The Curse of Capitalism


By Alan Adaschik

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Government is government and business is business, and the two are very different from each other. A business exists solely to earn profits for its owners. On the other hand, a prime function of government is to keep the playing field level between citizens so that no one person or groups of people can take unfair advantage of others.

This being the case, it should be clear that the goals of government and corporations are at cross-purposes with each other. A business earns profits by exploiting its environment and seeking advantage in the market place. In contrast, governments exist to ensure that a business does not wrongfully exploit the environment, take unfair advantage of their competitors or customers, and operates in a manner that is beneficial and positive for all concerned.

It should be obvious that a business will maximize profits if it is able to control the environment within which it operates. Unfortunately, it is also obvious that the best ways of doing this is to influence and control the government which is supposed to be controlling it. And there’s the rub…

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When a corporation is able to control its government, corruption is the order of the day and instead of properly performing one of its prime functions, the government in question, instead, aids and abets the corporation so it can wrongfully have its way with us. So it is in the United States today, along with countless other capitalist countries around the world.

Corporations have such a lock upon our government and the other institutions of our society that they are free to plunder us and our national resources at will. The situation has progressed to the point where capitalism, the goose that laid the golden egg for the people of this nation, has now become a curse upon us. Capitalists are now our masters instead of being our servants and without any controls upon them they are self-serving masters at best.

Validation of the foregoing is clearly evident all around us. These include a revolving door between corporations and their controlling governmental agencies, a Medicare Prescription Drug Program that benefits drug companies more that it does program participants, a government which is hostile to environmental concerns and global warming issues, multi-billion dollar corporate contracts awarded on a no bid basis without any semblance of control or accountability, a government which totally ignores over-population issues, a monetary system primarily beneficial to its owners that is bankrupting our Nation, a government that is flooding the nation with immigrants and only pays lip service to the issue of illegal immigration, a government that is dissolving our borders and which places trade issues before and above our sovereignty, energy policies that favor and enrich energy companies, a flagrant de-regulation of corporations in all sectors of our economy, the wanton and unbridled privitization of traditional governmental functions including those of our armed forces, and the creation of a New World Order where corporations rule and hold ultimate authority over our government and economic well being.

As a people, this is where we are today and this did not happen to us by accident. We lost control of our lives and government in 1913 with passage of the Federal Reserve Act which created the Federal Reserve Bank, a privately owned corporation which was wrongfully given the power to earn profits by loaning us our own money at interest. Because of this, Americans were forced to pay an income tax on the fruits of their labor which helped make the robber baron bankers rich beyond their wildest dreams. This wrongfully acquired wealth gave rise to the New World Order and its stepchild, the World Trade Organization (WTO). Incredibly, this criminal organization, by way of a simple unconstitutional legislative act, was given authority over and the power to overrule, our Congress, President, and our Supreme Court.


This last statement is not speculation or fantasy but, instead, a cold hard fact substantiated by the GATT accord which states that, “Each member (of the WTO) shall ensure the conformity of its laws, regulations, and administrative procedures with its obligations as provided (for) in the annexed Agreements”. The annexed Agreements establish a procedure whereby the Ruling Panels of the WTO will be the final authority over all disputes between members. At first glance, this seems innocent enough but the true power and reach of the WTO becomes evident when one realizes that almost everything that happens within the borders of a nation affects the costs of goods sold and traded in world markets. And this includes environmental laws, laws concerning workers and their well being, laws affecting interstate commerce, etc, etc. In short, the WTO is not just a world trade organization but instead, a World Government which over time, will grow in power and control such that national origin will have little meaning other than to describe the area of the world within which a person is born. National differences and identity will become non-existent and meaningless.

The establishment of the WTO and other sovereignty busting treaties such as NAFTA and CAFTA opened up the world for American corporations and predictable, they moved their operations overseas in droves where they could take advantage of lax environmental laws and the cheap labor of third world countries. Corporate flight progressed to such a degree that the United States is no longer an industrial nation and has now what is euphemistically called a consumer economy. This is bad enough, but concurrent with the plunder of the industrial base of this nation, corporate influence brought on a wave deregulation which, unfortunately, included our financial and banking institutions. Predictably, the loosening of financial controls brought on a housing boom as speculators kited the value of property and homes throughout the nation. This largess eventually resulted in the mortgage meltdown and market crash we presently are in. This is where America finds itself today; woefully in debt and going deeper in dept with each passing day, in a recession with no end or bottom in sight, fighting a debilitating two front war of imperialism to no ones benefit but the terrorists, and dragging the rest of the world down into the cesspool we created or more correctly, the cesspool created by the New World Order and the corporate moguls who foolishly and self-servingly thought that a return to the wild west days of the early industrial revolution was the best way to bring freedom and prosperity to the world.

The Curse Of Capitalism - We The Corporations - Henry Ford - Banking Monterary System

Many years ago, we used to subscribe to the notion of enlightened self-interest as being the fundamental driving force behind our capitalist economic system. However, of late we have forgotten the adage that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. We also forgot that man is essentially a greed driven animal and if given the power to control his own economic environment, greed will become dominant at the expense of what is right, moral, reasonable, correct, proper, and/or enlightened. With the demise of unions, Government was the only remaining entity that could possibly moderate and control the excesses of corporations and the unfortunate truth of the matter is that corporations, through greed, petty self-interest, and the power of the almighty dollar have rendered our government useless and ineffectual for this purpose. The situation has progressed to the point where our government is no longer our government. Instead, it is a tool used by corporations and the New World Order to keep us docile and compliant while they have their way with us.

Now that the inevitable collapse has come, everyone, including the corporations who engineered this mess, is calling upon government to step in and save us. How wonderful! Our industrial base is gone, inflation and war has sapped our savings, retirement funds, and purchasing power and our government in a final act of stupidity and senselessness, elects to bail out our failed banking industry by buying up its bad debt. Doesn’t anyone in government realize that it is using fiat money to buy up debt that was created by the banks with the stroke of a pen? Unconscionable, borrowing and debt brought on this crisis and to address it, our government decides to borrow more and put us further into debt so financial institutions will once again begin to loan people money they do not have in the first place. And then on top of all this, we are expected to spend more money we do not have to stimulate the economy when everything spent eventually ends up in the hands of foreign corporations. Truly, confidence in our government and our financial institutions is what is needed to get us out of this mess, but under our present circumstances, any citizen who has confidence in our government and the financial institutions which rule us is so out of touch with reality that they are certifiably insane.

The Curse Of Capitalism - Chrony Capitalism

In 1913, our government, in violation of our Constitution, created the Federal Reserve Bank and gave corporations control of our government. We are now experiencing the inevitable fruits of this New World Order; ineffectual and dysfunctional government, gross and flagrant corruption of all the institutions of our society, dissolution of our borders, collapse of our monetary system, the plundering of our wealth and resources, and the robbing of our rights, heritage, and freedom. And now to save us, our government has been blackmailed into rewarding those who did this to us by using our money to buy up their mistakes.

We, as a people, must do everything possible to restore our Republic and once again become a free and independent nation.   To accomplish this, the first step we should take is to repeal the Federal Reserve Act and take back control of our money supply and economy. In conjunction with this, GATT, NAFTA, and CAFTA should be repealed and all banks associated with the Federal Reserves System nationalized. Our department of the Federal Reserve Bank and foreign interests should be declared null and void and all foreign aid should immediately cease. We should then close all our overseas military bases and bring our troops to help protect and rebuild this Nation. Finally, criminal proceeding should be brought against those who engineered our financial collapse and turned our government into a criminal enterprise.

A new beginning as described above is the only thing that will restore confidence in our government and save us and the rest of the world from the horrible fate which a fractional reserve banking system has imposed upon us. To those who decry this as being Socialism, I say that ridding the world of Fascism is not Socialism. Furthermore, there is nothing Socialistic about our government running and controlling our banking and financial institutions in keeping with the Constitution as the Founding Fathers intended.

America , wake up! It is already too late for an easy solution. Soon, it will be too late for any solution.

Previous articles by Alan R. Adaschik:

100 Years of Deception: A Blueprint for the Destruction of a Nation

100 Years of Deception - A Blueprint for the Destruction of a NationThink you know American history? Think again.

Through “One-Hundred Years of Deception”, author Alan R. Adaschik reveals how the citizens of the United States have been played for fools over the past century. Very few Americans know anything about what is behind the events which have shaped our nation. Most of us assume that information provided by the mainstream news industry is the truth, however, on critical issues, we only get part of the story and a lot of important information is left out, deliberately shaping our perceptions of events and our society’s institutions.

This book is one man’s attempt to show Americans not just the trees, but the forest as well.

One-Hundred Years of Deception” demonstrates that the U.S. government was overthrown in 1913 by a group of conspirators who engineered passage of the Federal Reserve Act. Since then, these people have pulled the strings that made a nation dance. By controlling the media and infiltrating most key institutions of our society, they have kept Americans oblivious to what they were doing, and why, creating systems that are self-serving to them and not in the best interests of the nation.

This book sheds much-needed light upon what most people do not know, in the hope of snapping them out of the trance which holds them in captivity.

“A conspiracy theorist’s dream book – but without the ridiculous notions or need for a tinfoil hat. This author knows his material… We all know that the media is controlled – this tells us how and who.”

“100 Years of Deception: A Blueprint for the Destruction of a Nation” is available here on Amazon

About the author:

Alan R. AdaschikAlan Adaschik was born in New London, Connecticut in 1943. He was raised in Brooklyn, New York and attended Franklin K. Lane High School.  Upon graduation, he was accepted as an engineering student by the University of Michigan in its Naval ROTC program. Upon completing college, Al qualified for Navy flight training and received his wings as a Jet Fighter Pilot in June of 1966. After completing his tour of duty, he left the service and earned a MBA from Long Island University.

Al has worked as a Flight Test Conductor for the Grumman Aerospace Corporation, a Financial Analyst for the Singer Company, a Senior Financial Analyst for Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, and a Financial Administrator for the City of Fort Lauderdale.  In 1994, Congress passed the unconstitutional General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) which made the United States a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Acting as Attorney Pro-se for the voting citizens of this nation, Al sued our government over the constitutionality of GATT.  The Court ruled his lawsuit was without merit on technical reasons and Al did not pursue the matter further.

Al has written three books; “While We Sleep – A Story of Government Without Law”, “An Alaskan Adventure – A Travelogue and Environmental Treatise” and his latest book, “100 Years of Deception: A Blueprint for the Destruction of a Nation”. Al also developed and hosted a website called “The Constitution forum” (which is no longer online) and as host of this site, authored a plethora of political articles and essays, many of which can still be found online at various websites.

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