Astrology Forecast 5th – 12th January – Soul Mining or Scapegoating?

January 5th, 2025

By Lorna Bevan

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

January 5-12 2025 Time-Line

  • 6 Mars RX into Cancer
  • Pluto sextile Node of Fate
  • Mercury on Galactic Centre
  • 8 Mercury into Capricorn
  • 9 Mercury square Node of Fate
  • 12 Mars trine Neptune

” Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know” ~ Pema Chodron


As Mars retrogrades opposite Pluto in Aquarius throughout January until February 23, we are all blundering through a minefield of our own and others’ unhealed wounds, old scars and painful sensitivities, setting off hidden trip wires of all kinds. Between January 6 – February 24 2025, Mars will Retrograde in Cancer, reawakening old dysfunctional family patterns and early primal wounding.

The T-square between retrograde Mars, Pluto and Eris-the Discomforting Other, the Alien, the outsider- makes it all too easy to look for enemies everywhere – to look anywhere but at your own part in polarised “Us versus Them” scenarios.

Expect to see a doubling down on the culturally encouraged trance of scapegoating, blame and finger-pointing -the usual kneejerk response to avoiding looking closely at our own wounds.

Life is not a spectator sport and we can’t stand on the sidelines and participate from a distance. Something a lot more intimate, more creative, and alchemical is being asked of us right now– a process of Soul Mining, making the wounding conscious.

  • how would you describe your emotional world, your sense of internal security and your most reactive defences?
  • what would extending compassion for your tender vulnerable self actually look and feel like?
  • how can you protect your heart without acting defensively?
  • your moodiness has a message worth investigating-what might it be?
  • what truth is your passive aggression afraid to express outright?

(Recommended as an excellent Resource: “A Healing Space: Befriending Ourselves in Difficult Times” by Matt Licata)

NEW! Essential 2025 Resources designed to work together:

Chandra Symbol Mars Retrograde CANCER 29

A large school of baby fish swimming in a group.

“Saturated with your own creations; afloat in a multi-time warp. It is all old stuff, backed up too far, too long. The familiarity smothers. And the only possibility is to acknowledge how fed up you are with yourself and to open to fresh facets with no expectations, no assumptions, no programs, nothing but the living moment.”

Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale


Aries Weekly Forecast

Your ruler Mars is retrograde until late February, going back into emotional Cancer, re-opening old wounds. Once every two years, Mars opens up a space for you to stop pushing forward and to recharge your batteries. Sensitive issues to do with your childhood, your family of origin and how they still unconsciously play out today may arise. What message do they have for you?


Taurus Weekly Forecast

With your own planet Venus in Pisces and Mars retrograde in Cancer-both emotional Water signs-your intuition and empathy are being evoked. Start by practising compassion for yourself, regardless of what’s happening or not happening, regardless of passing moods, then watch it ripple out to those around you.


Gemini Weekly Forecast

With your own planet Mercury entering Capricorn this week, take some time to withdraw and retreat to recharge after the holiday busyness. Tell yourself that there is nothing to do, nowhere to be and no one to see and close the door firmly on the outside world.


Cancer Weekly Forecast

For the first time since 2007, Mars will retrograde in late Cancer staying until late February. Breathe a sigh of relief and put a “gone fishing” sign on your door. Now is not the time to push forward with plans or projects or to keep on keeping relentlessly on. You are physically and emotionally weary, if not drained – and you deserve some rest and restoration.


Leo Weekly Forecast

With Mars in Leo opposing unblinking Pluto, the last few weeks have probably felt difficult. You may have faced challenges from authority figures or partners. This week, until late February, Mars retrogrades back into Cancer, your deep 12th House of retreat and ancestral heritage. It’s time to explore the attic of your unconscious dreams and motivations.


Virgo Weekly Forecast

Happily, both Mars and Venus are in supportive aspect to Virgo now. On January 6th, Mars retrogrades back into your social angle until late February and you start to become aware of a growing reluctance to get involved in activities that you used to enjoy. Nothing to be concerned about-it’s just a sign that you’ve outgrown certain people, groups and alliances and need to withdraw for a while to allow a changing of the guard.


Libra Weekly Forecast

Until late February, for the first time since 2007, Mars is backtracking across the pinnacle of your solar chart. This will open up a space to think about your career or direction, to make a course correction or even to recognise that your ladder has been up against the wrong tree. There’s absolutely no rush, take all the time you need and give yourself space to intuit what’s best for you.


Scorpio Weekly Forecast

Your co-rulers, Mars and Pluto, are confronting each other cross the heavens, so this may be an unsettling time. Mars is all about making things happen, about using your will, whereas like it or not Pluto shakes your foundations to make way for the new. While Mars is traveling slowly retrograde until late February, resist the urge to leap into ill thought -out action to avoid discomfort and look more closely at your dreams and motivations to see if they are still fit for purpose.


Sagittarius Weekly Forecast

After a sociable holiday period, Mars retrograding back into Cancer on January 6th starts you thinking about life’s big issues. That will involve sensitive topics such as money, taxes and shared assets. You have until the end of February to bring your finances up to date with your current needs and situation. Luckily, Venus in your 4th House of home, enables you and someone close to get on the same page.


Capricorn Weekly Forecast

The Sun in your birth sign until January 20 is recharging your batteries, ready to face another year ahead. Don’t be too eager to forge ahead with plans or projects as Mars will be retrograde until February 23rd, in your angle of partnerships. This could play out as your beloved calling the shots or cooling off or reconsidering the entire relationship. Know that this is not about you but them and be as compassionate as possible, giving them the space they need to catch up with themselves.


Aquarius Weekly Forecast

If you find yourself needing more time alone, trust your instincts. Mercury is now in your reclusive 12th House, in hermit mode, reminding you that you need time for reflection, peace and stillness. Not only that but Mars is also retrograde until late February in your 6th House of work, routine and responsibility. Which roles do you need to delegate or shed entirely?


Pisces Weekly Forecast

Happily, the lovely Venus is back in your sign, smoothing your path and making you extra sensitive, compassionate and empathetic-a magical combination. Mars, too, is moving back into your 5th House of creativity, pleasure and leisure until late February, nudging you to let your inner child out to play. Revisit a pastime or passion you used to love but left by the wayside to see if it still holds juice.

About Lorna Bevan M.A., MAPAI:

Variously described as a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to connect you with your inner world and transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix of consultations and coaching services.

I’m a qualified Jungian Psychotherapist, Psychological Astrologer and Master NLP Coach. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach, and a Psychotherapist.

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