By Simon Cole Guest Writer for Wake Up World Looking Behind the Image for the Subtleties That Calm… “In your face” is how life seems to be so much of the time, and in so many...
Category - Love, Gratitude, Authenticity, Intention & Manifestation
Live your life with love, gratitude, authenticity, abundance and intention.
Healing From Within – How To Awaken Your Inner Light
By Áine Sands Guest writer for Wake Up World It seems that there comes at least one time in almost every person’s life when they live in a state of depression, or experience a...
How to Identify An Authentic Spiritual Teacher (and Avoid The Fake Ones)
By Christopher Bueker Guest Writer for Wake Up World Today, spiritual teachers seem to be a dime a dozen. Many of them are asking for large amounts of money in return for the spiritual teachings that...
Trust Yourself – You Already Have All the Answers!
By Nanice Ellis Contributing Writer for Wake Up World If I could give you just one piece of advice, it would be, “Trust Yourself.” Stop looking outside for the answers. Stop looking to...
Starved For Love? Then Give It All Away!
3rd August 2015 By Carmen Allgood Contributing Writer for Wake Up World From our first breath until our last, most of us will be on the hunt for a mind-altering, insanely intense love experience that...
The Irritation Is NOT In The Event, It’s In YOU!
By Brett Jones Guest Writer for Wake Up World What is Happiness? When we say we are seeking happiness what we really mean is, we will be happy when we get everything we want. Unfortunately life...
How to Make Your Body Ripe for Miracles
By Lissa Rankin, MD Guest writer for Wake Up World You may know that your body is brilliantly equipped with natural self-repair mechanisms that repair broken proteins, kill cancer cells, fight...
Raising Vibrations: How To Be The Change You Want To See In The World
By Nanice Ellis Contributing Writer for Wake Up World We hear it all the time, “Be the change you want to see in the world” – but what does it really mean? And how do we go about...
Spiritual Honesty: Why Good Thinking and Bad Feelings Matter
By Jack Adam Weber L.Ac., Dipl. C.H. Contributing writer for Wake Up World “To learn about spirituality, to become spiritual, you have to give up all you think is spiritual.” Without...
Stepping Aside – Letting Universal Intelligence Take The Lead
21st May 2015 By Caroline Diana Bobart Guest Writer for Wake Up World Can you think back to a time in the past when you really wanted to create a life-change but had a definite sense of there...
The Ego is the Source of Suffering AND Contentment
By Phillip J. Watt Guest Writer for Wake Up World “Ego is the immediate dictate of human consciousness.” ~ Max Planck One could argue, such as the Buddha, that the ego is the...
Can a Hug a Day Keep Infection Away?
By Dr. Joseph Mercola Guest Writer for Wake Up World Infants deprived of touch typically experience developmental delays. Their growth is often impaired, as is their cognitive development. Rates of...