Category - Montalk

Tom / Montalk is an author, researcher, and musician dedicated to empowering others with practical esoteric wisdom and technical knowledge. His published works include an extensive website and the books Fringe Knowledge for Beginners and Discerning Alien Disinformation. Tom was born in 1980 in central Germany. In early childhood, paranormal phenomena and harrowing alien encounters taught him that reality was strange and mysterious. At age twelve he obtained a library card and began reading all and everything he could find on UFOlogy and spirituality to make sense of his experiences. He also became interested in fringe physics and suppressed inventions after stumbling upon recurring references to alien propulsion systems in UFOlogy literature. After majoring in physics and electrical engineering for several years, Tom left university to pursue a more independent path of knowledge. Combining his research and personal experiences with those of others, he now dedicates his life to solving the deepest riddles of metaphysics, gnosticism, UFOlogy, hyperdimensional physics, and spiritual warfare. He strives to communicate his findings in a clear and concise manner so that as many people as possible can put such knowledge into practice. You can follow Montalk via his website, or check out his published books at

Wising Up to Alien Interference

By Montalk Guest Writer for Wake Up World The public perception of the alien  phenomenon centers around lights seen in the sky, reports of encounters with beings and ships that have landed in...

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Helper Souls And Their Mission

By Montalk Guest Writer for Wake Up World Why do people choose to be born into this world? There are as many answers as there are people. Some come here to do something, to experience something, or...

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The Stages of Conscious Awakening

By Montalk Guest writer for Wake Up World It is imperative that we awaken from mundane awareness into full spiritual remembrance of who we are. The problem is that even when physically awake, we can...

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Introduction to the Matrix Control System

By Montalk Guest writer for Wake Up World What is the Matrix? School or prison, depending on your chosen perspective. On the one hand, it is a hyperdimensional teaching system accelerating your rate...

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