Recipe: Dreamy Organic Chocolate Avocado Pudding

2nd April 2012

By  Jeani-Rose Atchison

Guest Writer for  Wake Up World

Conventionally grown avocado trees are treated with growth inhibitors and insecticides.   Root rot is a common complaint and it is controlled by trunk injections of potassium orthophosphonate. Once the fruit is picked it is passed through another pesticide spray treatment and then gassed to promote ripening.   Organic growers look to work with strengthening the plant and enriching the soil naturally and is the only choice for those of us who demand that our food is nutritious and free from toxic substances.

The body needs good fats for good health.   And the beauty of an organic whole food like avocados as opposed to a fractionated food like bottled oil is that it is full of many other nutrients that work together to give your body what it needs to function optimally.

High in Vitamin C and E,   avocados help keep your immune system strong and offer cell protection from free radical damage as well as help to build collagen which keeps your skin strong and elastic.   Avocados contain a high amount of the carotenoid called Lutein. Lutein has an antioxidant effect that may protect your skin from UV-B-induced damage.   Lutein also protects against macular degeneration and cataracts, two age-related eye diseases.

Studies show that people who eat diets rich in folate have a much lower incidence of heart disease than those who don’t. Eating foods high in folate like avocados may reduce the risk of foetal neural tube defects. Folate helps cells divide and is necessary for blood formation.

After eating an avocado you can even smear the remains from the shell onto your face and let sit for 15 minutes for a mini facial that will leave your skin feeling smooth and silky. I don’t recommend this during business hours though.

With a high fibre, water and fat content the bodies cravings are reduced and we tend not to overeat as much.   Avocados are also energy efficient foods which your body can break down and use quickly. Eating foods like this will allow your body to concentrate on other body functions rather than just digestion and elimination.

My family eats a lot of avocados. And in many creative ways. On toast, wrapped in burritos, tossed into salads, blended in smoothies and of course, in their favourite pudding recipe!

Dreamy Chocolate Avocado Pudding

4-6     large organic avocados

1/4     cup organic dark cocoa   or cacao powder

1/3     cup organic coconut cream

1/3 – 1/2     cup organic coconut sugar or dark agave syrup

1     Tbs organic vanilla

Pinch of good quality sea salt

These are approximations only because it all depends on the size of the avocados and the water content in them.   Run it all through a food processor until thick and smooth, adding more sweetener, vanilla or cocoa powder as needed.

Can be eaten immediately or chilled.   I have a couple of children that like to freeze then   eat this treat like ice cream!

About the Author

Jeani-Rose Atchison is a health advocate, and  home-schooling  mother of five who also finds time to write about nutrition, whole foods and environmental concerns. She authored,  Every Day Vegan  – 300 recipes for healthful eating which is a mainstay in vegetarian kitchens. Atchison’s latest book,  Food for Thought  – Thought for Food is chock full of delicious whole food recipes. It also takes a controversial look at the food we eat today and the processes involved in bringing it to your table. Can your food make you ill? The answer may shock you!

To find out more go to Jeani-Rose’s  Facebook  or  Website

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