Uncovering Cancer-Causing Forever Chemicals in Everyday Bandages like Band-Aids

October 11th, 2024

By John Patterson

Staff Writer for Wake Up World

When you reach for a bandage to cover a cut or scrape, the last thing you want to worry about is harmful chemicals. However, a recent investigation by Mamavation has revealed the presence of potentially dangerous “forever chemicals” (PFAS) in many commonly used bandages. PFAS are synthetic chemicals that don’t break down easily, making them a persistent environmental and health concern. But what does this mean for you? Let’s break down the research and explore how to protect yourself and your family from these hidden dangers.

What Are PFAS, and Why Should You Care?

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, are a class of chemicals used in various consumer products for their water and stain-resistant properties. Often referred to as “forever chemicals” due to their persistence in the environment, PFAS have been linked to a host of health issues, including cancer, hormone disruption, and immune system damage.

Mamavation’s study focused on bandages and revealed that many popular brands contain detectable levels of PFAS. Organic fluorine, a marker for PFAS, was found in both the absorbent pads and adhesive flaps of the bandages tested. According to Dr. Scott Belcher, an Associate Professor with the Center for Environmental & Health Effects of PFAS at North Carolina State University, “Fluoropolymers, such as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), are extremely common forms of PFAS that could be contributing to the organic fluorine found in bandages.”

The Investigation: How PFAS Ended Up in Bandages

Between November 2022 and February 2024, Mamavation purchased and tested bandages from well-known retailers such as Walmart, CVS, Rite Aid, Target, and Amazon. A laboratory certified by the EPA conducted the tests using a method called the Determination of Total Fluorine by Oxygen Flask Combustion and Ion-Selective Electrode to detect the presence of PFAS.

The results were alarming. Several bandage brands showed levels of organic fluorine well above the acceptable threshold, meaning consumers could be exposed to these toxic chemicals through seemingly innocent products. For example, Band-Aid OURTONE Flexible Fabric BR45 Bandages had 262 parts per million (ppm) of organic fluorine detected in the absorbent pad, while Care Science Antibacterial Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages showed 328 ppm on the adhesive flaps.

What Does This Mean for You?

The presence of PFAS in bandages is concerning because these chemicals can be absorbed into the skin. Over time, repeated exposure can contribute to a build-up of PFAS in your body, leading to potential health risks. According to Mamavation’s investigation, most bandages tested showed levels of organic fluorine well above 100 ppm, with the highest recorded level being 374 ppm.

The good news is that not all bandages are created equal. Some brands showed minimal to no detectable levels of PFAS, making them safer alternatives.

Bandages to Avoid

If you’re concerned about PFAS exposure, certain brands stand out as some of the worst offenders in Mamavation’s study. These bandages showed alarmingly high levels of organic fluorine, indicating the likely presence of PFAS.

Here’s a list of some of the worst offenders:

  • Band-Aid OURTONE Flexible Fabric BR65 Bandages: Tested with 260 ppm organic fluorine on the absorbent pads and a shocking 374 ppm on the sticky flaps. These bandages, marketed to people with darker skin tones, had some of the highest levels of PFAS contamination in the study.
  • CVS Health C60 Flexible Fabric Antibacterial Bandages: Recorded 201 ppm organic fluorine on the absorbent pad, which raises concerns, especially for a product that markets itself as antibacterial.
  • Equate (Walmart) SKIN TONE Antibacterial Bandages Flexible Fabric (darkest shade)The absorbent pad contained 197 ppm organic fluorine, and the sticky flaps contained 251 ppm. A second product tested had 183 ppm on the absorbent pad, still showing significant PFAS contamination.

But these aren’t the only brands you should be wary of:

  • Band-Aid OURTONE Flexible Fabric BR55 Bandages: Tested at 250 ppm organic fluorine on the absorbent pad.
  • Care Science Antibacterial Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages: Detected 328 ppm organic fluorine on the sticky flaps, but none on the absorbent pad.
  • Curad Assorted Bandaids 4-Sided Seal: 140 ppm organic fluorine on the sticky flaps.
  • Rite Aid First Aid Advanced Antibacterial Fabric Adhesive Bandages: Contained 101 ppm organic fluorine on the absorbent pad and 181 ppm on the sticky flaps.
  • Solimo (Amazon Brand) Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages: Detected 104 ppm organic fluorine on the sticky flaps.

These bandages may expose you to significant levels of PFAS, making them less than ideal for frequent use, especially for sensitive skin or allergies. PFAS exposure can accumulate over time, potentially leading to harmful health effects. As Scott Belcher, Ph.D., noted, these fluoropolymers are “extremely common forms of PFAS” that could contribute to the overall contamination of consumer products like bandages.

Safer Alternatives: PFAS-Free Bandages

Fortunately, Mamavation’s study identified several bandages that tested negative for PFAS contamination. These bandages are your best bet if you’re looking for safer options that won’t expose you to harmful chemicals. They provide the protection you need without the risk of PFAS exposure:

  • FEBU Organic Bamboo Strip Bandages: These bandages are a great eco-friendly option. They have non-detectable organic fluorine in both the absorbent pad and adhesive flaps. They’re a sustainable choice without compromising on safety.
  • Patch Bamboo Bandages for Kids with Coconut Oil: Designed with children in mind, these bandages were also found to have non-detect organic fluorine in both the absorbent pad and sticky flaps. The addition of coconut oil makes them gentle on sensitive skin while providing protection free from PFAS.
  • Welly Good Vibes Bravery Badges: Popular for their fun designs and effective wound care, these bandages have non-detectable organic fluorine in both the absorbent pad and sticky flaps. They are a safe and stylish choice for everyday cuts and scrapes.

Beyond these options, there are several other PFAS-free alternatives you can consider:

  • 3M Micropore Surgical/Medical Tape: Tested completely non-detect for organic fluorine, making it a safe choice for medical tape applications.
  • All Terrain Neon Kids BandagesThese bandages were found to be completely free of PFAS, with non-detect results in both the absorbent pad and sticky flaps. They are perfect for families looking for a colorful, safe alternative for their children.
  • Band-Aid Hello Kitty Assorted Adhesive Bandages: These bandages not only offer fun designs but also tested non-detect for organic fluorine in both the absorbent pad and sticky flaps, making them an excellent choice for kids who want a little extra flair with their wound care.
  • TRU COLOUR Skin Tone Bandages: Available in a variety of skin tones (olive, brown, dark brown), these bandages were tested and found to have non-detect organic fluorine in both the absorbent pad and sticky flaps, providing a safe and inclusive alternative for people of color.
  • CVS Sterile Manuka Honey Sports Bandages: These bandages not only tested non-detect for organic fluorine but also offer the added healing benefits of Manuka honey.

Choosing any of these PFAS-free bandages ensures that you and your loved ones are not exposed to toxic chemicals like PFAS, giving you peace of mind while still providing reliable wound care. By opting for these safer alternatives, you can protect your health and the environment from the lasting effects of these “forever chemicals.”

What You Can Do

If you’re concerned about PFAS exposure from bandages, here are a few steps you can take:

  1. Check the Labels: Look for products labeled as PFAS-free or made from natural materials like organic bamboo.
  2. Support Transparent Brands: Companies like Patch and Welly offer non-toxic bandage options and ensure transparency in their ingredients and manufacturing processes.
  3. Stay Informed: Research consumer product studies like Mamavation’s to stay up-to-date on the latest findings and avoid harmful products.

In conclusion, while PFAS “forever chemicals” may seem unavoidable in modern life, there are steps you can take to minimize your exposure. You can protect your health and the environment by choosing safer alternatives and staying informed. Remember, a little awareness goes a long way in making better choices for you and your loved ones.

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About the author:

John Patterson is an avid writer and researcher who delves into the latest scientific research. With an insatiable curiosity, he translates complex concepts into accessible narratives, allowing readers to embark on a journey of discovery. John bridges the gap between experts and the public through his work, igniting curiosity and inspiring meaningful conversations about scientific breakthroughs.

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