Declaration of Our Awakening: The Rise of Mass Consciousness

October 19th, 2024

By Paul A. Philips

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

This is where we are at.

The clueless, wilfully ignorant masses remain conditioned, distracted, and more polarized than ever. Intensively disinformed, having a profound relationship with an illusory world they believe to be real.

Then, in their significant numbers, there are the doomsayers and naysayers, telling us unequivocally that we’re all screwed as we cannot do anything to prevent the pervasive parasitical globalists and their plans for a total New World Order takeover and control.

However, contrary to the above, there is a growing mass consciousness, an ongoing underlying perception-altering paradigm shift that resonates with all things humanitarian. 

In relation to this, here is an important message on behalf of those of us affected and what we have gleaned: a “Declaration of Our Awakening” from we, the people.

To Whom It May Concern:

We hereby declare that our awakening means we are no longer hopelessly entrapped victims, no longer asleep to the effects of the theatre of illusion playing out, with all its illusory coercive mind-control mechanisms.

We can step out of the related 5-sense fake reality programming that is trying to deceive and subjugate humankind. We are not affected because we see a bigger picture.

We have chosen to withdraw from the counterproductive groupthink mentality to become individuals able to think for ourselves and express our individuality.

Unlike the groupthink mentality, which accuses those outside of the ‘norm’ of being crazy or even dangerous, we applaud uniqueness. Our uniqueness leads us to have a wider perception and an expanded awareness of what’s possible.

We are the catalysts for world change.

Globalists, yes, you and your associates have effectively brought our human race down to its knees. We know that the dire plight of worldwide humanitarian suffering has been falsely and hypocritically blamed on the human populace by you and your associates, who are the real culprits.

We are well aware of your engineered power plays, deeply dark self-serving agendas, and tie-ins to secret societies and their global controlling networks. Just about everything you do has made every subject under the sun a gross deception, counterproductive to us, the people, based on your lies.

Given this, in our awakening:

  • We know about your unjust, unrelenting attempts to impose extreme censorship and mass surveillance on us to shut us up. In your insecurity, are you deeply scared that we might just expose and bring you down, knowing that we are the ones with the truth on our side?
  • We know about your attempts to anesthetize the human world populace, rendering them stupid and stupider, making it easier to control them.
  • We know about your toxic, invasive allopathic medical treatment model, for example, in the case of using genocidal vaccines. Your model only treats symptoms, not the root cause, guaranteeing repeat business: You forcibly ensure the cure is never addressed, so the symptoms keep returning.
  • Suppressing alternative naturopathic cures is further evidence that you care more about profits than people.
  • We know about your planned toxic onslaught programs, including 5G EMF pollution, genetically modified foods, and poisonous chemtrail spraying designed to make humans weaker.
  • We know that your weather modification chemtrail spraying is also invasive of our environment, food supply, and plants and animals.
  • We know about your weaponized weather controlling used, for example, to manufacture wildfires or hurricanes and other extreme conditions as a manipulative means to an end.
  • We know about your suppression of technologies that should have changed the world for better.
  • We know about your push for transgendering based on principles that are illogical and twisted, having no regard for the children you’ve misled into choosing the related transgendering mutilating surgical procedures—many of these children, when adults, greatly regret having done this.
  • We know about your unfair, falsely imposed, vampiristic taxation system and high inflation caused by government overspending, which amounts to nothing less than theft.
  • We know about the fact that you’re not content with just robbing us by taxation; you also want to rob our spirituality through transhumanism.
  • We know about your surreptitious psychological operations in the form of false flags. These disgusting schemes are designed to keep us in a constant state of fear. False flag diseases and wars are prime examples. The culprit, let’s say a “virus,” or in the case of a war, the “enemy” is fabricated for power, profit, and political gains while so many innocent people suffer or die…
  • We know about the vested interests tied into the corporate-sponsored, owned, and controlled mainstream media, a mouthpiece used for mind-controlling propaganda. There are only about half-a-dozen major corporations controlling the fake narrative, contributing to the steering of the global agenda. Take the case of environmentalism. It’s abound with fake science and a fake narrative care of the mainstream media. Then there’s the fake wars… etc.
  • We know about your push for a global police state employed to make sure that your fake narrative, with its hyperbolized fear-mongering and disinformation, will control the people into subjugation without question.
  • We know about your glove-puppet government criminals allied to corporate crony crooks and their association with your related crooked institutional agencies. The net effect is when dealing with something such as a crisis, things turn out worse for the people, while you end up better off.
  • We know about your entertainment industry and the awful, degrading things that have gone on. “Entertainment is entrainment.” Thus, the industry is a tool used for social engineering, for creating distraction which diverts attention away from the things that really matter, and for dumbing down the populace. It’s also a useful platform for spreading chaos.
  • We know about your pillaging and enslaving monetary system, such as the fractionalized banking scam and the push for CBDC tyranny. Then there’s the legal system where your controlling impositions and laws are made in accordance with bought and paid off crooked lawyers…

The list goes on, ad nauseum.

It is our job to reverse the inversions related to the above. This is a monumental task, of course, but a number of us are wholly committed to taking on projects that are far bigger than us.

No matter how much you try to enslave us, even if you achieve total global domination, ultimately, nothing ever stays the same, whatever the circumstance.

A major tenet supporting the nature of reality is that nothing ever stays the same. Everything is cyclical, coming and going in changing periodic cycles.

It may not look like it at the moment, but it has been said that in our awakening, a number of us intuitively get that there will be a great turnaround resulting in a planetary transformation where love, peace, and light will once again prevail. Consider this, for example, from the point of view of the Yugas cycles and their cause and effect.

We will take back our power. We will take back our consciousnesswhich will be expanded enough to free us from the mind prison we have been subjected to for so long.

Globalists, we are well on to you. If you do not choose to join us and engage in a humanitarian way consistent with the new paradigm experience, then, like all garbage, you will eventually shrivel up and disappear down the trash bin, never to be seen again.

There will be consequences for your gross, inhumane acts.

Signed – We the Awakening

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About the Author:

My blogs, along with the related alternative news website, are about my belief that we can create a world that makes a difference for everyone.

I had graduated in biomedical sciences and worked for a number of years in healthcare. I am now a retiree. My website is slanted on health matters.

However, over the years, I have come to the firm conclusion that practically every subject under the sun needs redefining using more truthful, honest, and integral approaches in theory and practice, hence the website’s name ‘New Paradigm’

From these new approaches, from the ‘imagination of ourselves,’ from our visions… a ‘new era’ in humanity can result!

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