Shamanism Global Summit – FREE Online Event

Shamanism is one of the greatest spiritual traditions for awakening, healing, and transformation. Encompassing diverse Earth traditions, ancient practices, and sacred rituals, Shamanism can help you cultivate a deep interconnection with all the world — seen and unseen.

We’re excited to share with you an invitation to explore this amazing spiritual practice at this year’s Shamanism Global Summit – completely free of charge!

If you want to re-connect with your higher self, heal ancestral wounds and transform self-defeating patterns in your life, you won’t want to miss this chance to learn from some of the world’s most respected shamanic healers and teachers at this free online event.

Some shamans work with guardian beings and subtle realms; others use sound technologies (like didgeridoos), immerse themselves in visioning, dreaming or journeying, or focus on the power of collective ritual. Some access healing through plant medicine while others have a deep connection to plant wisdom.

At the Shamanism Global Summit, these shamanic teachers will share their wisdom, including:

  • Sandra Ingerman will illuminate how becoming allies with the land and the animals where you live is essential to understanding shamanic practice.
  • Alberto Villoldo will demonstrate how to summon luminous beings — a lineage of medicine men and women who work from the invisible world — and become  a part of their lineage of Earthkeepers.
  • Grandmother Flordemayo will reveal how ancestral wisdom and prayer make up the foundation of her sacred spiritual path.
  • don Oscar Miro-Quesada will explore reverence as a catalyst for human and planetary evolution… offer a refreshing antidote to the existential crisis permeating our world.
  • HeatherAsh Amara will explore ways that we unconsciously leak energy, and provide effective methods for using ancient shamanic wisdom to uncover your vibrancy and healing power.
  • Christine Stevens will provide a 3-step drumming healing approach that honors a variety of Tantric shamanic traditions.

RSVP here to join us at The Shamanism Global Summit – at no charge – we’ll see you there!