Follow The Money In “Sick-Care”: What’s Behind The Drugs And Needles?

By Raluca Schachter

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The description of the disease seems to change according to the drug that’s being marketed.

-Ray Peat, PhD

There are several “scams” in the “health”-care industry these days, that brainwash the population into believing the “cure” comes through a pill, or a needle and “donations” should be offered for researching more of such “cures”.

Cholesterol medication  is one of these “scams” that are supposedly meant to fight heart disease. The  “good and bad” cholesterol  theory  was developed by an opportunistic pharmaceutical industry that needed just another way to make huge profits. Studies and “scientific evidence” were  simply bought    to “prove” their false theories.  But the evidence against this damaging medication  couldn’t  be hidden for too long. A study published in the American Heart Journal in 2009 tested the cholesterol of heart attack patients admitted to 500 hospitals. The findings were shocking:  75% of those patients had LDL cholesterol levels below the current guidelines of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) of 130 milligrams!  Clinical reality is that not only is a total  cholesterol  value greater than 200 not necessarily high,  for many people it is normal  and very important!

So inventing a problem that  doesn’t  exist, while covering up symptoms with dangerous drugs is the way these companies operate. We observe the same pattern when we talk about  cancer.

The average conventional  cancer treatment  costs over $300,000. Yet, most natural cancer remedies costs a few thousand dollars or less and clinical reality has shown for many years that they have been very effective!

Linus Pauling, one of the most important scientists of the 20th century and 2-time Nobel Prize winner gives us something to think about when he said:

Everybody should know that the ‘war on cancer’ is largely a fraud, and that the NCI and the ACS are derelict in their duties to the American people who support them.

How about  chronic fatigue syndrome? When faced with patients suffering from  this  disorder,  in a poorly-informed attempt to relieve symptoms, most doctors might prescribe antidepressants, muscle relaxants, pain pills, or sleep medications. But none of these will resolve the condition and side effects may make you feel worse. When that happens, they will often tell you that “the disease is just in your head”…

The medical industry is working around the clock to develop new drugs and  vaccines  to ‘protect’ us from whatever trending epidemic is in the news. One of the latest hoaxes on the matter is the Gardasil HPV vaccine, that already killed many young girls and disabled many more.

There is strong evidence that this vaccine does not prevent cervical cancer, there is no scientific evidence of any kind,  nor does HPV by itself  cause cervical cancer. The CDC website states that  the human body’s immune system clears HPV within two years, 90 percent of the time. Without the vaccine. So why the push for this vaccine?

Because  Merck has invested huge amounts of money and efforts to lobby governments in the U.S. and in other countries to make HPV  vaccinations mandatory for young school girls, and it has vigorously maintained that Gardasil is safe. This “safety” obviously doesn’t include the figures:

Gardasil has a  400 percent higher rate of adverse effects  than another comparable vaccine, the Menactra anti-meningitis shot.

All these facts scream loudly: MONEY. GREED. IMMORALITY.

The reality is that the magic pill or needle will never “cure” anything, but just cover up symptoms.  The  conventional, western model of medicine  is a symptom and disease oriented approach. There is no real prevention here. Action is taken when symptoms appear and that action is mostly based on prescribing drugs for a lifetime, with serious side effects.  Deep, underlying factors that determined the disease in the first place are not considered.

Where Does Your “Healthcare” Money Go?

There is no secret anymore.  Pharmaceutical giants  pay doctors and other healthcare professionals to promote their drugs.  It is standard operating procedure. For a share of the huge profits, doctors become their lobbyists.

Isn’t it obvious how Big Pharma dictates their opinions about treatments?

Last year, the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly  paid out  more than $200 million in payments to doctors and healthcare providers for promoting their drugs.  They also agreed to pay $1.4 billion to settle criminal and civil allegations of promoting drugs for unapproved uses. Eli Lilly defrauded Medicare/Medicaid and blatantly put profit over the concern of the consumer, when they concealed the risks of its schizophrenia drug Zyprexa, knowing the serious health risks it caused. This case is not a single one, on a contrary.’s  Dollars for Docs  database is tracking  other companies’ disclosures as well. To give you an idea, take a look at these numbers:

Company 2010 Speaker Payments 2010 U.S. Sales
Lilly $61,477,547 $14.3 billion
GlaxoSmithKline $52,755,793 $13.6 billion
Pfizer $34,382,574 $26.2 billion
AstraZeneca $31,647,101 $18.3 billion
Merck $20,365,446 $18.8 billion
Johnson & Johnson $11,712,900 $12.9 billion
Cephalon $4,241,080 $2.1 billion
ViiV Healthcare $3,975,102 Unavailable

It is estimated that these required disclosures, that also expose the doctors’ names and payments will offer a  transparency, which will determine physicians to rethink their strategy and back away from such arrangements.

In my opinion, no matter how you look at it, this kind of “healthcare” became a dirty business and  doesn’t  have anything to do anymore with re-establishing and maintaining people’s health. Because that will be so detrimental to the “business”…

No wonder they call them “drugs”…The question is: for how long will they still be legal??

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About the author:

Raluca Schachter is a dedicated Clinical Nutritionist / Natural Health Practitioner a.k.a “The Health Detective”. Raluca was able to naturally reverse chronic health conditions she was struggling with most of her life, and now uses her knowledge to help as many people as possible do the same. Her health programs and diet plans offer a very unique and comprehensive approach to health, where individual nutritional and biochemical requirements are firstly met using specific nutrients and foods that each metabolism thrives on. Raluca offers her services to international clientele and her practice is fully online based. You can connect with Raluca at and

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