Finding Peace Amid the Noise: Spiritual and Mental Health Strategies for this Election Year

September 11th, 2024

By Diana Harris

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

As we approach the 2024 election, many already feel the mental strain of the constant barrage of political news and social media updates. In our efforts to stay informed, we often find ourselves overwhelmed by the relentless flood of information, which can lead to heightened stress and anxiety.

Social media, while offering a platform for discourse and real-time updates, can also become a source of conflict and emotional distress. It often functions in a way researchers refer to as creating “echo chambers”—spaces where individuals are predominantly exposed to content that aligns with their beliefs. This lack of exposure to differing perspectives deepens ideological rifts and fosters societal divisions. Indeed, 64% of Americans believe social media platforms contribute to these divides by exacerbating polarization.

People tend to post more frequently during election years and engage in heated debates. However, this can lead to significant psychological distress, including increased anxiety, feelings of isolation, and even depression as we navigate the constant onslaught of opinions and conflicts. The 24-hour news cycle, while intended to keep us informed, can also overwhelm us, contributing to a sense of uncertainty and distress. The continuous stream of analysis and speculation can blur the line between objective reporting and sensationalism, making it challenging to maintain a balanced perspective.

Given the inevitable exposure to political content as election day approaches, it’s crucial to recognize the potential impact on our mental health and take proactive steps to mitigate these effects. Here are some mindful practices that can help you maintain your well-being during this time:

Curate Your Feed

Follow accounts that provide balanced, factual information, and unfollow or mute those that cause stress or perpetuate negativity.

Set Boundaries

Limit the time you spend on social media and news platforms. Consider designating specific times to check the news and avoid doomscrolling. A media sabbatical can help you reclaim peace and reconnect with activities that bring you joy.

Communicate Your Needs

Let friends and family know that you’re taking a mental health hiatus from political discussions, and kindly ask them to respect your choice.

Nature Walks and Earthing

Spending time in nature can significantly reduce stress and improve your mood. Walking barefoot on natural surfaces like grass or sand can help ground your energy and reduce anxiety.

Meditation and Mindfulness

Regular meditation can help manage anxiety and maintain inner peace. Techniques like deep breathing, guided imagery, and grounding exercises can be particularly effective.

Reflection and Journaling

Engage in contemplative practices or journaling to connect with your higher self. These activities can provide solace and a sense of control amidst external chaos.

Energy Cleansing

Consider practices like smudging with sage, Reiki, or other forms of energy healing to clear negative energy and restore balance. Remember to cleanse your home and electronic devices with sage, followed by lavender, to invite peace.

Practice Detachment

Focus on what you can control and let go of the need to monitor every political development. Instead, engage in activities that bring joy and satisfaction in the present moment.

Embrace Compassion

Cultivate compassion for yourself and others, understanding that everyone is doing their best in these challenging times.

 Seek Guidance

If you have a spiritual mentor or counselor, seek their guidance during the election period’s emotional turbulence.

By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can protect your mental and spiritual well-being during this election year. In doing so, you empower yourself to remain centered and resilient, no matter what external challenges arise.

About the author:

Diana Harris is a nationally recognized intuitive counselor, holistic healer, medium, and educator.  Spending 20+ years honing her abilities, Diana is frequently sought after for the accuracy of her intuitive and mediumship services and dynamic workshops. Mixing compassion and humor with her abilities, Ms. Harris gently lifts the veil of fear and illusion to empower her clients and students to honor their Highest Potential. Her style is evocative of the well-known aphorism: “Know thyself, and thou shalt know the world.”  Diana has a deep connection to Mother Earth and works with her Wisdom Keepers. She incorporates her knowledge of archetypes, vibrational medicine, angels, and shamanism into her practice. This ancient knowledge is a methodology for self-understanding, healing, and spiritual growth.

Ms. Harris has touched the hearts of thousands through her speaking engagements.  Many have dubbed Diana the “Happy Medium” because she brings Light and Joy to her work.  She has been featured on DiggRadio Boston, WBZ, Explore Your Spirit, Hawaii’s Inspiration Radio, and others. Her short stories were published in the book Love Like God, 2011.  Her writing has been featured in: ByRegion, Spirit of Change, Explore Your Spirit, Sedona Journal of Emergence, OmPlace, Transcendent ezines, and others.  Ms. Harris has a growing list of national and international clients. She is currently working on a solo book project. Learn more about Diana at


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