Were The Planes of 9/11 Military Cargo Carriers and Not Commercial Airlines?

Close up of South Tower Plane

Our first article on the subject of September 11, 2011 detailed the little known implosion of World Trade Centre # 7. Today, we will investigate further questions of the official story.

How could  the most powerful country on earth with the best defence that money can buy be defenseless against  an attack like  9/11?

First let me say,  I do not believe the official US government position in regards to the four “planes” that crashed on 9/11. I don’t believe that these planes were commercial airliners  –  as you will see there are many eye witnesses accounts that confirm that the planes which hit the twin towers did not have any windows and they were both totally grey and  without  commercial markings – a description more fitting of military cargo carriers than commercial carriers.  I still have not seen any convincing evidence to suggest that the Pentagon was hit by a plane, rather  I have seen and heard overwhelming evidence that the damage at the Pentagon  was caused by a missile.

But that is an entire article in itself.

Pilots for 9/11 Truth

“Pilots for 9/11 Truth is an organisation of aviation professionals and pilots throughout the globe who have gathered together for one purpose. They are committed to seeking the truth surrounding the events of the 11th of September 2001. Their main focus concentrates on the four flights, manoeuvres performed and the reported pilots. They stand with the numerous other growing organisations of Fire-fighters, Medical Professionals, Lawyers, Scholars, Military Officers, Veterans, Religious and Political Leaders, alongside Survivors, family members of the victims. They do not accept the 9/11 Commission Report and/or “hypothesis” as a satisfactory explanation for the sacrifice every American has made and continues to make.”   Source

Aircraft Departure Gate Positional Data Conflicts with Government Story

02/28/11 – (PilotsFor911Truth.org) It has been reported that American Airlines Flight 77 departed Washington Dulles International Airport at approximately 08:20 AM on the morning of September 11, 2001 allegedly from Terminal Concourse D Gate 26 (1). However, the Flight Data Recorder positional data provided by the National Transportation Safety Board tells a very different story.  Is this a possible aircraft swap before they even left the ground? Pilots For 9/11 Truth discover evidence of possible airborne aircraft swaps. Further details and visuals  can be found here.

United 93 Still Airborne After Alleged Crash – According To ATC/Radar  (this is the plane that supposedly crashed near Shanksville Pennsylvania).

04/28/09 (PilotsFor911Truth.org) – Recently it has been brought to our attention that Air Traffic Control (ATC) transcripts reveal United 93 as being airborne after it’s alleged crash. Similar scenarios have been offered with regard to American 77 and American 11 showing an aircraft target continuing past its alleged crash point in the case of American 11, or past the turn-around point in the case of American 77. Read the  full article here.

What Happened to the Plane?

The first two photos below are the only 2 official pictures of the crash that were released by the FBI. There are some very strange things occurring here.

1st – Why has a massive crater been generated from a plane crash?

2nd – Where is all the plane debris? There should at least be an engine or two lying around, a tail, some wing pieces, or indeed  any evidence that a plane actually crashed at this site.

Flight 93 FBI Photo

Flight 93 Crash Site - FBI Photo

Here is a massive great hole in the ground in Pennsylvania!

Here is a typical plane crash. Debris everywhere!!

Pentagon Survivor April Gallop Suing Rumsfeld, Cheney, Myers

April Gallop, an Army Officer who was stationed at the Pentagon on 9/11 is now suing top government officials for their possible role in the attack and failure to evacuate the pentagon with prior knowledge of the impending attack

“The ex-G.I. plaintiff alleges she has been denied government support since then, because she raised ‘painful questions’ about the inexplicable failure of military defenses at the Pentagon that day, and especially the failure of officials to warn and evacuate the occupants of the building when they knew the attack was imminent” said Veale in a media advisory.

For full article, full lawsuit complaint, as well as discussion, click here

Analysis of New Evidence of  Onboard Phones

Did American Airlines 77 — the flight that, according to the official conspiracy theory about 9/11, struck the Pentagon — have onboard phones? This question is relevant to the possible truth of the official theory, because Ted Olson, who was then the US Solicitor General, claimed that his wife, Barbara Olson, called him twice from this flight using an onboard phone. You can read the entire article here.

Strangely, the below is a response to a question posed to American Airlines in regards to onboard phones on  their flights:


Thank you for contacting Customer Relations. I am pleased to have the opportunity to assist you.

That is correct we do not have phones on our Boeing 757. The passengers on flight 77 used their own personal cellular phones to make out calls during the terrorist attack.

However, the pilots are able to stay in constant contact with the Air Traffic Control tower.

Chad Kinder
Customer Relations
American Airlines

New study from Pilots for 9/11 Truth

Pilots for 9/11 Truth obtained black box data from the government under the Freedom of Information Act for AA Flight 77, which The 9/11 Report claims hit the Pentagon. Analysis of the data contradicts the official account in direction, approach, and altitude. Data suggests the plane was too high to hit lamp posts and would have flown over the Pentagon, not impacted with its ground floor. This result confirms and strengthens the previous findings of Scholars for 9/11 Truth that no Boeing 757 hit the building. View the full article here

There Were No Windows on Flight 175

Put simply, it can’t have been a commercial passenger liner.

WTC South Tower Flight 175 Attack – Not a Commercial Flight

So if it was not commercial flights that crashed, but rather plain, grey, windowless cargo planes, the next natural question is “What happened to the passengers of the supposed crashed planes?” Perhaps we will never know.  Needless to say, there were numerous anomalies in regard to passenger boardings on  all four flights. For a detailed  examination of the events on the day, please check out this article.

So again, it is apparent that the official 9/11 story of the “planes” does not hold up to scrutiny. This is further evidence that there is a lot more to what happened on that fateful day then what we are being told. As time goes on it is apparent that the US government allowed this to occur. Did they have a direct hand in the operation of 9/11? There is certainly evidence in media or foreknowledge, and the details released through official channels simply don’t add up.

What is clear is that the United States government was able to further its global agenda after 9/11, exercising further controls over the US  population with new liberty-stealing  laws that would have never been able to be passed if it were not for the events of 9/11. These events also created  the  impetus for the US government  to  start two unjust wars in the middle east, which (not surprisingly) is a cash making machine for those involved  –  namely but not limited to Dick Cheney’s company Halliburton.


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