Free eBook! 22 Steps to Reverse Obesity & Type 2 Diabetes – and Reclaim Your Life

Download your FREE copy of Jon McMahon’s brand new eBook, where he shares the key steps he used to overcome obesity and type 2 diabetes, and reclaim his life.

For the first time in history, humans are more likely to die from over-eating than from starvation. Let that sink in a second… While millions of people live in poverty, unsure of where their next meal is coming from, Americans are more likely to die from complications stemming from obesity – like diabetes and heart attack – than not getting enough to eat. Obesity is at an all time high with 40% of American adults being obese, and even more startling, an astounding 20% of children – most of whom continue to be obese into their adult lives.

Jon McMahon was one of those Americans. He was 120 pounds (55 kgs) overweight, had type 2 diabetes, and his future looked bleak. He had already suffered a heart attack, and doctors were concerned they would need to amputate his feet due to diabetes-induced nerve damage.

But something remarkable happened. Jon decided to change his life. In less than one year he lost an astonishing 108 pounds, reversed his diabetes, and is in the best physical shape of his life. Now, Jon wants to help change the lives of others.

In his brand new eBook, Rise Up! – How One Man Lost 108 Pounds, Defeated Diabetes and Obesity, And Reclaimed His Life (And How You Can Too!), Jon shares his inspiring story and the key steps he used to get back to health – proof that you and your loved ones can have a healthy future too.

Click here to download your free copy today! You’ll also get free access to the iThrive documentary series!

Please share this email with friends and family. Even if you’re not obese or ill, this information is vital to your ongoing health and the health of your family – so don’t miss out!

To your health!