The Inner Peace Effect

November 13th, 2017

By Deane Thomas, via in5d

Guest writer for Wake Up World

How can we possibly play an integral role in global peace when our own world seems to be in such disarray? On the surface it seems a bad news story is permanently happening, and this filters into our day-to-day mindset. Not to despair, we are here to share a beautiful insight into how we are making a contribution to good news!

Our mindset not only shapes our own internal patterns and state of mind but also reflects how we relate to the outside world.

Each of us has our own unique life journey and how we interact with Mother Earth and each other. When we look outside, in many ways we see little progress towards serious issues that affect the planet and her citizens. However, we are able to make a far more positive contribution, and it starts by reaching peace within our self.

Peace within conveys a particular energy to the outside world. After all, we are all part of the collective consciousness. When we make positive choices in our own lives, this immediately is converted into an energy, which ripples outward. As the energy flows outward, within us, we become far more aware and conscious of all that is.

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A shift in consciousness is happening across the globe, yet we very rarely hear about it. Modern day technologies allow us to connect with other like-minded individuals, bypassing mainstream media. This is a tool that is being utilized far more, by awakened souls, to convey their messages. Switching off the television, or not reading the news, is one sure way to hook into the higher consciousness. In reality, not listening to the noise, allows our mind to seek something far more powerful.

Inner peace is not something that is achieved overnight; it is a process that, in many ways is a game. The game is played between the mind and heart/soul which is literally all within our self. We begin to reach the very core of our life, and remove anything that is not our own truth. Simultaneously, we open up to the powerful energies within, to truly transform our life path. It is a free will choice, as always, the way in which we choose to live our lives.

With so many imbalances in the world today, and the lack of true solutions by the powers that be, it is in our own power to make a change in the balance. Each day we can contribute to ending global poverty and other serious issues, by taking an action. Whether that be to help a stranger, take a walk in a park to call in the energies of Mother Nature, or to make simple changes in our living habits. Taking responsibility for our own contribution is an assertion, that will impact others lives. As more of us make these conscious choices and focus on inner peace, rather than global peace, we are sending a message.

Inner peace sets us free from the mainstream but does not prevent us from living a normal productive life. In fact, our lives become full of positive manifestations and self-abundant. Maintaining inner peace will be a daily task and one that will represent the best investment ever. Dedicating time and energy to ourselves is an investment and one we shall make sooner rather than later.

The changes necessary all begin with our actions and choices on a daily basis, ones that will bring amazing returns and rewards. What better way to create a positive impact in our lives, and that of others? Positive changes that do not rely on money or technology – just our own true self! Reward yourself and others around the world, and invest a little time and energy towards Inner Peace. It will be the best investment you have ever made – because Inner Peace is a priceless commodity!

About the author:

Deane has created unique personal development programs for those who are awakening and wish to make a smooth transition to the new templates. He has a passion and in-depth understanding of past life memory, its interpretation and how to address this in current life. To understand who we are today, we need to get to grips of who we have been – through unraveling the truth within, we can create a new template for the way we live our lives – in truth! You can find more of his work on

This article courtesy of in5D.

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