“Winter is not the death of the life cycle, but its crucible.” Katherine May
15 Full Moon 23 Gemini
16 Mercury Direct 8 Sagittarius
18 Sun crosses Galactic Centre square Neptune/Nodes of Fate
21 Capricorn Solstice
Deep Diving or Distraction- Your Choice
This is no ordinary Solstice – the Sun conjunct the Galactic Centre squares both mystic Neptune and the karmic Node of Fate on the Aries Point. Our global world and our own small worlds are about to be shaken into new patterns that are indecipherable and unimaginable from here.
As the Capricorn Solstice approaches, check in with yourself. Are you attuning to the downloads of the Sun on the Galactic Centre-our Source and Homing Signal -or are you too immersed in seasonal consumerism?
If you’d rather be distracted than go deep, then enjoy this week’s Gemini Full Moon and Mercury turning forward and all the social media frenzy about how to spend more money you don’t have on stuff you don’t need.
Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn is the archetype of winter- spare, bleak, skeletal yet beautiful in its stark truth and revelations of what lies beneath.
there is nothing to do, be, practise, or ritualise
there is no need to try hard, to be clever, or grind yourself to dust
just deal with what’s in front of you, then take the next step and the next
spend time doing things that soothe you
assume that your needs are reasonable and that your feelings are signals of something important
undo, unhook, untie, and unravel yourself from whatever belongs to the old
frame it as a brief moment of rest and re-set to understand where you have been, where you are now, and where you are going……
Look for the sparks of light in the darkness.
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Chandra Symbol Solstice CAPRICORN 1: A canopy bed with curtains.
“Standing on the inside of life. Protected and guarded, guided and led. Held fast. Kept so far back inside that what does express itself is purely a ceremonial display. The observer or witness prevails–able to see, to realise, to comprehend the mysteries. Clairvoyance. Keenly sensing and viewing meaning and value, purpose and spirit backbone. So very strongly and steadily directed from within that there is no outer, there is nothing to do. Instead, you centre yourself and align with who you truly are and remain in the place of authority and power and inward truth as your statement and the only thing you know.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast
Mirror your personal planet Mars’s extended backwards journey and step off the merry go round of getting and spending. With Pluto now in your 11th House, your tribes, your friendships, your groups and your community are becoming much more important to you than climbing the career ladder.
Taurus Weekly Forecast
The Sun now in Fellow Earth sign Capricorn restores your equilibrium, reminding you of what really matters in this culturally sanctioned season of consumerism. Of all the signs, you know exactly how to ground and soothe yourself in the heart of winter. Keep it slow, simple and meaningful.
Gemini Weekly Forecast
Your own Full Moon on December 15th aligns with Saturn, archetype of Winter. In the midst of all the seasonal socialising, how might you reimagine and mark the turning of the year at the Capricorn Solstice in a way that is meaningful for you?
Cancer Weekly Forecast
Sunday’s Gemini Full Moon is in your hidden 12th House and you may feel that you’re missing out on the celebrations and festivities. You’ll feel better once the Sun crosses the Galactic Centre into your opposite sign of Capricorn, as this is the first year in over 15 years that Pluto isn’t at your side. Do what pleases you, not everyone else
Leo Weekly Forecast
With Mars retrograde in Leo, you may be feeling under par, not as full of joie de vivre as usual. Instead of trying to push on or override your instincts, find a way to mark the Solstice and the days into the New Year that suits who you are now, not an outgrown ghost of yourself.
Virgo Weekly Forecast
In the midst of the festive season, your body, mind, spirit are all calling out for rest, for repair and for kindness. Mars is retrograde in your deep 12th House of withdrawal whilst Pluto has just stepped into your 6th House of health. The theme of needing to re-balance your work, your responsibilities and your own needs will be important throughout 2025.
Libra Weekly Forecast
This year’s Capricorn Solstice brings an opportunity for you to heal an ongoing rift in one significant relationship. The Sun aligns with the karmic South Node in your own sign, suggesting it’s up to you to take the first step, to reach out, to clear away old resentments and forgive and forget.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast
The ongoing opposition between your two rulers Pluto and Mars now retrograde until late February 2025 is a clear message to slow down, to allow things to unfold in their own time. As the Capricorn Solstice approaches, mark this Midwinter standstill of the Sun by reflecting on and re-assessing what and who really matters to you.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast
Of all the signs, you’re the one most likely to fling yourself headlong into the festive spirit. All the more so this year at Sunday’s Full Moon in Gemini conjunct your own planet generous Jupiter when Mercury turns forward. This is perfect for taking a significant relationship to the next level.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast
You seem to be busy working, holding the fort and being the one everyone relies on right up to the Solstice on December 21st.As the Sun returns to Capricorn, your solar batteries begin to recharge and you notice how much lighter you feel without Pluto at your side for the first time in 15 years. Thanks to having Saturn as your personal planet, Midwinter is always a time when you feel at home again in your own skin
Aquarius Weekly Forecast
Just like Capricorn, Midwinter really is your season, as you are both ruled by Saturn. Luckily for you, you also have unpredictable Uranus to add a touch of quirkiness and originality, just what you need to start the festivities at Sunday’s Full Moon. What and who would make it extra meaningful this year?
Pisces Weekly Forecast
With Mars Retrograde in your angle of work and routines opposite Pluto, you may be finding it hard to enter into the spirit of the season. Happily, at the Gemini Full Moon on Sunday 15th, events in your family and tribe remind you just how lucky you are. The Capricorn Solstice on December 21st will feel like a welcome inbreath, a still point and a chance to de-stress.
Variously described as a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to connect you with your inner world and transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix of consultations and coaching services.
I’m a qualified Jungian Psychotherapist, Psychological Astrologer and Master NLP Coach. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach, and a Psychotherapist.
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