Gobekli Tepe: a Key to Humanity’s History

By  Chris Bourne

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

I’ve felt a pull to travel out to the 11,000 year old mystical site of Gobekli Tepe for some time. Sitting in Mesopotamia, between the rivers Euphrates and Tigris, it is just 30 miles north of Syria – an energetic convergence zone throughout history. By all traditional thinking, it simply shouldn’t be there: intricately carved, multi-ton pillars, arrayed clearly with spiritual alignment and some 6,000 years older than previously recognised civilsation. How and why did supposedly simple ‘hunter gatherers’ build it? This was the impelling question that drew me there…

Sophisticated Ancient Civilisation

I’ve long been aware that the traditional thinking on how civilisation took form is seriously questionable. The convention is that society began with the Sumerians in Southern Mesopotamia around 5000 BC. It’s there we can see evidence of sophisticated language, science, religion, mathematics and cosmology. In fact the Sumerian society was so advanced, you’d have to ask “how did it spring up so suddenly and seemingly from nowhere?” “How did they have complex knowledge of our solar system?” It’s clear that quite a few of the jigsaw pieces concerning humanity’s evolution are still missing.

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To me, Gobekli Tepe can provide some of the extra pieces and perhaps a great deal more than that. Surely it shows we’re building the wrong puzzle; that we need to take apart the foundationary picture of ‘accepted wisdom’ and begin again.

At 9,000 BC, inhabitants of the area would have survived history’s ‘great flood’, a purge caused by the traumatic climax of the last Ice Age, where the global human population was all but wiped out. Mount Arafat is a short bird’s flight away, the Biblical landing site of Noah’s Arc (a metaphor? – probably). So we know for a fact, that the origins of civlisation must have begun  before  the end of the last Ice Age and it must have been a very sophisticated civilisation.

Can I mention the word “Atlantis” and get away with it? Oopps, I just did.

The mind – a vehicle for beingness

One can get wrapped up in the science or arguing the toss of accepted wisdom, but personally, I’m an energy worker and I’d rather not desensitise myself too much with the intellect. I use my mind merely as a vehicle of beingness, not the reason for my being. So when I visit these places, it’s more with feeling than thought. Ask the question “What do you feel?” and then allow words to express through the mind from that plane. Synchronicity helps phenomenally. How can you make any discernment at all without the objective mother tongue of the universe?

So I’m always watching signs and synchronicity, but not taking them at face value, I allow heart felt feeling – that “aha” moment – to help confirm the landing of inner wisdom. It’s so much more powerful than mind originated rationalisation. Why would I so limit myself?

I know for example that there’s been an intervention within the natural evolutionary path of humanity by a sophisticated inter-dimensional consciousness – what I call an  Opposing Conscious  – that downgraded or rather ‘civilised’ original humanity. I know benevolence has been having a ding-dong battle ever since, working through the weave of life to bring humanity back into alignment. In my knowing, a big part of that realignment is our Ascension into a higher paradigm of consciousness. Did Gobekli Tepe have anything to do with this?

On the wings of Pegasus

The first signs on the way there were interesting to say the least. I’d booked my flight through a little known travel agency and didn’t realise it was the mythical “Pegasus” airlines that I’d be flying with. The much revered founder of analytical psychology Carl Young saw Pegasus as ‘a profound symbology in relation to the spiritual energy that allows one to access the realm of the gods’. And the security company vetting my access to the flight, was none other than Orion, the symbology of the Opposing Consciousness that has provided humanity’s barrier to multi-dimensionality. But when on the approach road to Gobekli Tepe I saw the ‘broken’ sign in the picture pointing heavenward, I just had to laugh.

Unfortunately the taxi driver didn’t get the joke. When I went to take the picture, he wanted to straighten the sign: “No thanks, it’ll do just as it is!”

I’m used to such synchronicity now. I love it. It makes so much more sense than the classical way society teaches one to think. And so far, I was lapping them up with a quiet inner amusement. But there comes a point when you stop laughing, when something sinks deep inside and you realise you’re being shown something of great value.

As we wound our way up through the desert landscape to our mystical destination, I noticed that the hills had all been numbered, by clearing the rocky surface layer. The hill upon which Gobekli Tepe sat, was hill number Five. Did this place have anything to do with the  Five Gateways?

A multi-dimensional portal

With my first visual impression of the site, I have to say there was a slight sense of disappointment. It’s not nearly as visually impressive as many of the Egyptian megalyths for example. But here’s an important clue: it’s not on the visual plane of the intellect that you get the true value of this site. It is not about control and impressionable subversion (which is very much the  feeling I got in Egypt). It’s much more subtle. The carvings on the columns are indeed pretty astounding, but it’s the general energy which is much softer, more expanding.

The site is only partially uncovered, with some 20 round structures in total. And you’re only allowed access via wooden walkways a couple of metres above the currently open area, but to me this was perfect. The site cleared quickly of other tourists who bored of it fairly rapidly. It left me alone to sit, meditate and feel… right in the middle of the site.

It only took a few seconds to sense it: my whole being drawn heavenward quickly into higher dimensions. There was no doubt about it: this had been a multi-dimensional portal and to a degree, it was still active. I sat for probably about an hour during which, feeling-inspired-vision gave me key clues to its past. To me, the best way I could describe this place, was as a kind of ‘last bastion’ of an original human ‘tribe’. This area in particular, throughout history, has been one of ethnic cleansing. According to the fossil records, even Neanderthal ultimately met his demise in this general region.

It felt like these people were using the high energy portal they’d created, to help the remnants of their ‘tribe’ to ascend.

Plaiedies connection?

Gobekli Tepe is perched on a hill, a place neatly concealed from view, yet with amazing views of all approach ways. It’s a geological miracle of protective concealment. And it’s amazing that they completely buried the site, purposefully and all at once about 1300 years after its inception. Why would they do that? I can only guess that they benevolently wanted to leave behind a message that would one day be discovered – a part of the jigsaw that could help others too.

And there’s so much more yet to be unveiled. We don’t have the proof yet, but according to some insightful work I’ve seen, Gobekli Tepe is supposedly set out according to the Plaiedes – “Seven Sisters” – in the constellation Taurus, symbolised by the bull, pictured in one of the carvings above.

Now I find that fascinating. Especially since in my knowing, the DNA coding which makes humanity ‘human’ has originated at least partially in the Plaiedes. The plot thickens…


Previous articles by Chris Bourne

About the Author

At the age of 40 Chris was involved in a life threatening car crash in which he thought he would certainly die. This precipitated total inner surrender and a rapid reconnection with the conscious life force through all things. He found himself suddenly able to experience and contemplate through multiple dimensions of reality to see the deeper purpose of life itself. He began to remember his true reason for being here.

He explains… “During the crash, time seemed to slow right down and I was guided back through key moments of my life. I was realising that every moment in our lives has but one underlying purpose – to reveal an aspect of truth about ourselves to ourselves. I was beginning to dissolve every belief and value our society had conditioned within me.”

“This was my initial awakening to the magical unifying consciousness of the soul. Over the eight years that followed, I was guided through four other inner ‘Gateways’ of consciousness. I have since come to know the process as the five key expansions on our journey of Enlightenment and ultimate Ascension into multi dimensional living – our divine birthright”.

Prior to the crash, Chris had a rich an varied professional career in industry, in teaching, as an Officer in the Army and finally as a web development entrepreneur before being initiated on his spiritual path. With a Masters Degree in Natural Sciences from Oxford University, participants in the work are finding his integration of grounded scientific understanding and profound spiritual realisation deeply engaging and transformative.

Openhand Foundation, Catalysing our Spiritual Evolution

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