5 Natural Remedies for Oily Skin

By  Debbie Sweet

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Managing oily skin can be very challenging for many people. If you don’t know how to manage it correctly, it can result in various types of breakouts on your skin and also make it difficult for you to wear cosmetics.

Of course, the issue is that if you use some of the popular treatments from your local store, you’re applying a lot of harsh chemicals to your face which may cause excessive dryness and irritation.

Here are some suggestions for five natural ways that you can take care of your oily skin without causing yourself any discomfort.

Aloe Vera

Using aloe vera gel is an ideal way to help remove some of the oil that is resting on the top layers of your skin. If you have lots of oil in your pores or if they are clogged, you can also use aloe vera to help clean them out. You should use the gel around three times a day, directly after washing your face. If your face is irritated, you can chill the aloe vera gel for a more soothing effect.

Cold Water

Instead of using harsh cleansers and other facial products on your skin, you can actually help to treat your oily skin with natural cold water. All you will need to do is wash your face with cold water on a regular basis and start blotting it gently with a towel. This is an ideal way to help remove some of the typical excess oil on your skin.

Stop Using Moisturizers

Although many people believe that moisturizers are essential for having healthy skin, they are less necessary for individuals who have oily skin types. Because the skin is already oily, it does not need any extra help with moisturizer; in fact, using moisturizer with an oily skin type can cause more clogged pores.

Avoid Touching Your Face

A common reason why people have issues with breakouts on their skin due to oily skin types is because they are always touching their face throughout the day. Hands have contact with almost everything in a general day, so they are usually covered with dirt and oils, even if they are not visible. Likewise, hair that touches the face can also cause a problem because it can become oily or hold various types of dirt. Pulling your hair back during activities is an ideal way to avoid complicating your oily skin.

Start Using Natural Scrubs

Creating a natural scrub or facial can be a great way to combat against the oils that are found in your skin. There are many different recipes for scrubs and facials using items from around your home; if you search on the internet, you can find suitable options that will allow you to exfoliate dead skin cells, clean out your pores, and absorb the oil in your skin.

By combining these tips together into your daily or weekly skin care routine, you should be able to see the desired results. Although these results may not happen instantaneously, you will notice a true difference in your skin over a period of weeks, without the use of harsh skin products.

About the Author

Debbie Sweet is a board-certified dermatologist, specializing in CO2 fractional resurfacing. When she’s not working, Debbie enjoys yoga retreats and volunteering at her local animal shelter.


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