7th July 2016 By Nika Knight A recently published Marketplace-Edison Research poll found that a full 71 percent of respondents agree that the U.S. economy is rigged, affirming the popular...
Category - Government
FBI Transcript Shows Nobody Died in Orlando Shooting Until SWAT Teams Entered the Building
4th July 2016 By Tim Brown Guest writer for Wake Up World Facts that should have been front-page news everywhere somehow got buried among the “official narrative” we were given...
Why the Globalists are Demolishing the EU … and What Its Replacement Will Look Like
4th July 2016 By Ben Guest writer for Wake Up World Have you noticed how hard the controlled “alternative” press are working to convince you that the NWO globalists/banksters...
8 Revelations From 2016 That Completely Vindicate “Conspiracy Theorists”
By Claire Bernish It could easily be said 2016 has been the year so-called conspiracy theorists were vindicated. Before explaining why that is the case, make no mistake — the term...
The Spiritual Significance of Brexit in the Great 5D Earth Shift
30th June 2016 By Open Contributing writer for Wake Up World The ‘unthinkable’ happened in the UK when a majority voted against the EU ‘big brother’ state. No doubt there...
If We Are Going to Take Down the Establishment, Progressives, Libertarians, Anarchists and Non-Voters Need to Unite
30th June 2016 By Tim Bryant Guest writer for Wake Up World Anyone paying even the slightest attention to the 2016 Presidential Election can see that this election cycle has been marred and corrupted...
How Do We Stop Climate Engineering? There Is Only One Way Forward
By Dane Wigington Guest writer for Wake Up World How do we stop the toxic aerosol spraying atrocities that are being carried out in skies all over the globe? What can we do to put an abrupt end to...
Report Shows DEA Deliberately Blocked Beneficial Science to Perpetuate War on Cannabis
By Claire Bernish Guest Writer for Wake Up World Though it probably comes as no surprise, a new report confirms the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) systematically thwarted research into both...
CDC Concealed Link Between Thimerosal and Autism for Over a Decade, Forced to Release Incriminating Documents
By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World A long-held debate between pro- and anti-vaccination groups may finally be put to rest over the association between thimerosal —...
The Coming Revolution – A New Vibrational Reality
21st June 2016 By Tim Bryant Guest writer for Wake Up World If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration – Nikola Tesla...
Censorship Still Rampant Around the World
By Makia Freeman Contributing writer for Wake Up World Censorship is still a big issue around the world. Censorship remains at high levels in many countries, despite the fact that we tend...
The Myth of Authority
By Ryan Cristián Guest writer for Wake Up World “People should not be afraid of their governments; governments should be afraid of their people.” Contrary to what many people...