From the Elders: Stop or Perish

October 18th, 2024

By Anonymous


Beloved Elders, we are afraid and confused about what we see happening in the world this year. Are we headed towards the end of the world as we have known it for thousands of years? Why is there this apathy from most of humanity? Please enlighten us.


A few decades ago, we could say, “Abolish or Perish,” but today, we say, “Stop or Perish.” The period of having the luxury of time to abolish the weapons of mass destruction is gone forever, and now, if humans do not stop threatening each other, this world as we know it will be gone forever. There is an urgent need to speak out loud and act because, besides most of our world leaders, most of the world’s citizens still think of national defense and national interests. That kind of thinking was fine when the weapons of mass destruction did not exist, but not today.


Do you imply that we need a world government to stop the world catastrophe?


Please listen carefully. It is very ironic, but the strong desire and very well-organized activities of some people worldwide to establish a world government for global control are the very reason that the world is headed towards the unthinkable.


Is that really true? If it is, that is truly ironic! Who are these people so that we can stop them?


Again, please pay attention to what we will say. Even if you knew their names and where they are (they are actually known to those who care) and you could capture and imprison them, the situation would not change.


How could that be? We do not understand.


The reason is that each one of us is responsible for the situation we find ourselves to be in. Those few people who have their plans for world control and are executing them very fast today with the help of technology have acquired their power not by force but by our own apathy for world peace. We choose our country leaders, thinking only of our personal interests and not for the good of our countries as a whole. The result is that most of our country’s leaders are interested only in their own personal interests and not in their countries. In fact, these are the people who are thirsty for global control.


Does this mean that we are doomed? Humanity seems to be sleeping. Because of ignorance, the result is apathy, and because of apathy, the result is ignorance. What else could be the outcome but our extinction? And not just our extinction but for most of us, via an agonizing death because of the weapons of mass destruction.


There is always hope for awakening, but as we have seen so far, it is not happening. If we continue as we do today, for sure, the unthinkable will come soon upon humanity.


Are there not any wise world leaders to try to stop our insanity?


There are! However, humanity has gone so deep in our dark hole that the very few remaining wise world leaders are marginalized even when they speak the word “peace.” If they do not succeed in convincing the rest of the world leaders, who desire global control, to adopt a world policy of nonviolence, soon our world, as we have known it for thousands of years, will be no more.


Are there any people with established records of wisdom and fame that have spoken of the peril of nuclear war?


There are! Retired Air Force General Lee Butler, former Commander-in-Chief of U.S. Strategic Command, from an address to the National Press Club, February 1998:

I was responsible for war plans with more than 12,000 targets, many to be struck with repeated nuclear blows, some to the point of complete absurdity. … And in the end, I came away from it all with profound misgivings and with a set of deeply unsettling judgments: That from the earliest days of the nuclear era, the risks and consequences of nuclear war have never been properly weighed by those who brandished it; that the stakes engage not just the survival of the antagonists, but the fate of humankind. … Their effects transcend time and place, poisoning the Earth and deforming its inhabitants for generation upon generation. They leave us wholly without defense, expunge all hope for meaningful survival. They hold in their sway not just the fate of nations but the very meaning of civilization. … At worst it invokes death on a scale rivaling the power of the creator. … It is time to reassert the primacy of individual conscience, the voice of reason, and the rightful interests of humanity.

Unfortunately, General Lee Butler spoke in this way after he retired.

Former President Jimmy Carter, also after he retired, said,

I think it can be said that the world is facing a nuclear crisis. Unfortunately, US policy has had a good deal to do with creating it. … I believe that the general public would be extremely concerned if these facts were widely known, but so far, such issues have not been on the agenda in presidential debates.

Unfortunately, today, many people still speak of war as a method to resolve disputes, but they should be reminded of Einstein’s words, words that, alas! Most of our leaders have ignored the following:

For there is no secret and there is no defense; there is no possibility of control except through the aroused understanding and insistence of the peoples of the world.

Einstein says that there is no defense, no protection, for a world having nuclear weapons or, in general, weapons of mass destruction unless people understand the enormous danger and unless they insist. Insist on what? Unless they insist on not just the abolition of weapons of mass murder but also the abolition of war. How? By talking to the leaders in well-ventilated and comfortable rooms? No! What then? By sending petitions and appeals, writing manifestos, books, and articles, and traveling around the world giving lectures? No!

Only by massive global demonstrations many weeks if not months or years long! Thus, there is some hope for world survival. World survival will not come wrapped in a silver box. It will come only by voluntary suffering. Why do we keep denying it? Until when we will keep denying it? But how many people will protest and call these views extreme? How extreme is the reality of the possibility that we are ready to destroy all that we see around us and ourselves forever?

Was Bertrand Russell an extremist? He wrote the Russell-Einstein Manifesto, which every citizen of the world should be aware of.

People can read it at

Russell stated in 1955, and many prominent scientists agreed:

The time has come, or is about to come, when only large-scale civil disobedience, which should be nonviolent, can save the populations from the universal death which their governments are preparing for them.

Senator Alan Cranston, after he retired, wrote in 1999:

One super bomb could now loose more destructive energy than all that has been released from all weapons fired in all wars in all history. The power of self-extinction is now in our uncertain hands. … It is more likely now than it was during the more stable days of the Cold War that weapons of mass destruction will be used.

After we have become aware of these facts, should we still advocate war to solve our problems today? Why do we support leaders who advocate war? It seems that our leaders do not know the facts, or they do, but they think that everything will be fine. If they think that everything will be fine by following the course we follow today in world affairs, they need to be awakened soon by the people of the earth to the fact that they live in a great illusion. The truth is that when people are talking about war these days, they are talking about the end of life on earth at any moment, even by accident, but they do not really know it.


Which people usually talk aggressively about war?


People who talk aggressively about war usually belong to the army, they work on weapons, or they thirst for global control. However, most people of the earth’s population are like little children playing on a playground, ignoring that the city will be set on fire at any time.


Some advocates of the New World Order are saying, “Do not worry, we are in control. Weapons of mass destruction will never be used.”


Most people deny the fact that insiders speak of “when” while outsiders speak of “if.” Which should we believe? We do not want to believe the insiders.

Are we going to make the right choice and abolish war itself since nuclear knowledge can never go away as long as there are human beings on Earth? No, we are not going to make the right choice as long as people are not informed. People are not going to become informed as long as there are people in power who believe in one world government, believe that they are better than others, and somehow believe that they belong to a race that God has destined to govern and subdue.

For hundreds of years, the lovers of a world empire have become prisoners of their imperial designs. No, we are not going to make the right choice as long as the people of the earth, you and us, do not bow down before something infinitely greater than ourselves. When we are deprived of the infinitely great, we cannot continue living, and we will die of despair by just pushing the button. We can hope only if we adopt complete nonviolence.


Respectable Elders, what is the most fundamental principle that keeps the world still turning?


That principle is, “Your brother is the same as you.”


That is true, but what will we do if the unthinkable occurs?


Trust the intelligence, the creative power, the compassionate father and mother, and the spirit of unconditional love that dwells within you. Then you will know how to prepare and what to do.

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During the event, you’ll learn how to:

  • Release emotional blockages through the Sea of Tranquility practice
  • Open fire meridians to activate heart energy
  • Cultivate calm, joy, and resilience by aligning your heart with universal love

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