By Anastasia Guest Writer for Wake Up World Originally published at and reproduced here with permission Hemp Milk is quite possibly the healthiest plant-based milk out there! So...
Category - Home & Garden
Wake Up World articles for the home and garden enthusiast, including DIY, gardening and self sufficiency topics.
Maca Mango Smoothie for Natural Hormone Balance
By Anastasia Guest Writer for Wake Up World Originally published at and reproduced here with permission I must confess… maca has been one of those foods that have made a big...
10 Affordable and Earth-Friendly Alternatives to Living in a Traditional House
By Paul Lenda Guest writer for Wake Up World The majority of humans live in the traditional boring box house. However, these days there are lots of alternatives to this dull kind of domicile. If you...
Has The Holy Grail of Radioprotective Foods Been Found?
By Sayer Ji Contributing writer for Wake Up World Could the melanin found in our bodies and in foods like mushrooms help to mitigate the increasingly dire quantities of radiation we are...
How to Make a Smudge Stick
By Aletheia Luna Guest writer for Wake Up World Smudging, or the act of burning herbs and flowers, has been done for thousands of years. Tracing back its origins to ancient...
How Dangerous is Your Deodorant?
By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World Americans spend $18 billion a year on deodorant and antiperspirant in a quest to cover up body odor and reduce sweating...
A Delicious Healing Flower and 3 Ways to Eat It
March 27th, 2019 By Nick Polizzi Guest Writer for Wake Up World Ever wondered why certain plants are considered weeds and others are deemed worthy of keeping around? The herbalists that we work with...
Which Milk Alternatives Are Worthy of Your Consideration?
By Marco Torres Guest writer for Wake Up World The risks of consuming pasteurized cow’s milk are pronounced when consuming in the long term, especially for women. Not only does pasteurized milk...
Fear of the Unknown is Creating Hysteria in Every Part of Our Lives and It’s Becoming Accepted as the Norm
By Marco Torres Guest writer for Wake Up World Being afraid of the unknown is not a new concept. From birth to death we’ve been trained to fear everything for a very long time. The dangers of...
How to Build a Sacred Altar for Meditation and Spiritual Practice
By Aletheia Luna Guest writer for Wake Up World Space has power. It either resonates with you, or it doesn’t. Like everything in life, the spaces around us are imbued with energy...
Pole Shift Update, The Event, Earth Catastrophe, and the 5D Shift
By Open Contributing writer for Wake Up World It’s high time in spiritual circles that we opened our eyes to natural earth catastrophe cycles, such as The Great Flood, that are...
A Healing Soup Recipe to Warm Your Soul
By Nick Polizzi Guest writer for Wake Up World A few days ago, I was having a tough afternoon. Without any thinking, I found myself walking into the kitchen, pulling out a bunch of...