Weekly Astrology Forecast for 25th – 1st September 2024 – Compressed Evolution

August 25th, 2024

By Lorna Bevan

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Shock Waves and Sideways Escalators

This week initiates a condensed period of emotional intensity – continuing through September/October/November -as current reality is further and quickly dismantled, removed and replaced with more of the New.

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Many of us are already experiencing time slips and sideways escalators ahead of September 17th’s Super Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces –expect them to intensify all week as unpredictable Awakener Uranus stations to turn retrograde in Taurus and the Great Eliminator Pluto re-activates the master degree of Capricorn.


August 28th – Trickster Mercury stations Direct at 21 Leo

August 29th – Venus crosses the Super Galactic Centre in Libra

August 31st – Mars opposes the karmic Galactic Centre

September 1st – Uranus stations retrograde & Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn until November 19

How to Support Your Energy Field

A lot is happening at once:

Know it is a Global effect. Don’t make it personal; rest. Accept the deep transformation we are in. We all need rest in order to hold the balance

Collective clearing is exhausting. Watching the old burn is exhausting. Limit your exposure to scattering of thought, emotions and duality. Limit social media scrolling or disclosure-hunting; keep all of your brain and heart as coherent as possible

Finding and then following the natural rhythms and flow of your unique energy signature becomes hugely important for grounding. Your mind is way too small and undeveloped a tool for this high level of vast Light energy. The High Heart is a frequency match for it so get used to thinking, feeling, perceiving and creating from there

Work with your new Operating System. Use the ON Windows – the moments, hours, days when creation flows with ease and grace. Then notice when you’re suddenly taken “offline” and stop

Earthing and grounding in nature is especially healing. Walk or meditate outside to rejuvenate, even for a few minutes. Get in natural water when you can.

New! SEPTEMBER’S 5D REPORT:” Super Moon Eclipse Season” will be emailed to Paid Subscribers  on Monday August 26th.It includes Master Coaching on Finding Which Skin You’re In….. unless you know where you are currently in your 30 years Progressed Moon Cycle, you’ll be constantly working in the dark against your unique time-line, wondering why you can’t make progress or why your timing always seems to be hit and miss.

Don’t miss out-upgrade to a Paid Substack Subscription: lornabevan.substack.com

New! Get Your Personal SEPTEMBER 2024-25 Year Ahead Forecast: Sky Log. Your Year Ahead Forecast starts the date you order it.

Chandra Symbol Uranus Retrograde TAURUS 27: A man sculpting hedges into animal farms.

When alchemy runs this close to the bone, it is astounding what it can do. Tackling longstanding knots and obstacles of every kind is sensed as nourishment and opportunity. A sacrificial incarnation can best frame itself in fantasy and imagination and thereby hug the edge between worlds perfectly. The path here is to stay under while peeking over the to, and to play it as straight as can be, while coming from an irrepressible source that can come through this peculiar form with flying colours”. Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale


Aries Weekly Forecast

Relationships of all kinds take centre stage this week when Venus returns to your opposite sign of Libra. It’s an excellent time to expand your people landscape by making new friends, contacts and alliances with people who shake up your ideas and opinions.


Taurus Weekly Forecast

Expect a surge of electric energy as unpredictable Uranus stations to turn retrograde in Taurus. You might surprise yourself as well as those who know you well by suddenly coming up with ideas and plans that seem radical and rebellious. The urge to break free from outdated self-imposed rules and limits will be very strong- go with it.

Gemini Weekly Forecast

Your own planet Mercury turns forward on August 28thand some of the recent roadblocks or communication glitches you’ve been experiencing recently start to dissolve. As Awakener Uranus slows in the sign behind yours, make a note of your night time dreams and any insights that suddenly occur to you.


Cancer Weekly Forecast

Expect some surprises connected with your family this week. Depending on your circumstances, it might be news of a new baby or an engagement or wedding announcement. No matter how it plays out, your tribe is experiencing a refreshing changing of the guard.


Leo Weekly Forecast

Watch the delays and obstacles melt away from the 28th as Mercury turns forward in your own sign, giving you the green light to make progress. If your career has been languishing in the doldrums recently, as unpredictable Uranus stations, there may be news out of the blue about an unexpected opportunity.

Virgo Weekly Forecast

With the Sun newly returned to Virgo and Mercury turning direct, you’ll start to feel at home in your skin again. There’s more…the lovely Venus moves into the money angle of your solar chart, attracting more opportunities for income your way and generally smoothing your path.


Libra Weekly Forecast

It’s going to feel as if you’re back in the driving seat this week, so make the most of every opportunity that presents itself. First, Messenger Mercury turns forward, energising collaboration, teamwork and setting new priorities. Then on the 30th, Venus in your own sign aligns beautifully with Pluto and your thoughts turn to life’s pleasures.


Scorpio Weekly Forecast

On the 28th, Messenger Mercury turns forward at the pinnacle of your solar chart. Knowing that Awakener Uranus is shaking things up in your closest relationships as he changes direction, is this the week to finally include your tribe and family in your far- reaching plans?


Sagittarius Weekly Forecast

As the Sun moves through fellow Mutable sign Virgo, it activates the dynamic square between Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces. Expect the unexpected in your career-perhaps a re-organisation, a take -over or an offer of a new role that fits your skillset perfectly. Be ready to respond at a moment’s notice.


Capricorn Weekly Forecast

It’s time to let your maverick side out to play! Awakener Uranus slowing down in fellow Earth sign Taurus aligns beautifully with Venus at the end of Virgo-perfect timing to launch an artistic creation or fall in love. On the 30th, Venus crosses the pinnacle of your chart making you very much sought after and attracting opportunities to you.


Aquarius Weekly Forecast

After so much turmoil, life feels good, so make the very most of this week’s aspects. Your income starts to flow again from the 28th as Mercury turns forward, whilst life at home is both harmonious and interesting. You may hear some surprising news around September 1st as Awakener Uranus back spins across the roots of your chart. With Venus, Mars and Jupiter all in compatible Air signs, you’re on an even keel.


Pisces Weekly Forecast

The end of August and beginning of September look magical for your most important relationships. With the Sun newly returned to your opposite sign of Virgo and Jupiter expanding your tribe, this is a perfect time to make a permanent commitment, to marry or to start a family. Feel the love.

New! Get Your Personal SEPTEMBER 2024-25 Year Ahead Forecast

About Lorna Bevan M.A., MAPAI:

Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix of consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.

I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and a former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.

You can pick up my e-book “Bringing Your Astrology into the 21st Century: The 5D Planets” here.

You can learn more about my work or contact me at:

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