5 Health Powers of Asparagus

29th January 2013

By Mary West

Guest Writer for  Wake Up World

Exciting research is finding that  asparagus  is valuable for health in diverse ways, being beneficial for several medical conditions that plague many worldwide.

Perhaps most exciting of all is a new study that finds the vegetable may help prevent or treat a feared cancer that over 200,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with each year.

1. Asparagus found to have anticancer properties.

A new study  published in the  Indian Journal of Pharmacology  found asparagus contains certain compounds that have substantial anticancer properties. Researchers tested the compounds, known as shatavarins, on test tubes of human breast, colon and kidney cancer, as well as on mice with  breast cancer.

All the results showed that shatavarins had potent toxicity against cancer cells. Extract of asparagus administered orally in doses of 250 and 500 mg/kg body weight for 10 days caused a significant reduction in tumor volume and tumor cell count.

2.  Asparagus may help prevent  diabetes.

In addition to the anticancer properties of asparagus, it may have some anti-diabetic properties as well. Researchers at the University of Karachi in Pakistan  found that high doses of asparagus  extract had a positive effect on insulin output by the pancreas. The findings add to a 2006 study by the  British Medical Journal  that found the vegetable triggered an 81 percent increase in glucose uptake by body tissues. Therefore, asparagus can help diabetes by stimulating an increased production of insulin, in addition to enabling the body to absorb more glucose.

3.  Asparagus may prevent a hangover.

Those who celebrate the New Year by drinking too much alcohol may prevent a hangover by taking asparagus extract. Chronic drinking can cause detrimental changes in the liver, as well as the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover. Scientists at the Institute of Medical Science and Jeju National University in Korea found the asparagus extracts “significantly alleviated” the cellular toxicity of alcohol, a benefit that translates to lessening of a hangover and protection of liver cells.

4.  Asparagus offers up tremendous cardiovascular benefits.

This vegetable contains a compound called rutin that can help prevent deadly  blood clots, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Moreover, asparagus is a good food source of  folic acid, a nutrient that helps counter the bad effects of homocysteine, an amino acid in the blood linked to increased cardiovascular risk.

5.  Asparagus can help balance out your electrolytes

Adding to the list of impressive health properties are three more benefits. Asparagus is a rich source of potassium, a mineral that regulates fluid balance; so the diuretic effects of asparagus can reduce bloating in the tummy area that sometimes occurs after eating a big meal. The vegetable also has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties

Article Sources:

Previous Articles by  Mary West

About the Author

Mary West is a contributor to the natural wellness site, Live in the Now. She is a natural health enthusiast as she believes this area can profoundly enhance wellness. She is the creator of a natural healing website where she focuses on solutions to health problems that work without side effects. You can visit her site and learn more at www.alternativemedicinetruth.com. Ms. West is also the author of Fight Cancer Through Powerful Natural Strategies.

This article was republished with permission from  Live in the Now, one of the fastest growing natural health newsletters. Visit  LiveInTheNow.com  to browse their complete library of articles, or join the nearly 60,000 readers subscribed to  their Newsletter.

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