9 Yoga Poses for Pregnancy

By Vivek Roy

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Yoga will help you with pregnancy symptoms, leading to an easy childbirth and rapid recovery after childbirth.

1) Shavasana:

How to do the Shavasana

Lie on the floor. Without support. If it is impossible, you can take a pillow under your neck. Cover your eyes

Keep the feet away from each other. Make the feet and knees rest completely. Place the toes on the outside.

Keep both hands on the side of the body. Hold the palms of your hands to the ceiling.

Take a look at each part of the body one by one and relax the entire body.

Look at the palms of the right foot first and then the right knee (thus keeping an eye on the entire foot and then the left foot). In this way, slowly move the head up and relax each part.

While doing this, take a deep breath, slowly and slowly. Help your breathing relax your entire body. The inhaled breath gives energy to the body while the released breath relaxes the body. Don’t look or think about anything else.

Stay with your body and keep breathing. Hand over the whole body to the ground and be free. But don’t sleep!

After about 2-3 minutes when you feel completely relaxed, keep your eyes closed and move on the right side.  Then, with your left hand, slowly get up and sit in a comfortable position.

Keep your eyes closed and take a deep breath and exhale. Gradually become aware of your body and environment. When you feel full, open your eyes slowly.

2) Veerabhadrasana:

How to do Veerabhadrasana

Veerabhadrasana is a very beautiful and elegant seat. This posture will add charm to your yoga practice.

Let the feet be 2-5 feet apart.

Turn the right leg 90 degrees to the outside and the left foot 5 degrees.

Check it out: Is the right toe in the centre of the left foot?

Lift both arms and bring them to the shoulder line, palms of the hands upward.

Take a breath. Take care that the right knee is not in front of the right ankle.

Look to the right.
Hold the seat firmly with a warrior’s stubbornness. Have a happy face. Continue breathing while bending down.

Breathe straight in.

Bring both arms down.

Do the same with the left. (Turn left foot 90 degrees outward and right foot 5 degrees.)

3) Trikonasana:

How to do the Trikonasana

Stand up straight. Keep a distance of two and a half to four feet between the two legs.

Rotate the right foot in 90 degrees.

The heel of your right foot and the arch of your left foot are aligned.

Make sure the grip on both feet is firmly on the ground.

And the weight of the body should be the same on both feet.

Deep breath, exhaling, keeping your hips straight, keeping both hands in a straight line, letting your right hand go to the ground and left hand to the air.

Bend the right hand of your body on your right knee, knee, or leg on the ground without bending the waist. Stretch to the ceiling with the left hand straight through the shoulders. Turn your head straight.
Make sure your body is leaning forward. The abdomen and chest are fully open.

Stretch your body a little bit more. Keep breathing longer. With each breath, give the body more rest. Focus on the body and your breath.

Take a breath in and stand up. Bring both hands closer to the body, straighten the legs together.

Sit on the left side with the same action.

4)Konasana 1:

How to do Konasana 1

Let’s stand erect, with the hips spaced about a foot apart. The hand is near the body.

Inhale with your left hand and lift your fingers towards the ceiling.

Inhale and lean to the right, first to the spine, then to the left, leaning more.

With the elbows firmly turned, let’s look at the palms of the left hand.

Let’s continue the long breathing.

Let’s be upright by breathing.

Let us take our left hand down, exhaling.

Let us repeat the whole seat with the right hand.

5)Konasana 2:

How to do Konasana 2

Let’s stand two feet apart with both feet. Put the same load on both feet.

Inhale and let both hands bend over and engage the fingers in each other. Keeping the fine ear, this shape will become like a tower.

Breathe right, releasing a breath. Keep your feet firmly on the ground, bend elbows, bend the waist to the left.

Keep breathing longer.

Breathing out, let us stand erect.

Let’s take our hands down, exhaling.

Let’s do the opposite, sitting in the opposite direction.


How to do Paschimottanasana

Let’s both legs bend tightly to each other and sit straight. Let’s pull the soles of ourselves off.

Let us hold our hands in both hands while breathing.

Exhale and lean forward, leaning forward. Let’s take the leader step, not the chin knee.

Without too much stress, keep your hands on the feet where the hands reach the jet. If possible, try to catch the steps so you can learn even further.

Breathe, lift your head slightly, lean forward.

Exhale and let the navel bend on the knees.

Let’s do this thrice.

Leave the head loose for 2 to 5 seconds and continue breathing.

Let’s face the hand.

Let us take a breath and lift our hands.

Let’s take our hands down, exhaling.


How to meditate

Choose a clean place in the house.  Have a meditation before lunch.

It would be appropriate to start this in groups.

Meditating at a certain time every day turns it into a regular practice. It is best to meditate in the morning.

Start with 2-3 minutes of meditation. Do not meditate too long at the beginning. It would be appropriate to put down an alarm.


How to do Parvatasan

The palms of both hands should be placed on top of the navel in a salutary position. Bring the elbows slightly forward of the body and place the wrists and both corners in a line.
Bring the same speed forward over the head. Stretch the arms upwards until the arms are completely straight.
Both arms should stick to the ears. With this, close your eyes and focus on the breath, feel the tension that comes from the waist to the fingers.

9) Marjariasana

How To Do Marjariasana

Stand with your knees and hands on four legs like a cat. Make a table so that your back is the top of the table and your arms and legs will be the legs of the table.

Place your hands vertically on the ground, hands should be down along the shoulders, and palms of the hands should be flat on the ground; The width of the buttocks should be spaced between both knees.

The sight should be kept straight in front.

As you inhale, lift the chin up and head backwards, push your navel downward, and raise the tail.

Stay in this cat’s sac for a while and take a deep breath.

Position the opposite of the position you are in now. As you exhale, bring the chin to the chest and lower your back to your ability; Loosen the buttocks. Stay in this position for a few seconds and then return to your first table position.

About the author:

Vivek Roy is an enthusiastic Yoga blogger and Traveller from India. He has done 200 hours yoga teacher training in India. He loves to travel and share the knowledge of yoga around the world. For more information about him visit his website.

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