January 19th, 2025
By Lorna Bevan
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World
“My inside and my outside self used to match. A compass needle pointed True North. Now the needle spins around and around, indicating nowhere.” Elizabeth Berg
The Compass Needle is Spinning Wildly
Back in October/November last year, researching and writing My Survive and Thrive Guide to 2025, I predicted it would be a year of Wild Weather -and only halfway through January 2025, this is turning out to be an understatement, with much more to come.
We are reeling under the onslaught of wild weather at all levels-literal, geo-physical, psychological, emotional, mental and etheric. Nowhere feels safe; nothing feels safe; no one feels safe. The days when there were reliable sources of support-a social communal safety net- are long gone.
Our compasses are spinning wildly seeking True North in this unfamiliar landscape of Karma and Dharma where the fault lines and seismic shifts of recent times are laid bare.
The 0 Degrees Aries Point
In an alchemical embrace with shapeshifting Neptune, the karmic Node of Fate is activating the most important point in the zodiac-the 0 Aries Zero Point. The 0 degrees point of Aries/Libra matters because it falls on the World Axis and is the first degree of the zodiac-a significator for major change and powerful initiation.
Not only are karmic chickens coming home to roost but the Node of Fate at 0 Aries is only the first of 4 Zero Point Transits in 2025:
January 2025 Node of Fate 0 Aries
April 2025 Neptune 0 Aries
June 2025 Saturn at 0 Aries
July 2025 Uranus at 0 Gemini
Each Zero Point will be reactivated again through 2025/ 2026, as Neptune and Saturn will retrograde back over the Aries Point while Uranus will retrograde back over 0 Gemini.
(For much more on this, see my Substack Coaching post of January 8: “Navigating Edge States and Ecotones: 4 Outer Planets at 0 Degrees of New Signs”: lornabevansubstack.com)
This week, not only are the Nodes of Fate at 0 Aries/0 Libra in a fragile re-balancing of Karma and Dharma but are resonating with the Sun conjunct Great Eliminator Pluto at 0 Aquarius.
Ask Yourself: What in my life badly needs re-balancing, re-calibrating and re-setting?
It is often at the fault lines where we rupture that we repair ourselves into a new and stronger way of being. But it takes time and tracking to get to know the new terrain. For that we ‘ll need to find True North again.
NEW!” Your Survive and Thrive Guide to 2025”. Get my 31 Page Essential Guide as an Immediate Digital Download: Your Survive and Thrive Guide to 2025
NEW! Your Personal 2025 Year Ahead Forecast: Your Personal 2025 Year Ahead Forecast
Chandra Symbol Sun/Pluto AQUARIUS 1: A two-headed calf.
Taking a good look at things brings you right into the middle of the dilemma of polarities. As you stand there faced with the different sides, you are impartial; neither side pulls you more sharply than the other. Immense opportunity. Huge challenge. You have potential for brilliant synthesis, but a subtle temptation to think too long. A schooling in alchemy in every moment–can you find what is ready to emerge or do you think about it? Progressive evolution draws you through all your mistakes into all that can be.
Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast
Finally, the karmic Node of Fate is leaving Aries after 18 months of reworking and reshaping your life and probably turning it upside down. There is one final eclipse in your sign in March when you should get some real clarity on what’s next, as long as you’ve collaborated with all the course corrections, not resisted them.
Taurus Weekly Forecast
On January 20, the Sun conjuncts Pluto in your 10th House of status, reputation and career. If you’ve been weighing up your options -such as leaving a role, starting your own business, retraining or walking away altogether- your determination to ring the changes will surprise you. Before you throw the baby out with the bath water, wait until after Uranus moves forward in Taurus on January 30 to gain more clarity and inspiration.
Gemini Weekly Forecast
Money could become something of an issue for you as Mars retrogrades in your angle of income and resources until late February. Look closely at your outgoings to see if you can identify any leaks or wastage. The Sun enters compatible Air sign Aquarius on January 20th merging with transformer Pluto. If you need to upskill or re-train, now’s the time to invest in yourself and your future.
Cancer Weekly Forecast
The good news is that the Nodes of Fate-the eclipse bringers- are moving off your sensitive angles of home and career where they’ve been disrupting both for the last 18 months. There will be one last eclipse in March at the pinnacle of your chart before they leave, not to return for another 9 years. You should notice the pressure drop and feel some relief from always having to expect the worst.
Leo Weekly Forecast
Issues around relationships come sharply back into focus from January 20th when the Sun returns to Aquarius and immediately bumps into Pluto. The Great Eliminator reveals what has been hidden in the shadows, so something might come to light that changes your feelings towards someone close. One of your partnerships may end permanently at the New Moon on January 28th.
Virgo Weekly Forecast
From the 20th when the Sun conjuncts Pluto in Aquarius, you begin to get an inkling of what hosting the Great Eliminator in your 6th House until 2044 is going to mean. Your health, wellbeing, routines, habits, work and service are all in his sights. Pluto operates by revealing your blindsides, sending a wrecking ball to remove anything that has outlived its usefulness. What might that be?
Libra Weekly Forecast
After 18 long months, the karmic South Node of Fate is leaving Libra heading into your 12th House. Nodal eclipses across Aries/Libra have upended relationships and permanently changed the dynamics. Look at how your ability to empathise, to walk a mile in someone else’s moccasins has developed since 2022. There is only one last eclipse in March which will either end one partnership or give it a new lease of life.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast
From January 20th, the Sun returns to Aquarius and immediately encounters Transformer Pluto. Aquarius is your 4th House of home, family, tribe and belonging. Since early 2023, you’ve been getting hints or nudges about impending changes in these areas. Now that Pluto is in Aquarius permanently until 2044, be alert for circumstances arising beyond your control that could bring the need for some quite radical decisions.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast
You may be involved in some serious discussions on January 19th when Venus meets dour Saturn in your angle of home. Issues to do with your children, your parents, your work/life balance or your home itself need raising to get everyone on board to rearrange your priorities and creating win/win scenarios.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast
In November 2024, Pluto finished 15 years of scouring Capricorn, changing you from the inside out. Now the Great Eliminator is going to spend until 2044 turning your security upside down. You’ll get a taste of what this means from January 20, when the Sun enters Aquarius immediately encountering Pluto. Start by looking with a forensic eye at your finances, your resources and your income stream. Where are the leaks and what have you been overlooking that can be turned into gold?
Aquarius Weekly Forecast
On January 20th, the Sun returns to Aquarius and immediately encounters Pluto, giving you a foretaste of what the next 20 years of hosting the Great Transformer means for you. Pluto works under the radar, revealing what has been invisible in the shadows or hidden on your blindside. Is there a situation or a dynamic that has been draining your power or agency? Between now and the Aquarius New Moon on January 28th, look at how you can resolve it cleanly on your own terms.
Pisces Weekly Forecast
From this week, the karmic Node of Fate returns to Pisces bringing a series of wild card eclipses across both Pisces and Virgo until 2027.Look back to 2006/7-the last time North Node eclipses activated your sign-for clues about which area of your life is being nudged into a course correction. When the Sun enters Aquarius on January 20th, immediately encountering transformer Pluto, you’ll find yourself excavating old dreams and passions you left by the wayside. There’s gold in there somewhere.
About Lorna Bevan M.A., MAPAI:
Variously described as a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to connect you with your inner world and transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix of consultations and coaching services.
I’m a qualified Jungian Psychotherapist, Psychological Astrologer and Master NLP Coach. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach, and a Psychotherapist.
Subscribe to my Substack: lornabevan.substack.com and get my acclaimed Monthly 5D Report plus all my Master Coaching and Astrology posts for Paid Subscribers-via the Substack app or in your browser .
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You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://lornabevan.substack.com
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- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1
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