Living on the Edge of a Precipice – A Tryst With Life and Destiny

24th June 2012

By  Dr. Swati Dhawan

Guest writer for Wake Up World

Life on earth and to specifically pen it down humanity at large has become a victim of its own patterns of thinking, feeling, living, behaving and acting! We give in to temptations and greed ourselves and then blame the government or leaders who also being human act on their greed and temptations! We have fallen into the trap of the BLAME GAME AND A STATE OF DEEPSEATED DENIAL AND DEFIANCE!

Is this really what we want for ourselves, our future generations and also from GOD himself! We are a made of pure energy and we attract what are our deep-seated emotions, thoughts, desires, wishes and cognition! Jesus or Mohammed or Sanat Kumar or Gandhi or Buddha or Mother Teresa or Einstein or Carl Jung became greater than us mortals because they MADE THE RIGHT CHOICES IN LIFE! THEY CHOSE LOVE OVER HATRED, PEACE OVER TERROR, FORGIVENESS OVER VENGEANCE, CONSTRUCTION OVER DESTRUCTION, SANITY AND EQUANINIMITY IN THE MIDST OF CHAOS!

We humans are always waiting for something to happen in our life and ONLY then we decide to make ourselves feel happy. Happiness is a state of mind which we can choose to have all the time. It is our social conditioning that decides when we should be happy or sad. It tells us that getting good grades in school and college, becoming a doctor, lawyer, engineer, chartered accountant, etc are more important than being good and truthful human beings. It tells us that marriage and child birth are occasions to be happy and essential and hence we find pride in becoming the second most populated country in the world (India). We are conditioned to portray to the world that we are rich and affording when we cannot even make ends meet. We choose to starve ourselves to get the best of flamboyant figures and are ready to buy luxury items like plasma TVs and Hyundai Santros and the Blackberry mobile because it’s fashionable or the in thing on credit and then spend our whole life paying the credit bills. Why do we want to make the Credit givers richer ten times by the day and companies manufacturing these luxury items richer twenty times by the night at the cost of our own hard earned money? The fact is that it’s not just the money we pay we also buy misery and pain by buying all these items as there is hardly anything good shown or communicated by the media! We are told that men should be strong and not cry and hence the men wear pseudo faces of bravery and fake strength and resist taking assistance of friends, family or doctor till they are pushed to their living edge. Are we not polluting the world by our reckless use and abuse the environment and if there is a calamity we blame GOD for it.

WHY? WHY?? Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we choose to torture ourselves and then blame GOD for all our miseries? Why the blame goes on GOD in the end where we ourselves can change the way we live and think and most importantly act.

We need to ask ourselves and the people around us all these crucial and vital questions and then introspect deeply and then decide what do we want for our lives and for the people around us. Then we need to start taking the right actions and steps within our capacity to make this world a better place to live in for ourselves, our loved ones, our future generations and other living and non-living creatures. We need to stop living on the edge and start living a fuller and freer life. It is within our capacity and hence stop blaming and start acting. Our small mindful steps and actions can make this world a better place to live in.

All great men like Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, Mother Teresa and others have left behind them a trail of footsteps to be followed by us mere mortals and yet still some of us choose to follow the likes of US rapper 50 Cent who is boastful, aggressive and builds his image on the gold he carries on his body rather than his kind words and good deeds!!! We choose to follow Britney Spears who does not understand the meaning of truth, sanctity and purity, and whose path has led her to drugs and alcohol, and to whom parenthood is a distant priority after fame and fortune!

Ask yourself whether you want to become like your role model or idol and then you also buy the complete package of his/her share of pain and sorrow.


Ask yourself whether you want to become like your role model or idol and then you also buy the complete package of his/her share of pain and sorrow.


About the Author        

Dr.Swati Dhawan  is a Cosmic Quantum Holistic Wellbeing Consultant and Trainer who has encompassed the fundamentals of Medical Science with the Eastern Vedic Wisdom. This combination offers health in its truest sense and in its entire perspective-physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual as defined by the World Health Organisation. With her objective of transforming lives she has created her niche and footprint on the marks of time by giving practical and time tested advice.

She has worked in the Healthcare Sector for many years. This exposure helped her to recognize, identify and acknowledge the diverse ethnicity and distinctive spirited environments existing in various companies and sectors. Looking at the varied ways of survival of people and evolution of humans going against the laws of nature and Darwinian Theories and her exposure to the yogic lifestyle, she consciously opted for a career in Training and Self Development.

She started her journey in these arts and sciences as a part of personal development in childhood and curiosity and gradually started conducting workshops on Self Improvement, Emotional Management, Self Awareness, Clarity, Concentration, Strategic Thinking, Prevention and Rehabilitation of Cardiac and Lifestyle Disorders and Stress Management, Leadership, Managing Change, etc.  She specialises in the areas of homoeopathy, yoga, reflexology, music therapy and colour therapy. She has authored many articles on the similar topics.

Her Professional Qualifications are as follows:

  • Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital & Health Care Management
  • Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine & Surgery


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