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New Study Links Having a Sweet Tooth to Depression, Diabetes, and Stroke

October 22nd, 2024 By John Patterson Staff Writer for Wake Up World Do you have a sweet tooth? New research from the University of Surrey reveals that your love for sugary treats might be impacting more than just your waistline. According to the study, individuals with a preference for sweets are...

Unlock the Secrets to Losing Stubborn Belly Fat Naturally

October 21st, 2024 By Dr. Edward F. Group Guest Writer for Wake Up World If you’re like me, you know that stubborn belly fat as you get older is harder and harder to get rid of. So, today I’m going to share with you some of my tips, techniques, and methods so that you can reactivate...

Tap Into the Imaginal Realm for Life-Changing Spiritual Insights

What if you could access a hidden, sacred realm within yourself—a place of deep inner wisdom and precise guidance? A sanctuary where your mind quiets, confusion dissolves, and clarity reigns—no matter the circumstances of your life or the state of the world? According to Jungian psychotherapist and...

Declaration of Our Awakening: The Rise of Mass Consciousness

October 19th, 2024 By Paul A. Philips Guest Writer for Wake Up World This is where we are at. The clueless, wilfully ignorant masses remain conditioned, distracted, and more polarized than ever. Intensively disinformed, having a profound relationship with an illusory world they believe to be real...

From the Elders: Stop or Perish

October 18th, 2024 By Anonymous Seeker Beloved Elders, we are afraid and confused about what we see happening in the world this year. Are we headed towards the end of the world as we have known it for thousands of years? Why is there this apathy from most of humanity? Please enlighten us. Elders A...

Skip the Rake and Leave the Leaves for a Healthier, Greener Yard

October 17th, 2024 By Oliva Wilson Staff writer for Wake Up World For many of us, fall conjures images of raking leaves, bagging them, and carting them off to the landfill. It’s a tradition ingrained in us, passed down as a necessary task to protect lawns from unsightly dead patches. However...

Recommended Reading

Seven Movies That Will Change How You See the World

May 17th, 2024 By Paul A. Philips Guest Writer for Wake Up World Some movies leave you well and truly astounded. Some leave you wondering, having more questions than answers, providing insight, or having you profoundly touched, seeing things differently. Having said all that, I’ll jump...

Foundational Mindfulness: Breathing Techniques for Every Age

April 3rd, 2024 By Wake Up World In an era overwhelmed by digital chaos and the relentless pace of life, Wake Up World proudly presents “Mindful Meditation for Kids: A Practical Guide for Adults to Empower Kids with the Gift of Inner Peace and Resilience for Life.” This transformative...

8 Must-Read Books on Food and Health

By Lindsay Oberst Guest writer for Wake Up World There’s something special about sitting down with a good book, especially if the book is enjoyable to read and gives you insights that can change your life for the better. If you’re looking for some good reads, we’ve got some suggestions! Written by...

Consciousness in Exile: A Shamanic Perspective

By Sergey Baranov Contributing writer for Wake Up World Consciousness in Exile: We Need It Back! – A Shamanic Perspective Humanity has reached a point in history where major decisions have to be made. As we approach an existential crisis as a species, we must rethink and re-evaluate our way of...

Why Our Political Instability Will Continue, and Crisis is OK

February 12th, 2019 By Mateo Sol Guest writer for Wake Up World Recent events seem to show our world being turned upside down. With political, ecological, economical and religious stress everywhere, we’ve been experiencing one crisis after another, with no end in sight. Can anything good come out...

3 Ways to Experience “Dadirri” in Nature

By Mateo Sol Guest writer for Wake Up World “Dadirri. It is inner, deep listening and quiet, still awareness. Dadirri recognizes the deep spring that is inside us. We call on it and it calls to us … When I experience dadirri, I am made whole again. I can sit on the riverbank or walk through the...

Artificial Intelligence – Losing Our Humanity to Technology

By Jim Hightower Guest writer for Wake Up World AI Wants to Reprogram You Driverless cars cost jobs and threaten pedestrians. Investors’ advice? Just get out of the way! With chaos in the White House, worsening environmental disasters, more wars than we can count, and a wobbling economy here at...

New Moon in Aquarius – Beyond the Threshold of Fear

February 4th, 2019 By Simon Vorster & Jennifer Langstone Contributing writers for Wake Up World The Full Moon in Leo (January 21st) reflected a state of deep transformation on both a collective and individual level. Allowing us the time it takes to grow and nurture meaningful change, the...