Four Natural Liver Cleansing Foods

5th June 2012

By  Anthony Gucciardi

Contributing Writer for  Wake Up World

Liver health is directly tied to your overall health, and poor liver health could very well be the root cause of many diseases that currently affect millions of people worldwide. Often assaulted with toxic substances like high-fructose corn syrup, which can ‘overburden’ the liver and subsequently lead to complications, it is very likely that your liver has experienced at least some degree of damage due to dietary and environmental factors. In fact, the only way to avoid the  build up  of toxins in the liver would be to eat a nearly perfect diet free of additives, fillers, modified ingredients, or chemicals — virtually the opposite of the average American diet, which critically lacks any  liver cleansing foods.

Thankfully, it is very possible to repair your liver naturally and help release excessive toxin buildup through the power of healing foods. Here are four natural liver cleansing foods:

1. Cleanse Your Liver with Avocados

Avocados have been shown to naturally protect and repair your liver. Containing a high amount of  glutathione-producing compounds, avocados can actually help boost the ability of the liver to cleanse itself. Astonishing  research  has even shown that consuming one or two avocados per week for as little as 30 days can make a serious difference in the state of your liver health.

The best part?

Avocados can be enjoyed with virtually any meal, and are available throughout the world. Try adding in some fresh, organic avocados with your next meal to reap the benefits of liver cleansing foods like this one.

2. Garlic

The superfood garlic, which is  known for  its ability to fight against cancer and infections naturally, is also among the many great liver cleansing foods as it is very useful in repairing a compromised liver. While the  benefits of garlic  for liver health and beyond are many, one reason for its superior effects have to do with the fact that garlic contains numerous sulfur-containing compounds that are known to activate the liver enzymes responsible for expelling toxins from the body. Another lies in the presence of both allicin and selenium, two important nutrients that play an integral role in the protection of the liver from damage.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric can uniquely assist the enzymes that are responsible for flushing out known dietary carcinogens. The result is enhanced protection against liver damage, and even regeneration of affected liver cells. Turmeric is also notably responsible for improving the health of the gallbladder as well. These benefits are in addition to the shocking ability to turmeric to combat cancer in a number of studies.  Researchers at the UCLA also found that  curcumin  — the ‘key’ compound within turmeric — exhibits  cancer-blocking properties. The lab found that the enzymes in the patients’ mouths responsible for promoting cancer spread and growth were  inhibited by curcumin supplementation. The ingestion of curcumin intake even blocked the spread of the malignant cells.

4. Lemon and Lime

While not exactly one of the liver cleansing foods, warm  water with lemon  or lime  each morning could be one of the simplest and most advantageous methods of improving the health of your liver. High in vitamin C and potassium, lemons can help regulate biological functions.  Some experts, such as A.F. Beddoe — who wrote the book  Biological Ionization as Applied to Human Nutrition, have also stated that the liver produces  more enzymes in response to water with lemon than to any other food.

About the Author

Anthony Gucciardi is an accomplished investigative journalist with a passion for natural health. Anthony’s articles have been featured on top alternative news websites such as Infowars, NaturalNews, Rense, and many others. Anthony is the co-founder of  Natural Society, a website dedicated to sharing life-saving natural health techniques. Stay in touch with Natural Society via the following sites  Facebook  –  Twitter  –  Web

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