January 25th, 2025
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
Self-identity, the way you see yourself in given circumstances, can mean the difference between getting into a state of overwhelming fear or transformational empowerment. These two states depend on your identification with either the false or true self.
Your perception shapes your reality. In essence, the choices you make between the false self and the true self are determined by how you perceive the world around you.
False self-identity
Distortions or manipulations of perception, fear-based infusions, and limitations result in false self-identity. This is how reality (false reality) is dictated for so many. An example of false self-identity is clinging to your identity and resisting the idea of letting go.
Some people have such a strong attachment to their identity that it becomes irrational in that they are prepared to suffer terrible consequences rather than choose to let go.
For instance, some people have such a strong identity with their money that they’re unwilling to let go.
Take the case of the 1929 Wall Street crash, leading to the Great Depression. Some financiers committed suicide by jumping out of high-story buildings because they had such a strong attachment to their money it was considered by them to be their life! Therefore, when losing all their money in the crash, their self-identity was gone, and they considered themselves to be dead.
The little ole’ me inferiority complex
Instead of realizing who they really are, a conscious multidimensional eternal spirit, an extension of God; All-There-Is, John or Jane Jones only sees themselves in relation to having their human experience. Hence, the little ole’ me self-identification. A flaccid inferiority complex often accompanies.
When identifying with the false self, the individual affected is caught up in the mind-emotion duality, absent of love and wisdom. This allows the Matrix controlling fear-mongering system to take its effect as perceptions have been manipulated and become dictated through induced fear.
Especially in times of a crisis, John or Jane Jones, having this experience, see themselves as little ole’ me helplessly needing to be rescued and/or protected by authority figures who are considered to “know what’s best.” They bow down to authorities, fearing the punishing consequences of non-compliance. This bowing down and blind acceptance will occur to the extent that they may be in a state of cognitive dissonance.
Fear is an imbalance – problems are lies.
False self-identity doesn’t realize you have nothing to fear and that you’ve been perceptually manipulated to believe that all problems are lies.
Fear of death may really bite hard on those with their false perceptions or identifications, and blind acceptance leads to archontic manipulation. They don’t realize that death is nothing to fear. You cannot not exist. To understand this and the archontic manipulation, take a look at this insightful article: What happens to you when you die.
The self-identity trap
Indeed, your individuality is your greatest strength. No one’s better at being you than you! However, there are certain controlling manipulative forces who know this and, in anticipation, have set traps for you to be baited with, designed to lead you into a false self-identity.
For example, someone might declare, “I don’t want to be a clone, a cardboard cut-out of everyone else! I want to be myself. I want to be an expression of my individuality…”
So, let’s say this person then goes out and gets an outrageous haircut or wears unusual clothes to be different, but this is not an expression of the true individual self. -It’s just another version of the false self (and quite superficial at that).
True self-identity
Following on from above. Who you really are is not your clothes, your position in society, your marital status, your job, the accent you speak with, financial status, educational level, familial relationships… etc. Sure, these things have validity, but if you only see yourself in relation to these aspects, you will never understand who you truly really are. Further, and likewise, you will never understand who other people truly really are.
No! Who you truly really are is invisible: Your real individuality and its self-expression come from within, tied into your inner being, your true-self-identity. When expressed, you become empowered in a transformational state. You’re able to express originality and creativity, innovate and influence others, and become charismatic.
When you are in touch with your true infinite self, you are no longer under the influence of the controlling matrix. Your true infinite self overrides your phantom false self, buying into the Matrix-driven perception deceptions based on manipulation, fear, and limitation.
When this happens, no longer under the influence of the controlling matrix, then it’s over for controllers of the Matrix illusion. No longer having an effect, this is the key to raising our vibration and having a transformational turnaround.
True self-identity expresses unconditional love and wisdom and is fearless when taking necessary action. It acts on that which is fair, right, and just. Not being afraid demonstrates non-compliance. It is prepared to escape the comfort zone. It shows kindness, caring, empathy, humility, generosity, compassion… It is an innate truth seeker.
Thus, who you really are is All-There-Is experiencing itself. – This is where your divine spark of who you really are comes from.
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About the Author:
My blogs, along with the related alternative news website iNewParadigm.com, are about my belief that we can create a world that makes a difference for everyone.
I had graduated in biomedical sciences and worked for a number of years in healthcare. I am now a retiree. My website is slanted on health matters.
However, over the years, I have come to the firm conclusion that practically every subject under the sun needs redefining using more truthful, honest, and integral approaches in theory and practice, hence the website’s name ‘New Paradigm’
From these new approaches, from the ‘imagination of ourselves,’ from our visions… a ‘new era’ in humanity can result!
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