Three ‘Healthy Foods’ You Should Avoid Eating

By  Jordan & Kyla Miller

Contributing Writers  for Wake Up World

As our consciousness continues to evolve it is only natural that we learn and appreciate new things. In this current system of governance however, most people tend to listen to authority or specialists to make decisions for them. On the other hand, there is an ever growing number of people awakening to find that the answers have always been known to them through intuition.

Many people are looking to the outside world for a generic answer. The problem with this type of reasoning is that we get caught up in the idea that there is a set of criteria that should be applied to all. This is not only misleading, but it is wrong on all accounts because we are all biochemically different, and thus we require different nutrients to fuel our bodily processes.

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With information coming at us from several different sources (mainstream media, the food pyramid, and countless other websites, including our own), it is sometimes overwhelming. It takes research and personal experience to figure out what works best for you! Considering this premise, there are foods that are often marketed as healthy, but in fact they are not. In an effort to help you filter through some of the misinformation, we have listed below some of these foods.

1. Soy

Soy milk and tofu are considered by many to be a healthy protein alternative to meat and dairy. In our experience and research we actually believe soy (in its non-fermented form) is no better than the quality of most factory farmed meats. Essentially, most of the soy products sold on the market today are extracts or derivatives from genetically modified soy crops. Nearly 90% of all soy crops in the USA and in many parts of the world are genetically modified. Since we are now producing so much of this monoculture (like GMO corn) which is primarily used for biofuel, it is easy for companies to use the remaining crop in our food to make a little extra profit – indeed a sad reality. Several studies are now linking premature death and many forms of cancer to its ingestion. Many of us in the western world are under the impression that products such as soy milk, tofu, and soy protein isolates and extracts are good for us. This can’t be further from the truth; it’s merely a powerful marketing strategy by companies to get you to eat more soy in an effort for them to make a good return. Hundreds if not thousands of clinical and laboratory studies are now linking soy to a variety of different illnesses, including: malnutrition, digestive distress, thyroid dysfunction, cognitive decline, reproductive disorders, infertility, birth defects, immune system breakdown, heart disease and cancer. If you are looking to consume soy, always do so in small quantities, and make sure the product is fermented (i.e. tempeh, miso, natto) and organic. For more information, please check out The Whole Soy Story by Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD.

2. Fruit Juice

There are some common misconception about fruit juice these days. People actually believe that juice products we buy in grocery stores are actually good for us; probably because of the fact that the same companies that have always sold the product are now promoting juice as a healthier alternative – given that pop is now getting a bad rap. The truth is, commercial fruit juice is far from healthy; in fact, it can be considered just as unhealthy as some pop/soda. You see, most conventional store bought juices are loaded with sugar. Through the process of juicing, the fruit is striped form its natural fibres, then it is heated to kill any potential pathogens, and most times chemically derived sugars are then added to the mix, creating a product that is 90-95% sugar. When juice is consumed, the body instantly converts it into sugar, thereby throwing one’s blood sugar out of balance, and if consumed overtime, can lead to obesity and type II diabetes. If you get a hankering for juice, always ensure to drink juice that has been fresh squeezed, and keep your consumption to a minimum, as whole made juice is also loaded with sugar. Alternatively, always drink water when possible.

3. Agave Syrup

Many people in the health community considered this product healthy at one point or another, ourselves included. Only recently have we discovered that this product is not actually healthy. For some, including Dr. Mercola, this product is no better than high fructose corn syrup. Agave syrup is most times highly processed, leaving it both devoid of nutrients and high in fructose (sugar). If you are looking for a healthier alternative, raw honey will do the trick. Even though raw honey has many beneficial nutrients, it should only be consumed once in a while, as this too is high in sugar.

Honourable Mentions

  • Pasteurized Dairy: These foods are considered very acidic, and actually leave your blood leaching minerals form your bones into to stabilize blood pH. For this reason, dairy actually takes calcium form one’s body rather than introducing it. Further to this, almost all commercial varieties of pasteurized dairy products are full of pus and hormones. If you want to learn more about dairy, click here, or check out our post on  dairy. or pick up a copy of The China Study by T. Colin Campbell.
  • Farmed Fish: Treated much the same as factory farmed animals, farmed fish, are usually contained in small areas, fed, soy and corn derivatives, and live in confined spaces, forced to live in atrocious conditions. Many often develop parasites due to them swimming around in their own feces. For this reason, massive amounts of chemicals are poured into the water in order to neutralize parasites. If you like to consume fish, always look for varieties that wild, and/or organic. Further to this, you may also want to verify the levels of mercury in a particular fish. Please click here for a list of the most and least contaminated fish.
  • Cooking with Olive Oil: When olive oil is consumed at room temperature, it is extremely healthy for you. However, if you cook with it, it can be detrimental to your health. Olive oil is not a very stable oil, so when it is heated, it changes its chemical structure which can have carcinogenic effects on our bodies. Always ensure to cook with an oil that is much more stable at high heat, like Coconut Oil.
  • Subway: This company has us believe that its subs are the healthiest thing for us. This is merely a clever marketing ploy they have presented us with. For example, their meats are processed, most of their dressings are loaded with processed sugars, and they sell cookies, pop and chips as side dishes. How is this considered healthy? See the ingredients in most of their products for yourself here.

When choosing a diet, always ensure that you are experimenting with the food to see if it works for you. As everyone is made differently, it is important to experiment with different food options. Most importantly, always ensure to eat whole, organic foods, in order to avoid many of the ‘foods” listed above. Continue to research; when you are in doubt always look to your instincts for guidance.

About the Authors

Jordan and Kyla are passionate about health; together, they have overcome many illnesses through dietary and lifestyle changes, and the art of practicing a positive mindset daily. Kyla is currently studying to become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Reiki Master, and Jordan is currently learning about traditional North American medicinal herbs, in hopes of becoming a Certified Herbalist.  For more information, please visit the following sites;,  Facebook,  Twitter,  Google+, or  Pinterest

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