By Michael Edwards and Jeffrey Green Via Activist Post We are now three to five generations removed from the rural backbone that strengthened America. The world at large has undergone a...
Category - Gardening
Stocking Fillers for Foodies – 5 Book Reviews
18th December 2011 By Rady Ananda – Need a last minute gift for your beloved locavore? Several books would make excellent holiday gifts, so this review covers a...
A Deliciously Resourceful Town Aims For Total Food Self-Sufficiency Within 7 Years
By Vincent Graff Admittedly, it sounds like the most foolhardy of criminal capers, and one of the cheekiest, too. Outside the police station in the small Victorian mill town of...
NZ Food Bill Will Make Growing Food a Government Privilege Rather than a Human Right
12th December 2011 By Ethan A. Huff – Natural News The God-given human right to freely cultivate food is under attack in New Zealand (NZ) as special interest groups and others are...
Extensive List of Organic Pest Control Remedies
By Australian Organic Gardening ORGANIC BUG SPRAY FROM ONION SCRAPS You can make your own organic bug spray from kitchen leftovers! Simply save your onion skins, peels and ends then refrigerate...
Single Lady Transforms Her Urban Garden into a Productive, Organic, Tropical Paradise
By Nicola Chatham – You don’t have to know her street number to find Rosina Buckman’s place. All you need is the street name. Winner of the Edible...
Six Fun Gardening Projects
1. Moss Graffiti Decorate your garden in beautiful moss! You can use moss graffiti to adorn a wall, like in the image above, or on stepping stones or wooden or ceramic planters...
Eating Out of the Gutter…Literally
….rain gutters of course! Suzanne has become a celebrity for her ingenuity. Her resourcefulness finds a practical application for reusing rain gutters. By Susanne Forsling I am from Iowa, so I...
Gardening Allotments Lead to “Staggering” 51% Fall in Anti-social Behaviour
By Landshare News In 2009, the early days of Landshare, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall visited a community allotment for local residents in Leigh, Greater Manchester, as part of a River Cottage...
Gardening a Crime In Canada, Too
(By Synergy Mag) “You have 90 days to cease all agricultural activity…” read the letter from the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN), on behalf of the District...
Reduce The Risk Of Lung Cancer by 50% With Gardening
(NaturalNews) Not only is having a green thumb a great way to stay healthier and happier, but new research shows it can actually protect you from cancer. Noted cancer treatment and research center M...
How To Start a 1-Acre, Self-Sufficient Sanctuary
By John Seymour – Mother Earth News Everyone will have a different approach to keeping a self-sufficient homestead, and it’s unlikely that any two 1-acre farms will follow the same plan...