Sponsoring 3rd World Souls – In Loving Memory of Sanjay Dangi

Since 2005 we have had the privilege of sponsoring 5 kids from all over the world.   A tragic situation occurred on the 21st May 2011. Our first special soul that we sponsored, named Sanjay Dangi from India, was killed by a bus while trying to save his goat.   It was very honourable of him, but so very sad at the same time.   Sanjay was working in the fields with his father when he decided to take a break.   Sanjay noticed that his goat was wandering off onto a road and in the distance a bus coming, so he went to rescue his goat. Unfortunately this lead to Sanjay’s death as it was him that was hit by the bus and killed instantly. We are unaware of the fate of his goat.

Sanjay was only 9 years old and was from a remote village in the northern area of India. He left behind his mum, dad, brother & sister who live on $244 US dollars per year as his parents are illiterate and work the land for income. We are so very happy that we were able to provide a higher quality of life for Sanjay over the past 5 years. He will always remain in our hearts and in fact he is now closer than ever as we can sense that his spirit is now with us, which has a very comforting effect.


Below are some of our other special souls that we have sponsored.


Adrian – Mexico – Born February 1995

Adrian has a very happy story and was the 2nd soul we sponsored for around 5 years. We received a letter stating that Adrian had moved from his family home to another city where he gained employment. This would never have happened if he was not sponsored, which gave him the opportunity to go to school and be educated. Adrian LOVED to write letters to us and it was amazing to see his writing skills improve over the years.


Mama – Guinea, Africa – Born July 1998

Mama is our 3rd special soul we sponsored. She lives in a remote area of Guinea and also writes to us often.

She is very creative and loves to write songs for us. Lately the songs have been written in 3 different languages – English, French and her native language Soussou.

It is wonderful to see Mama grow in all aspects of her life. Sponsoring Mama has been life changing for her as it is with any soul that is sponsored.


Abriano – The island of Timor – Born April 1999

Abriano came to us when Adrian moved on with his life. As he is a recent addition to our international family, we have not had correspondence as yet.

But he lives with his parents, 2 sisters and 4 brothers.

Their home is self-built with 3 bedrooms, the walls are made out of bamboo, the roof is corrugated iron and has earthen floors.


Kamla – India – Born August 1999

Kamla only came to us a few days ago as we decided to continue supporting another soul after Sanjay passed away.

As with Abrino we have not had any correspondence as yet. Kamla lives with her parents, brother and sister. She is now attending school and Hindi is her favourite subject.
We have posted MANY photos, drawing and letters that we have received over the years from our sponsored kids on Facebook. To view please click here

We thought that it was a great idea to share our personal experiences with you all and hope that it may inspire some people to sponsor a child in need as well.   For less than $1.40 per day you can literally change the life of a child, their family and also their community.  If you cannot afford this, perhaps team up with a friend and cut the cost in half. Or do as we do and split 3 kids between 2 people. Though as always, do what feels right in your heart for you. If you are unable to spare any money, then perhaps set aside time each day to send loving energy to those in need throughout the world as your thoughts are powerful and do affect the consciousness that surrounds earth.

We are not promoting any particular company to sponsor a child, but in Australia we did a lot of research and found Child Fund to be the best for what we were looking for. Child Fund are audited by KPMG, 20% of the monthly payment goes to administration costs. The 80% goes directly to the child, family and community. Child Fund pool their money in any particular community. So you are not just helping a child, but a whole family and their community as well.

~~~   In loving memory of Sanjay Dangi, you will forever be in our heart little mate! ~~~

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