Biodegradable Urns That Will Turn You Into A Tree After You Die


By Prevent Disease

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

A revolution is upon us on Earth to move from a pollution and waste dependent society to one of sustainability and environmentally friendly initiatives. Trees are the lungs of our planet. The more trees we plant, the cleaner our air for generations to come. We are very proud to now offer our audience the Bios Urn, a funerary urn made from biodegradable materials that will turn you into a tree after you die. Inside the urn there is a pine seed, which can be replaced by any other seed or plant, and will grow to remember your loved one. Bios Urn transforms death into life through nature.  

The funeral services industry including funeral homes, crematoriums and cemeteries generates billions. Many companies in the the industry have a poor reputation for consumer abuses, but the services continue to be necessary for virtually every family. Problem areas include high costs, fraudulent prepaid funeral plans, high-pressure casket sales, sales of unnecessary products and possible environmental pollution at cemeteries.

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Poisonous embalming fluid, sealed caskets and cement burial vaults damage the environment and a growing number of people with environmental concerns are choosing green burials. As a general rule, green burials avoid the use of embalming fluid and can be considerably less costly than traditional burials.

The Heart of The Bios Urn

Designed to achieve success in the ritual. The top part of Bios Urn is especially designed to allow the seed to sprout. Before you bury the urn, you will need to mix the components with some soil from where you want your tree to grow. The components will naturally facilitate germination of the seed when mixed with soil.  

A Magnificent Body

Form follows function. Thanks to its structure, Bios Urn keeps the seed separate from the ashes. The tree grows in the upper compartment, until the urn itself begins to degrade. After this time the entire set becomes part of the sub-soil and fertilizer for the tree.

What’s In The Box?

As simple as possible. When purchasing Bios Urn you will receive everything you need for planting your tree. The urn is divided into two separate capsules: the upper capsule is a sealed unit to ensure the good condition of the seed until it begins to sprout; and the lower capsule is where you will store the ashes. Both compartments are kept completely separate until the urn itself bio degrades. The urn comes in a single box.

How It Works

1. The urn comes assembled and ready to be taken to the place chosen for the regeneration.

2. Remove the seal and the outer packaging of the urn.

3. Put the ashes in the urn’s lower part. Close it with the top part and put the soil with the seed in it.

4. Bury the urn in fertile soil with its top level with the soil surface and water it.

5. In a few days the seed will germinate and your tree will begin to grow.

6. The tree will continue to grow year after year.

The Bios Urn Is 100% Biodegradable

This product can be stored for years without a decrease in functionality.

Join us in helping transform death into life through nature.

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