February 2nd, 2025
By Lorna Bevan
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World
February 2-9 Time-Line
2 Imbolc-the Quickening of the Year
4 Jupiter Direct 11 Gemini
Venus on 0 Aries Point
9 Sun/Mercury Conjunct 20 Aquarius
Glimmers of Life and Light
“Nothing is absolute. Everything changes, everything moves, everything revolves, everything flies and goes away“ Frida Kahlo
If you are a sensitive, empath, or intuitive, just feel the palpable energy uptick as Awakener Uranus turns forward in earthy Taurus, coinciding with Imbolc-the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox- and the start of the Lunar New Year of the Wood Snake.
Take heart! This week, you’ll notice your life force begin to return on February 4 as Jupiter stations Direct in Gemini while Venus moves on to the Aries Zero Point. This elemental mix of Fire and Air is a harbinger of the hot air balloon ride we can expect in March, June and July when Neptune and Saturn cross into Fire sign Aries and Uranus enters Air sign Gemini.
When Venus is in Aries, the heart wants what it wants and wants it now. It also knows what it doesn’t want. This month to March 1st -when Venus turns retrograde for forty days- experiment with your BIG YES and, more importantly, your BIG NO.
Inspiring as this energy may be, keep in mind that Mars is still retrograde until February 24th and that both Venus and Mercury will retrograde in March. Mind map your ideas, sow the seeds, design the blueprint but don’t launch any new projects.
Capturing Your Glimmers
notice your glimmers, instead of your triggers… people and things which create a burst of small happiness…
those micro moments that restore a sense of grace, peace and wellbeing…..
those small spontaneous and fleeting instances of grace and beauty that create feelings of safety in you….
the more you pay them attention, the more you regulate your nervous system
NEW! Your Personal FEBRUARY 2025/26 Year Ahead Forecast: Your Personal February 2025/6 Year Ahead Forecast
NEW! My FEBRUARY 2025 5D REPORT:” The Edge of Tomorrow”-upgrade to a paid subscription
“I just finished reading the February 5D report, mind boggling, supportive, fascinating, in how accurately it describes my current place in the world.” Ellen USA
Chandra Symbol Jupiter Direct GEMINI 11:
A stag with golden horns.
“Staying tuned for further developments. You have an expanded capacity for future vision and for picking up on the most fantastic things. Given to bursts of revelation. You can only keep the light at bay so long. The primary lesson involved lies in taking seriously and to heart what instinctively seems so natural and free that it is just always there. When you focus and distil this cosmic awareness into something firm and steady, nobody will be able to deny that dazzling things are right here, illuminating all the missing places and restoring wholeness.”
Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast
Until February 24th when your personal planet Mars turns forward again, don’t even contemplate starting anything important. This is a time to get really clear on which aspects of your life to keep and which to leave behind. Start by paying attention to what or who no longer resonates with you, to what or who lifts or drains you.
Taurus Weekly Forecast
Now that unpredictable Uranus is moving forward in Taurus, make sure you capture all those lightbulb moments, epiphanies or sudden insights before they return to the ethers. You’ll use them as rocket fuel once Mars turns direct on February 24th.Until then, your personal planet Venus is spending February in the most hidden part of your solar chart-your 12th House. What might she excavate from the attic of your ancestral heritage, forgotten dreams and secret desires?
Gemini Weekly Forecast
The welcome news for you is that Jupiter-planet of expansion-turns forward this week in your own sign. It’s been 12 years since the planet of good fortune graced Gemini, so make the absolute most of the next 4 months. Luck comes by seizing opportunities for growth, for teaching and learning, for travelling and expanding your horizons.
Cancer Weekly Forecast
With Mars retrograde in your own sign, you may be feeling uncharacteristically angry or resentful about someone or something. Rather than stew in the poison, find ways to physically release the toxic emotions. Skeletons may tumble out of the closet now with Sun, Mercury and Pluto in your 8th House, so if you’ve been keeping a secret, share it with someone trustworthy.
Leo Weekly Forecast
Frustrating as it may be, with action planet Mars retrograde until the 24th in the sign hidden behind yours, February is a time to make plans rather than push the river. The welcome news is that expansive Jupiter turns forward on February 4th in the most sociable angle of your chart -the perfect time to make new connections.
Virgo Weekly Forecast
This month is going to be all about the people in your life. With such an intense cluster of planets in Pisces, including Saturn and Neptune, the issue is about clearly discerning who lifts your spirits and who drains you. See right through vague promises of commitment or support and judge friends, partners and those you contract with on their actions, not their words.
Libra Weekly Forecast
As a solar Libran, you should be feeling at home in your own skin this month with Jupiter turning direct in Gemini and Sun, Mercury and Pluto in Aquarius, both fellow Air signs. If you are involved in teaching or learning, legal matters or travel, opportunities for growth could intrigue you. At the same time, Mars is retrograding over the pinnacle of your chart -are you mulling over a change of work, career or direction? The breakthrough will come after February 24th.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast
Frame February as a month of behind- the -scenes preparation for moving forward in late March. Your own planet Mars will be retrograde until February 24th. Better to mirror the slowdown patiently than frustrating yourself trying to push the river. Meanwhile the Sun, Mercury and Pluto in Aquarius are quietly preparing the ground for a major move or uprooting.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast
The welcome news is that your own planet expansive Jupiter turns forward again this week on February 4th bringing opportunity and a dash of luck to your most important partnerships. Venus moves into fellow Fire sign Aries but, much as you’d love to throw caution to the winds and make a big leap, keep in mind that Mars-the action planet-will be retrograde until February 24th.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast
For you, February is a month to spend time sorting the wheat from the chaff, particularly where partnerships -both personal and professional- are involved. Mars retrograde in Cancer is revealing those alliances that can stand the test of time and commitment and those that are no longer viable. Wait until February 24thto make a clean break.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast
It’s time to celebrate your personal new year, Aquarius, and with both your own planet Uranus and lucky Jupiter turning forward, it feels like a jumpstart. If there are changes you want to make at home-whether a renovation, a relocation or a revamp- start making plans. Why not mind map or vision board your ideas to bring them to life.
Pisces Weekly Forecast
Ripples of change are all around you this February. Saturn, Neptune and the Node of Fate in Pisces are nudging you to dream up some exciting new scenarios for a summertime launch. This is not wishful thinking as your own planet gift bringer Jupiter turns forward on February 4th delivering luck to whatever you touch. Remember to involve those closest in your plans for expansion.
About Lorna Bevan M.A., MAPAI:
Variously described as a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to connect you with your inner world and transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix of consultations and coaching services.
I’m a qualified Jungian Psychotherapist, Psychological Astrologer and Master NLP Coach. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach, and a Psychotherapist.
Subscribe to my Substack: lornabevan.substack.com and get my acclaimed Monthly 5D Report plus all my Master Coaching and Astrology posts for Paid Subscribers-via the Substack app or in your browser .
“I’ve studied many teachings and self-awareness modalities over the years. Your wisdom and your insights are second to none. I always come away with greater understanding… but more importantly, also with a bunch of practical tools to work with. Thank you for being you!” Richard G USA
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://lornabevan.substack.com
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- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1
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