Geoengineering Continues To Rob Rain From Where It Is Most Needed

Geoengineering Continues To Rob Rain From Where It Is Most Needed - Lake Oroville California

By Dane Wigington

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

While the mainstream science community is still pretending climate engineering is only a proposal, the total decimation being inflicted on what is left of our environment from the ongoing geoengineering programs is mounting at blinding speed. Mainstream media also parrots the official narrative of climate engineering denial and the majority of the population is all too willing to accept the lies, in spite of the expanding mountain of data to the contrary.

Geoengineering is among the most destructive activities ever unleashed by the human race against the natural world. Though the list of horrific consequences directly related to climate engineering is long and growing rapidly, the total disruption of the hydrological cycle is one of the most visible effects. As reservoirs empty out and drought sets in, in many regions around the globe, record forest fires are close behind.

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Where have the climate engineers most consistently focused their efforts to cool things down? The eastern half of the US lower 48 states sticks out with shocking clarity on the map below. This map reflects “departure from normal high temperatures” for the entire 2014 year. Meteorologically, such a profound anomaly is beyond any natural possibility, it is the result of relentless climate manipulation.

Why focus on the eastern US? Because that is where the majority of the US population lives. The theory is; keep them cooled down, and the global warming/cooling divide-and-conquer debate continues, even though the planet is descending into total meltdown with climate engineering undeniably contributing to the overall process.

Geoengineering Continues To Rob Rain From Where It Is Most Needed - Eastern US Departure from Global High Temperatures 2014

In order to keep the Eastern US cooled down, the West has become, at minimum, a climate sacrifice zone. Controlling food supplies and water rights also appears to be a goal of the engineered drought in the West, especially California. Much of the golden state’s water comes from outside it’s borders. A major reservoir the state relies on is Nevada’s Lake Mead, which is also drying up. Constant atmospheric aerosol spraying combined with radio frequency manipulation of the conductive (and highly toxic) nanoparticles gives the climate engineers the power to decide who gets rain, and who does not. The drought in the Western US is historically unprecedented and cannot be explained by natural meteorological processes.

Geoengineering Continues To Rob Rain From Where It Is Most Needed - Anomalous US Drought Monitor

As countless regions are systematically dried out (with deluge created in other parts of the country and world), rapidly increasing wildfires are raging around the planet. This is power that is wielded by the climate engineers, geoengineering is nothing less than omnicide.

Geoengineering Continues To Rob Rain From Where It Is Most Needed - Rocky Fire in Lake County California

“Rocky Fire” in Lake County California, August 2, 2015.

Geoengineering and the Loss of Photosynthesis

We know that Geoengineering’s devastating effects come in many forms including drought, deluge, extreme UV radiation levels, and the contamination of the planet — but what impact is climate engineering having on photosynthesis and thus our ability to grow food?

The most obvious and easily identified factor in regard to photosynthesis is the blocking of direct sunlight. This is the stated goal of solar radiation management (SRM), and as a result, is wreaking havoc on crop production all over the world.

  • Reduction of the total solar radiation (sum of direct and diffused) in the photosynthetically active part of the spectrum (0.4-0.7 µ) reduces photosynthesis, which in turn leads to a reduction in productivity.
  • Settling of aerosol particles (e.g., fly ash, black carbon and dust) on the plants can shield the leaves from solar radiation.
  • In addition, aerosol deposition can increase acidity and cause plant damage.

The points cited above were taken from peer reviewed scientific study on the effect of atmospheric aerosols on photosynthesis. Toxic light scattering heavy metals like aluminum (a primary element used in SRM programs) are, of course, not mentioned in the study since the scientific community does their best to stay away from any admission of climate engineering due to the effect such an admission would have on their careers or worse.

Geoengineering Continues To Rob Rain From Where It Is Most Needed - Solar Radiation Management (SRM) chemical trails

Global Dimming

Blocking the sun is the primary purpose of solar radiation management; this effect is called “global dimming“. The 6 minute video below on global dimming is important to view and understand. Though the film makers also did not speak directly about the issue of climate engineering for the reasons already cited above, the information presented is still completely relevant and alarming.

Does the blanket of sun blocking aerosols used for Solar Radiation Management actually contribute to the overall heating of the planet instead of cooling it as we are told? Does this heating also impact photosynthesis? Yes, and again, yes. Even NASA admits that ever-more prolific aircraft trails in our skies are warming the planet overall. Recent studies prove that geoengineering programs can’t work. Earth is currently heating at the thermal energy equivalent of 4 Hiroshima Bombs per second. The rapidly warming climate has a profoundly negative effect on photosynthesis, the process through which plants convert atmospheric carbon dioxide into oxygen.

Geoengineering Continues To Rob Rain From Where It Is Most Needed - Photosynthesis and Global Dimming

Photo credit: Sven Dräger

Excessive Heat Stops All Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis stops at 104 degrees Fahrenheit (or 40 degrees Celcius). Few are aware of this fact as the power structure does not want the media and official agencies they control to report on it. 2014 was the warmest  year on record, while 2015 is on pace to shatter that record and 2016 will likely break the record yet again. As global temperatures rapidly climb (with geoengineering helping to fuel the warming overall), harvests will continue to sharply decline. The constant spraying of toxic sun blocking SRM aerosols will further magnify the mounting crop loss.

Mongolia has just lost 80% of their crops and crop loss in Venezuala has caused the government to order farmers to hand over their produce to the state. These are only two of countless unfolding crop loss catastrophes. The reality is that the climate engineering juggernaut is disrupting all the planet’s life support systems in too many ways to quantify.

The Final Word

Modern industrialized society has inflicted immense damage to our planet and it’s life support systems. Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic destruction, climate engineering is among the most expansive and lethal of all. If you don’t believe those in power have the right to control the climate system and your future, then make your voice heard in this battle. Reading this article or a thousand more like it won’t get the job done; we must all make every possible effort to wake others by sharing critical and credible data with them and asking them to also help spread the word.

Learn how you can help and join us in this all important fight.

All are needed in the battle to expose and halt geoengineering. If we do not all take a stand today, we will not have tomorrow.

Previous articles by Dane Wigington:

About the author:

dane wigington

Dane Wigington has an extensive background in solar energy. He is a former employee of Bechtel Power Corp. and was a licensed contractor in California and Arizona. He currently owns a 1,600-acre ‘wildlife preserve’ next to Lake Shasta in Northern California, and his personal off-grid residence was featured in a cover article on the renewable energy magazine, Home Power.

Dane initially focused his efforts and energy on the geo-engineering issue when he began to lose very significant amounts of solar uptake due to ever-increasing “solar obscuration” caused from the aircraft spraying in his area. He also noted significant decline in forest health and began testing and researching into geo-engineering about a decade ago.

Today Dane is the lead researcher for, investigating all levels of geo-engineering from stratospheric aerosol spraying (SAG) to HAARP. He assisted Michael Murphy with his acclaimed production of “What In The World Are They Spraying?” and has spoken extensively in a wide range of forums to explain the environmental dangers we face on a global level.

For more information, visit and geoengineeringwatch on Facebook.


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