uniquely from anything reported so far…” Autistic children are typically self-absorbed and alienated from the outside world. They are in their own world, detached, unresponsive, unable to relate to others, often mentally impaired, hyperactive and violently aggressive.

Dr. Bernard Rimland, director of the Autism Research Institute says:

This disorder is difficult to characterize, but a very prominent feature is the inability to relate to or communicate with other human beings in ways that are natural or meaningful”.

In 1964 Dr. Rimland published a book titled Infantile Autism – the Syndrome and It’s Implications for a Neural Theory of Behavior. In it he debunks the idea that bad parenting or mental illness causes autism: “Autism is a biological disorder, not an emotional illness.” He also notes that “psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and intensive counseling are useless” for dealing with autism. (Gazella, K. A., Autism, Journey Out Of Darkness, Health Counselor Magazine, Vol. 3 No. 6; June/July 1994).

Harris Coulter Ph.D, author of Vaccination, Social Violence & Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain, says one in five children suffers from ‘developmental disabilities’ caused by encephalitis that is attributed to the childhood vaccination program. [1] Encephalitis or “brain inflammation” can be caused by severe infection, trauma to the head and severe burns which occur rarely compared with encephalitis following vaccination. As a parent and researcher, I had to wonder…

Did Bob have encephalitis and the doctors didn’t know it? What was research showing could be the cause of autism, Asperger’s syndrome, and autistic-like behaviour?

One ingredient found in vaccines that I came across in studies was a poisonous heavy metal called thimerosal, a highly toxic ethyl mercury preservative that has been shown to have devastating impacts on the neurological development of young children. Since the 1930s, thimerosal has been used as a preservative in a number of drug products, including vaccines, to help prevent life threatening contamination from harmful microbes. Over the past several years, research has been emerging about thimerosal and incidences of neurotoxicity – even at low levels – from vaccines, including flu vaccines that are included in the infant immunization schedule. [2]

Manufacturers of MMR inoculations state on their labels that their vaccines are free of thimerosal so are ‘supposedly’ mercury free; however, lab reports from Doctor’s Data (2006), who conduct random testing found vaccine vials with ethyl mercury in them when the labels stated otherwise. Some product inserts claimed only trace amounts of mercury existed, others claimed to be mercury-free products, however in reality, all four vaccine vials tested contained mercury, despite manufacturer claims that two of the vials were completely mercury-free. Furthermore, all four vials contained aluminum, and one contained nine times more aluminum than the other three, tremendously enhancing the toxicity of mercury.

Aluminum is a known neurotoxin that is contained in a number of common childhood and adult vaccines, and its toxicity may even exceed the toxicity of mercury in the human body. [3] According to a 2011 study published in Current Medical Chemistry [4], children up to 6 months of age receive 14.7 to 49 times more aluminum from vaccines than the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) safety limits allow. In July 1999, the U. S. government ordered removal and reduction of thimerosal from vaccines, but not aluminum. [5]

I recently reviewed a research article looking at children between the ages of 7 and 10 who were similarly vaccinated with MMR. The researchers were looking at only thimerosal and its effects on cognitive functioning. Of the children tested in a number of cognitive areas, they did not find any statistical significance between the amount of thimerosal exposure and cognitive functioning. [6] Mounting research, however, does show a definite link between vaccinations and autism spectrum behaviors. Despite this, some research in favor of vaccination usage is still ongoing, setting out to prove that childhood vaccinations are harmless — by studying thimerosal alone, not in combination with aluminum. [7]

Media overlooks obvious conflicts of interest

What is interesting, though, is that mainstream media is quick to dismiss any link between MMR vaccinations and autism. Why does the mass media seldom question any conflicts of interest or study design-flaws related to autism/vaccination studies? Defenders of the MMR vaccine often claim that autism spectrum disorders ordinarily show up at eighteen months, which incidentally is when Bob began showing autistic-like behaviors, immediately following his scheduled vaccinations. So why does autism show up uniformly at this age in toddlers, when autism is not considered a normal part of childhood development? And if these vaccines contain toxic ingredients, why are pharmaceutical companies, health authorities and doctors, still pushing and promoting these vaccines as ‘safe’ to the general public, when countless research studies indicate their ingredients are poisonous?

What researchers are saying…

According to Barbara Brewitt, Ph.D, in MMR Vaccine And ‘Helpers’ as Toxic Agents:

“There is no safe levels of a poison for a child. There is a growing consensus among parents, clinicians, and researchers who are treating children with complementary medicine, that cumulative toxicity occurs with each vaccine until the body cannot excrete the toxins and begins to express toxicity through neurodevelopmental damage, including mental retardation and speech disorders.” [8]

Bernard Rimland Ph.D, Director of the Autism Research Institute, believes the continuance of vaccines is based on myths that doctors hold to be true. He contends that manufacturers of the vaccine report that the vaccines are safe, therefore physicians are led to believe there is no harm in vaccination, nor are they trained to recognize or report any adverse reactions. If the adverse reactions are reported, the system is lax in doing anything about it. Therefore, since reports are scant, it appears as though there is no real threat from vaccines.

Additionally, links between vaccinations and autism were further hampered by an oft-cited study of medical records dating back to the early 1990s conducted by Professor Brent Taylor and his colleagues, which alleges there is no connection that exists between vaccinations and autism. [9] However subsequent professional analyses of the Taylor study have criticized Taylor’s study and pointed out its serious flaws in its scientific methodology [10] describing it as “poorly executed and unreliable”.

The eminent Canadian epidemiologist Professor Walter Spitzer says its sample was too small to provide any meaningful conclusions… He also fiercely criticises Professor Taylor for not releasing his raw data for independent scrutiny, even when requested to do so by an American Congressional committee which is holding hearings into the MMR controversy…

None of the studies clinically examined the children, or talked to their families…

Moreover, he says it could not establish the rate of regressive autism – when a child who is developing normally suddenly starts to lose skills – because it had no control group by which to measure it. Regressive autism is a recurrent theme in stories of children allegedly harmed by MMR, so this is a crucial omission…

James Roger is a medical statistician who… outlined serious limitations to the Taylor study at a meeting in 2000 of the Royal Statistical Society. The key problem, he says, is that it relied on clinical case notes (the records kept by doctors while they are treating a patient)… [He] believes these would not have provided an adequate contemporary record, as the doctors were unlikely to have charted the symptoms from when they first appeared. Even if they were eventually told the full story, they might not record it in their notes… “Diagnosis often does not take place for two to three years after the parent first becomes concerned,” says Mr Roger.

“Retrospective studies like this are meaningless,” says [Dr. Andrew] Wakefield… “Doctors often brush aside both the children’s symptoms and the parents’ concerns… Many parents say when they made a connection to the vaccine, they encountered great hostility from paediatricians, who noted them down as ‘difficult’ and didn’t listen to them.” Other widely-cited epidemiological studies which are said to disprove a link, such as work carried out by the child psychiatrist Eric Fombonne — an adviser to the drug companies that makes MMR [vaccines] — suffer from this same limitation of using [historical] health records.

But another claim is laid against him [Taylor]: that he is not a dispassionate commentator on this issue… [Taylor is] a member of the Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunisation, the Government’s vaccine advisory body, whose reputation would be shredded if MMR was shown to be unsafe.

[These] findings have been falsely presented by the Government and the medical establishment as proof that MMR is safe. [10]

Other mixed research findings indicate that autism has a large genetic component and that vaccines play a minimal role in the causation of autism. However, genetics cannot account for the huge increase in autism in recent times — such genetic mutations simply don’t happen that rapidly. Notably, the incidence of autism began emerging in infants at eighteen months, and rates rose very sharply in the mid-1980s, when the MMR vaccine first came into widespread use. [11]

If the health “experts” and “authorities” in charge of public policy regarding vaccinations are certain there is no connection between vaccination and autism, then why do they refuse to conduct studies comparing vaccinated versus non-vaccinated children who reportedly have negligible autism rates? For example, children in the Amish community have zero incidence of autism, and are not vaccinated.

Moreover, if there is no autism-vaccination link, why then have billions of dollars been paid out to petitioners and attorneys for vaccine injuries?

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Federal Drug Administration (FDA) sponsored a national vaccine safety program called Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). It collects information regarding adverse reactions that occur after a vaccine is administered and licensed for use in the United States. This is an outlet through which people report reactions associated with vaccinations, and the data is available for anyone to access. However, if a reported incidence makes it to vaccine court and a settlement is awarded, the compensation money comes from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and not from the pharmaceutical company that patented it and promoted it as safe. Vaccine manufacturers are therefore protected from liability, which results in zero motivation for them to make safe or effective products.

Since 1988, when the first National Vaccine Injury Compensation (VICP) claims were filed, 14,772, claims have been filed to date, and more than US$3.2 billion has been granted in monetary compensation. In addition, more than $120.4 million has been paid in attorneys’ fees and other legal costs. [12]

The number of autism cases has skyrocketed in the past few decades. In the 1970s and 1980s, about 1 out of every 2,000 children was diagnosed with autism. In 2012, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that one in 88 eight-year-olds in the United States have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), an expanded definition that refers not only to autism but also to a collection of brain development disorders such as Asperger’s syndrome. However this number is believed to be widely underestimated. Explains Marcella Piper-Terry from

In March of 2012, The CDC announced a new autism rate of 1 in 88 children (1 in 54 boys) in the United States. True to form, The CDC failed to make it clear that the numbers they reported on March 29, 2012 were from data collected in 2008. The numbers are four years old. The CDC also failed to mention that their number of 1 in 88 reflects their calculation of autism for 8 year-old children who are enrolled in the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network. This study [only] monitors the rate of autism among children in 14 communities in the United States… [and] the data is only collected from very specific areas within each state… [Moreover] the information used to estimate the autism rate was gathered from states that, according to IDEA data, do not have the highest rates of autism… I think this is a little misleading, but then, we’re talking about the CDC so what can you expect? [13]

Today, the CDC’s official estimate of autism rates in children is a staggering 1 in 66 [14]

There is also other research that points to causes aside from vaccinations that may also be contributing to the rising number of ASD or autism cases. These include GMOs and the pesticides inherent in GMO agriculture [15] electromagnetic fields [16] and Wi-Fi signals [17], geoengineering “chemtrails” (which are composed largely of toxic heavy metals such as aluminum) [18] and residential proximity to freeways. [19] Of course, since children are typically exposed to many of these contributing factors, their effects must also be considered in combination, not just in isolation.

What does Big Pharma stand to gain from invalidating research links between vaccines and autism or ASD?

In 2005 activist and attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (nephew of JFK) penned an article called “Deadly Immunity”, which was published in Rolling Stone magazine. In it he claimed that the vaccine industry is behind a conspiracy dating back to the Great Depression that aims to boost its bottom line. For decades the industry has covered up the dangers of thimerosal, said Kennedy, and that in the early 2000s the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tried to “whitewash the risks of thimerosal” and “ordered researchers to ‘rule out’ the chemical’s link to autism.” He continues: “The link between thimerosal and the epidemic of childhood neurological disorders is real.” Notably, Kennedy’s article was retracted some six months later but can still be found in full via web archives. [20]

The vaccine industry is extremely profitable, generating over US$34 billion annually, with no foreseeable end to its profit growth. Also there is considerable corruption between big pharma and its relations with regulatory agents, and its ownership of the media industry. It pays more for media advertising than any other industry while the pharmaceutical industry has the biggest political lobby of any special interest group in the United States.

It makes you pause and think doesn’t it? 

But, before grasping the breadth of the industry’s influence on its own regulation, and therefore its profits, one needs to first grasp the industry’s history. The international pharmaceutical conglomerates originate from the former petrochemical empire that was once exclusively owned by the Rockefeller family. It was so powerful that the U.S. Government considered it to be a threat to U.S. national security, and thus anti-trust actions were commenced to cripple the empire. However, this industry giant did not fall. With the rise of its privately-owned reserve banking system, the Rockefeller empire became bigger and stronger than ever — to the degree that governments now answer to the pharmaceutical industry (and private banks) and not the other way around.

Despite studies showing an unquestionable link between autism and the vaccine additives ethyl mercury and aluminum, the mainstream media favors only studies that (despite poor methodology) show the opposite. What is interesting to note, though, is that all of the studies used to deny the autism link to mercury/aluminum poisoning have been funded by pharmaceutical (vaccine) companies, doctors who own vaccine patents, and the F.D.A. — which gets the majority of its funding from the pharmaceutical industry. Explains Sidney Wolfe MD, former-Director and Senior Advisor of Public Citizen’s Health Research Group [21]:

The pharmaceutical industry’s influence gets exerted in a number of ways. One, starting [with the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA)], the influence was exerted by their directly funding, paying cash right up front, for FDA review. So in many ways, the FDA started looking upon the industry as their client, instead of the public and the public health, which should be the client.

A second way in which the industry influence occurs is by having leaders in the drug division who… don’t like controversy… The attitude by the leaders there [is], “avoid conflict” — and avoiding conflict means doing what the industry wants.

A third way in which the industry’s influence has been allowed to grow considerably is the absence of congressional oversight… The culture at the FDA has become, “Please the industry. Avoid conflict. Look upon our role as getting out as many drugs as possible.”

It is therefore no surprise that many leading scientists and editors of high-profile scientific journals have gone on record to say that as much as half of published research literature is simply untrue.

(For more information, please see the article: The Top 10 Tricks Used by Corporate Junk Science.)

Can autism or ADS be cured? What are the treatments available?

Autism can sometimes be cured, but only if it is caught in time. According to available research, treatments need to be done at an early age. [22] Research linking autism to vaccines – specifically to poisonous metals like mercury and aluminium – show that these heavy metals do tremendous damage to the brain and to the central nervous system over time, as young bodies struggle to cope with or expel these metallic toxins through normal bodily function. Young children are the most receptive to a full recovery if treatment is administered in a timely fashion, however if mercury and aluminum are not removed from the body early then recovery might not be possible.

Certain substances have been found helpful in detoxifying the body and therefore diminishing or even eradicating the effects of autism. Families of autistic children are now being prescribed DMSA, a chelating substance that was F.D.A. approved for the removal of lead from the body. Studies are beginning to show that DMSA is effective for mercury removal in autistic patients. [23]

Other treatments include GcMAF, an essential human protein that healthy bodies naturally produce, which research has found to be successful not only for autism but also cancer treatment. [24] The late Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet, a prominent autism specialist, was a proponent of GcMAF. In 2012 he treated over 2,000 autistic children with GcMAF and reported his findings in a paper entitled Initial Observations of Elevated Alpha-N-Acetylgalactosaminidase Activity Associated with Autism and Observed Reductions from GC Protein—Macrophage Activating Factor Injections. [25]

According to this paper, “the enzyme, alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase (Nagalase) deglycosylates serum Gc protein (vitamin D3 – binding protein) rendering it incapable of activating macrophage defenses.” When GcMAF treatments were administered to autism patients, 15% of showed no change, 85% of patients improved markedly, and 15% showed no further symptoms of autism at all. He further stated that many with autistic distinctions were free of autism after as little as 20 weeks. [25] Bradstreet reportedly treated over 2,000 children with GcMAF with similar results. [26]

Conclusions: In this first report of Nagalase activity in patients with autism, it appears that most individuals have substantially higher levels than the expected healthy ranges. Although Nagalase is a nonspecific marker of immune dysregulation, its observed levels in autism may have both etiological and therapeutic significance. Importantly, this is also the first report of reduction of Nagalase activity in an autism population with GcMAF injections. [25]

In June 2015 Dr. Bradstreet was found dead from a lethal gunshot wound to the chest (a slow and painful form of death) only days after the U.S. FDA and the Georgia Drugs and Narcotics Agency raided his clinic. Inexplicably, the official story that was perpetuated, unquestioned, by the mainstream media was that Bradstreet’s death was a suicide. [27] (For more information, please see the article: Body of Prominent Autism Doctor Found in River — Family and Patients Cry Foul.)

What’s Bob up to now?

Since Bob suffers from Asperger’s Syndrome and has a violent nature, he had a lot of redirection and intervention — he was constantly in and out of group homes since he was 9. He is socially maladjusted and has no clue about how to function normally in society. I had to constantly redirect Bob so that I narrowed his choices to “this” or “that.” I tried not to use the word, “NO.” He railed against the word “no” whereby he would become explosive. Everyone walked on eggshells around him so that we could minimize his violence. He showed no empathy nor did he express remorse for any of his wrongdoing or hurtful actions. He pushed back against any loving gestures. He was a mess. I tried all kinds of diets on him, including the Feingold diet [28] that eliminated sugars and food coloring from his diet. I found no significant improvement in him. I also put him on an organic vitamin supplement, but he did not like taking pills and would often bite my fingers.

Bob is now 26. He lives on his own. He is making better choices and has remained out of incarceration facilities for a good year now. He has always been self-motivated — I guess some aspect of me rubbed off on him (I would like to hope). He is now expressing remorse for some of the things he has done although admitting to his part is tenuous. I felt very alone raising Bob, since no one dared come over and interact with me while Bob was there. I could not go out on dates, since very few men could handle him. Bob does not drive, his motor skills are affected, even when turning a steering wheel — there is no smoothness to his fine and gross motor skills. Bob also has seizures and he blacks out. He is trying to figure out how to survive in a society that looks upon him as weird.

The greatest personal offense to me and my commitment to helping Bob with his condition was the medical community and their inability to adequately diagnose and offer treatments that would help him. Their way was to remove Bob from the community and disrupt my household. Not properly understanding the problem and unwilling to explore potential causes and solutions, they pointed fingers at me as being the cause. Many doctors who worked with Bob told me wrote his condition off with ridiculous notions such as “He is all boy”, and other nonsense that did not help me in the least. I took Bob to specialist after specialist, trying all kinds of medications and treatments and to no avail. I truly feel sorry for parents who encounter a child like mine and have to raise a “child from hell” with little to no support from the pharmaceutical or medical community. Even my parents were all for institutionalizing him. But I couldn’t. Although Bob was a handful, I loved him — no matter what!


Further reading:

Previous articles by Susan Walker:

About the author:


Dr. Susan M. Walker, is an educator, researcher, analyst, instructor, and single-mother. She have spent many years standing up for what is right. Dr. Walker holds four degrees, BSc, MA, SpEd, and ED.D., and has written and researched independently for over 14 years. Her primary focus is on the purity of water, healthy foods, vitamins and minerals, disease, pesticides/herbicides, genetically modified organisms, and educating those interested in saving this Earth by re-educating our children in a way that enables them to be guardians of our planet, and not its destroyers.

Susan is currently developing a new website, but in the meantime, you can contact her by email at: [email protected]


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