Astrology Update: September 2024 Full Moon in Pisces & Eclipse

September 16th, 2024

By Dakota Flynn

Staff Writer for Wake Up World

The Mystical Energies of September’s Full Moon

On September 18, 2024, we will experience a potent Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. This celestial event offers an opportunity for spiritual reflection and emotional transformation, aligning us with deeper truths and hidden potential. As Pisces rules dreams, intuition, and the subconscious, this lunation invites us to tap into our inner wisdom and release old emotional patterns that may hold us back. The energy of this eclipse may feel intense, but it provides the perfect moment for clearing out what no longer resonates with your soul’s journey. With the added influence of the eclipse, this Full Moon signals a powerful period for letting go, healing, and setting the stage for spiritual rebirth.

What is the Significance of This Lunar Eclipse?

This Lunar Eclipse occurs at 25° Pisces and carries the mysticism of Neptune, which is also positioned in Pisces. With the Moon closely aligned with Neptune, the planet of dreams and intuition, this eclipse invites heightened sensitivity, creativity, and emotional awareness. For many, this moment will feel like a call to look inward and explore spiritual growth. Lunar Eclipses are known for bringing things to light, particularly unresolved emotions and subconscious patterns we may have avoided.

The Pisces Full Moon is a time to release illusions, delusions, and any emotional baggage that no longer serves our highest good. Pisces, ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, brings spiritual expansion and potential confusion. While this energy enhances creativity and compassion, it can also blur the lines between reality and fantasy, making it essential to stay grounded during this time.

Astrological Themes of the September 18 Lunar Eclipse

Endings and Beginnings

The Full Moon always symbolizes completion, but the added energy of a Lunar Eclipse amplifies this, signaling significant endings and powerful new beginnings. You may find yourself at a crossroads, needing to release old emotional patterns or relationships that no longer align with your growth. With Pisces’ influence, these endings may feel deeply emotional yet cathartic and necessary for personal evolution.

Spiritual Awakening and Intuition

This eclipse enhances psychic awareness and spiritual insights. Neptune’s influence in Pisces deepens our connection to the unseen realms, making this an ideal time to trust your intuition and explore the spiritual dimensions of life. Whether through meditation, creative endeavors, or dream work, this energy supports connecting with your higher self and gaining clarity about your soul’s path.

Grounded Creativity

While the Pisces-Neptune energy can make you feel more imaginative, it’s crucial to remain grounded during this time. The potential for escapism or emotional confusion is high, so be mindful of boundaries in your relationships and inner world. Use this energy to channel creative pursuits—art, writing, or music—while staying aware of your emotional well-being.

Who Will Be Most Affected by This Eclipse?

Those with their Sun, Moon, or rising signs in Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, or Sagittarius will most intensely feel this eclipse’s effects. If you have personal planets or important points in your chart near 25°-28° in these signs, expect profound shifts in the areas of life-related to those planets.

  • Pisces and Virgo: This eclipse may bring emotional revelations, prompting you to release outdated beliefs and embrace spiritual growth.
  • Gemini and Sagittarius: Prepare for shifts in your intellectual pursuits and philosophies. New insights may change your worldview and open you to new possibilities.

Practical Tips for Navigating This Lunar Eclipse

  • Engage in Self-Reflection: Journaling, meditation, and introspection are key practices for processing the deep emotions stirred by this Full Moon.
  • Stay Grounded: With Neptune’s dreamy influence, getting lost in fantasy or escapism is easy. Ground yourself with mindfulness practices, yoga, or time spent in nature.
  • Embrace Creativity: Let the Piscean energy inspire you. Channel your emotions into something beautiful through artistic expression, whether through painting, music, or writing.
  • Release What No Longer Serves You: This eclipse is about letting go of old emotional baggage and illusions. Use this time to forgive, heal, and move forward with clarity and purpose.

The Bigger Picture: Saros Series 118

This eclipse is part of Saros Series 118, a cycle of eclipses that repeat approximately every 18 years. The last eclipse in this series occurred on September 7, 2006, a time that saw global shifts in awareness around environmental issues, technological advancements, and leadership changes. These themes of transformation and reassessment resonate again in 2024, urging us to reflect on personal and collective changes.

This September 18 Full Moon is an opportunity to embrace emotional healing, tap into your spiritual potential, and release what no longer aligns with your highest path.

About the Author

Dakota Flynn is an esoteric writer who blends metaphysical insights with practical guidance. Her writings explore the depths of human experience, inspiring readers to uncover their inner truths and grasp their fundamental nature. By highlighting the interconnectedness of life, she helps individuals achieve an understanding of their existence. Dakota’s work serves as a guiding light for those on a path of spiritual growth, providing valuable tools and wisdom for transformation and self-discovery.


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