Astrology Forecast 12th – 19th January 2025

January 12th, 2025

By Lorna Bevan

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Time-Line January 12-19 2025

13 Full Moon 24 Cancer

14 Venus square Jupiter

16 Sun opposite Mars

18 Venus conjunct Saturn

19 Sun into Aquarius

The Wolves of Winter

The week opens under a Full Wolf Moon at 23° Cancer conjunct retrograde Mars, square Chiron and trine the Node of Fate/Neptune at the Master degree of Pisces. The Sun at 23° Capricorn conjunct Pluto in Aquarius retriggers the extremely sensitive degree of the harsh 2020 Saturn/Pluto conjunction that catalysed the global lockdown.

And the wolves are certainly out hunting , as retrograde Mars exactly opposes the Sun on January 16th– a day of maximum frustration and the potential for feral rage or violence. The uncontrollable wild fires in Los Angeles which have destroyed thousands of homes is one visible manifestation of retrograde Mars (fire) in Cancer (home) opposite Pluto (destruction) and Sun in Capricorn (property) at odds with Chiron (loss).

When everything stalls, falters or fails or misfires-as now under the long drawn- out Mars retrograde- when everything slows down, difficult feelings rise to the surface. When you’re busy, it’s easy to push them away, to distract yourself by setting unattainable goals in some mythical perfect future when everything will somehow magically come together.

It’s a time to be especially kind towards yourself, your tender spots, your ragged edges, your wounds. Your life is not an unending self-improvement project and your heart is not a venture to be undertaken, mastered, and completed.

Take the path of least resistance when you come up against non-cooperative people or circumstances, by working round them or walking away.

Set aside your electronic devices– your phone, iPad, laptop, desktop- and go outside, even for just a few moments. Open your senses. Shift your awareness to what you see, what you hear, what you smell, what it feels like to touch the earth or a tree or the grass. Align with the Cancerian frequency by being near or in water- a lake, a pond, a river, the sea or even a bath.

We have become so addicted to numbing ourselves being busy, so used to being activated and aroused, that we don’t even realise how charged we are, through social media, electronic screens, the news- a constant collective drip of cortisol, restlessness, anxiety, and fear.

“Whether it’s drawing, writing, dancing, or sewing (or any other generative practices), create. It’s not only a distraction from your worst feelings; it’s a way of marshalling them into meaning.” Katherine May

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NEW! Your Personal 2025 Year Ahead Forecast: Your Personal 2025 Year Ahead Forecast

Chandra Symbol Full Moon CANCER 25: A flock of penguins on an icy beach.

“Inward purpose draws to itself an invisible community of those who are dedicated to the far places

together. Your subtle support system recognizes that you are bearing gifts of a high kind and attempting to bring these through in just the right way and not pushing too hard, too fast. And at all times, preparation and ripening are in order, to be perfectly ready when called upon.”

~ Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale.


Aries Weekly Forecast

Your personal planet Mars is retrograde until late February at the roots of your chart. Now is a time to recharge your batteries, to step away from trying to make things happen and make the most of this once every 2 years opportunity to take stock. Around the Full Moon on January 13th, if you find yourself in a full and frank conversation with someone in your close circle, see it as a chance to clear the air.


Taurus Weekly Forecast

With both Venus and Pluto as your allies, Monday’s Full Moon in compatible Cancer brings passion, emotional release and possibly a melt -down, either yours or someone close. Your words have extra impact now, so choose them wisely to avoid misunderstandings. If you’re mulling over some sort of big decision, wait until Uranus turns forward in Taurus at the end of January when the choice will become obvious.


Gemini Weekly Forecast

With Mars retrograde and a Full Moon both in Cancer, make your mantra:” Show me the money”. This is your angle of finances, earned income, possessions and resources and all of these are in the spotlight now. Doublecheck your online banking security and make sure handle your taxes and debts. If you have a good case, have done due diligence and can show the evidence trail, make a bid for a pay rise or bonus.


Cancer Weekly Forecast

For the first time since 2007, Mars is backtracking through the end of your own sign-a signal to slow down, recharge your batteries and allow yourself some healing and restoration after Pluto’s 15 years’ transit through your relationship angle. Treat yourself like a favoured child, live a life you can manage and take as long as you need, until Mars turns forward again on February 24th.


Leo Weekly Forecast

Mars is currently travelling slowly backwards through your deep 12th House until February 24th.Think of it as the attic of your chart, where ancestral inheritance, memories, old dreams and complexes are stored in your unconscious. Since Venus is also in another House of withdrawal and inner exploration, some digging into family history or excavating old passions and pastimes you left by the wayside could be revealing.


Virgo Weekly Forecast

You have a green light to start developing some big plans for the future while Mars backtracks through Cancer until late February and Venus lights up your relationships. If you have a close partner, work together to brainstorm ideas-as the saying goes:” Two minds are better than one”. You may have one of those lightbulb moments around the Wolf Moon on January 13th.


Libra Weekly Forecast

Not since 2007 has Mars retrograded across the pinnacle of your chart, gifting you the opportunity to make a course correction in your career, your direction of travel or your partnership. One way or another, your status is under review. Take it slowly. The changes may be down to someone else but you always have a choice in how and when you respond. The Full Moon on January 13th is conjunct Mars and may prove emotional.


Scorpio Weekly Forecast

When your own planet Mars is retrograde, it’s wise to stop pushing forward and to pause to take stock of whether you are travelling in the right direction or whether you need to make a course correction or two. Around the Full Moon on January 13th, dig deeper, start asking those penetrating questions you’re known for and consult with a mentor or someone whose opinion you trust. Do the research but make no moves until after February 24th


Sagittarius Weekly Forecast

Between January 6th to February 24th, Mars will be backtracking slowly through your deep 8th House of secrets, money and intimacy-often taboo subjects in our culture. It is definitely not the time to make investments, commit to a loan or to incur a debt. With Monday’s Full Wolf Moon conjunct Mars, if there are questions to which you’d like answers, have that difficult conversation with a close or professional partner.


Capricorn Weekly Forecast

Until February 24, Mars-planet of libido and life force- is travelling slowly backwards through your angle of relationships. It seems as if a close partner could be changing what you thought were the parameters. They might be backing away, cooling down or wanting to renegotiate the dynamics and unspoken rules. There might be someone else involved. No matter how it is playing out for you, be prepared for emotional outpourings around the Cancerian Full Moon on January 13.


Aquarius Weekly Forecast

Mars travelling backwards in Cancer until the end of February is nudging you to slow right down and start paying attention to your health and wellbeing. Take a closer look at your daily habits and routines to see if they are helping you or sabotaging you. It’s so easy to fall into a rut and much harder to climb out of it. Monday’s Full Moon will shine a spotlight on what needs to change, but turn it into an experiment, not a punishment


Pisces Weekly Forecast

Hopefully, you are feeling at home in your own skin now as Venus enters Pisces joining Saturn and Neptune, bringing out your practical visionary qualities and smoothing your path. With Mars-planet of life force- retrograding in compatible Water sign Cancer plus a Full Moon there on the 13th, your creative juices should be flowing. Maybe take a solo artist’s date for inspiration.

About Lorna Bevan M.A., MAPAI:

Variously described as a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to connect you with your inner world and transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix of consultations and coaching services.

I’m a qualified Jungian Psychotherapist, Psychological Astrologer and Master NLP Coach. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach, and a Psychotherapist.

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I’ve studied many teachings and self-awareness modalities over the years. Your wisdom and your insights are second to none. I always come away with greater understanding… but more importantly, also with a bunch of practical tools to work with. Thank you for being you!” Richard G USA

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