The Health Benefits of Grounding (Earthing)

14th May 2012

By Jordan & Kyla Miller

Contributing writers for Wake Up World

Alongside good food, we often value relationships and communication as essential elements for the nourishment of our mental health and well-being. Undoubtedly, these are important facets in our continued drive for optimal wellness – after all, we are social beings.

On the other hand, they are not the only components we should apply in the realm of communication. We currently live in a time were communication is ever-increasing; tools such as the internet and social networking programs have revolutionized the way we interact. Without a doubt, this new age of communiqué has brought people together from many reaches of the world; however, as we have increased the use of such tools, other communication elements have withered.

With the advancement of social media technologies, our connection to Nature has dwindled considerably. Our fundamental understanding of earth has been displaced as a result of the increased use of artificial intelligence. Essentially, we have disconnected from the natural elements that surround us.

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Considering the elevated use of such technologies, we are also being exposed to an ever-growing amount of electromagnetic fields (EMF). Coupled with our positive charged environment, exposure to EMF increases the amount of free radicals being produced in our bodies. In the book  Earthing the most important health discovery ever?  Clinton Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra M.D. and Martin Zucker study the relationship of being grounded to the earth as a means for alleviating pain and inflammation in the body. In essence, the book discusses the importance of drawing negative energies from the earth (free electrons) to neutralize the impact of positive forces on the body (free radicals and electromagnetic fields).

Neutralizing Inflammation

Contrary to popular belief, quantum physics has us believe that the human body operates under an influence of energy; nothing can be closer to the truth. Energy is what regulates our homeostatic control mechanisms. If these  mechanisms become unstable – as a result of the perpetual consumption of nutrient-void foods, constant exposure to harmful chemicals or not being grounded (among many other factors) – our body begins to oxidize at an accelerated rate. Similar to the acid-alkaline theory, when the body becomes too acidic (acidosis), inflammation and/or pain is bound to proliferate. For example, when someone consumes a diet rich in commercial meats, pasteurized dairy products, refined carbohydrates, drugs, alcohol, isolates, etc, with little consumption of fruit, vegetables and whole foods, the immune system breaks down and the body becomes acidic because it’s not receiving the proper alkaline nutrients. As a result, it struggles to maintain a proper pH balance (7.2-7.4). With this, inflammation, pain and subsequently disease will ensue. As Hippocrates once said, “”Illnesses do not come upon us out of the blue. They are developed from small daily sins against Nature. When enough sins have accumulated, illnesses will suddenly appear.”

Today, humans are developing disease at a much greater rate than any other time in our history. Among the many things that contribute to poor health (i.e. drugs, chemicals, poor diet, lack of exercise), being bombarded with electromagnetic fields is by far the most pervasive. You see, we live in a world where our environment is dominated by a positive charge. If we combine this with our body’s inability to neutralize free radicals (because of not being properly grounded to the earth), we end up with accelerated aging, inflammation and subsequently, disease. As a consequence of being perpetually exposed to this type of environment, sever cellular (DNA) deterioration/mutation develops. Seeing that we would treat acidosis with alkaline rich foods to neutralize acidity, it would only make sense that a similar offsetting mechanism be applied concerning our exposure to positive energies. In this case, getting connected to the earth would be the ideal practice.

How to Get Your “Vitamin G”

In considering a method to minimize our exposure to electromagnetic fields and inflammation, we need to look no further then what is directly under our nose, or more appropriately, our feet. Yes, direct contact to the earth will instantly minimize inflammation and shield us from electromagnetic energy. Much the same as a lightning rod, electromagnetic energies are re-directed into the ground – thus reducing inflammation and symptoms of malaise. Getting grounded is as simple as brushing your teeth. All you need to do is get outside and connect any part of your skin to the ground. Once the connection is made, an instantaneous flow of free electrons enters the body. Fortunately, many of us are being grounded on a routine basis without even realizing it. The simple habit of having a shower every day instantly connects us to the earth through the copper piping. Through this, many often experience feelings of Zen or exuberance and in most cases creativity is often operating at a higher level. Getting outside and exposing your skin to the surface of the earth may seem impossible for some do in part to our busy schedules and/or climate.

Essentially, by getting grounded to the earth, it neutralizes free radicals. Simply put, grounding nourishes free radicals with the missing electron(s) it so desperately needs to become stable. You see, in a case where someone is not grounded, free radicals “steal” electrons from other healthy atoms in order to stabilize. As a result of this process, a new free radical is therefore created, perpetuating a snowball effect. In essence, this is what ages us! By getting connected to the earth, the free electrons that enter our body in effect neutralize free radical propagation and for that reason minimize aging and decrease inflammation. Basically, getting grounded is your greatest source of antioxidants for reducing the effect of free radical damage (oxidization). The best part of it all is that it’s absolutely free!

The Shoe Problem

Over the last few hundred years, humans have increased their dependence on shoes. Sadly, it would be hard to find anyone without a pair today in the developed world. Unfortunately, by wearing rubber or plastic soled shoes most of our lives, we are creating a shield from the earth. By doing this, we are limiting ourselves from untapped resources and  thus  restricting our exposure to the greatest antioxidant source in the world. As a result of this, inflammation and consequently disease  are steadily on the rise.

Watch the below video of David Wolfe discussing the problem of wearing shoes and the importance of getting grounded.

Regardless of how conscious we are about our health, we are all oxidizing at varying degrees. The difference is we can, to some extent, control the degree at which we oxidize by tapping into the energies of the earth.

W  also encourage you to take a look at, a relatively new  range of earthing  footwear. By including copper conductors within their footwear,  Juil offers a natural conduit between your feet and the earth’s surface, helping to release built-up free radicals and supporting your health andwellbeing.

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About the authors:

Jordan and Kyla  are passionate about health; together, they have overcome many illnesses through dietary and lifestyle changes, and the art of practicing a positive mindset daily. Kyla is currently studying to become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Reiki Master, and Jordan is currently learning about traditional North American medicinal herbs, in hopes of becoming a Certified Herbalist.  For more information, please visit the following sites;,  Facebook,  Twitter,  Google+, or  Pinterest

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