Are You Creating You or Being You?

By  Openhand

Contributing Writer for  Wake Up World

When we embark on the spiritual journey we have two main choices:

We can either:

1.  create who we want to be


2.  be who we truly are

There are many ways to the top of the metaphorical mountain. There are also many ways to ensure that we keep walking around and around in circles. In this article we’ll look at the difference between the two…

The difference between creating me and being me

When we are busy  ‘creating who we want to be’  rather than  ‘being who we truly are’  we don’t actually go up the mountain at all; instead, we create an illusionary mountain upon which we seem to be able to do whatever we want. Until we see beyond the veil, it certainly has ‘allurement factor’ written all over it.

Conversely, when we are  ‘being who we truly are’, we attune to the inevitable choice that has already been made –  the divine flow of the universe. In this sense, the choice is about remembering who we truly are; and when we remember, the only thing we have to ‘do’ is be. Once we’ve seen beyond the veil, this will increasingly have a sense of ‘rightness’ to it.

Allowing the prison walls to crumble

This is not about creating a perfect world, but rather shedding everything that we are not – peeling away that which has kept us from realising out true authentic beingness. It is our destiny. It’s allowing everything to fall away to reveal the omnipresent essence of beingness that is, and always was, there.

The choice is momentary. The choice is whether or we whether we accept or reject the divine, authentic being that we are.

To be or not to be

There isn’t necessarily anything ‘wrong’ in choosing to create a world for ourselves – although, it can be helpful to realise that it is illusionary; like entertainment; or a game to be played, until we tire of illusions; until we wake up to something deeper; until we awaken to the part of us that is at one with the Source of Creation itself; until we realise that when we are at one with the Source of Creation itself, that the real authentic us, paradoxically, doesn’t create anything. Instead, we experience ourselves AS the source whilst creation happens THROUGH us – as a soul.

The main purpose that ‘creating your own reality’ serves on the road to ascension is to show us what we are not. We may experience temporary freedom and happiness by creating amazing things. Yet by nature, anything inspired from our minds can never last. Eventually it generates the sense of our our imprisonment, so intensely, that our soul yearns to break free. This sense, so many of us recognise. Something burning inside. Something we can’t always explain. A tension; a tightness that torments us. An irrational anger or rage. Realising how imprisoned we have been, creates an incredible impetus to fully wake up and liberate the soul.

It’s not always easy, especially once we realise how imprisoned we have been and what exactly imprisons us. The prison we’ve created for ourselves can be everywhere, in everything we do. Waking up is the first step. Once we’ve awoken, we are invited to continue awaking to deeper and deeper layers of authentic soul.

Fear of losing control

Being ‘who we truly are’ means that we are surrendered to the divine flow of the universe.

The biggest obstacle to this is fear that we have no control, or fear that we’ll lose grasp of reality. The irony is, that until we align with the divine flow, we are already lost. We have little grounding in reality. The false self cowers in fear, insisting on control, as it senses its own demise. And so it continues to make cunningly cosy or witful choices to avoid losing it’s grip. The false self basically controls the world that imprisons us and until we fully wake up, we believe that it is real.


Conversely, in being ‘who we truly are’, we are taken on a journey that will help us unlock all of the doors. It is a journey of authentic liberation – a stark contrast to the world of illusionary freedom. It generates a phenomenal sense of inner peace that all beings yearn for at a soul level.

Who we are, has already been chosen. Our job is to simply realise that. We are divine beings, far more incredible that anything we could dream up. The secret is trust, surrender and accepting that we are enough, right now, in this moment. Only then can the flood gates of authenticity start to open. Only then can we unleash the full light of our being.

The light of the soul breaks through

My awakening and impulse to unveil absolute truth, has been so strong that I’ve always honoured the impulse to allow my world to unfold before me. I have watched as the walls built around the light of my soul collapsed, brick by brick.

I am just being me… not the me I  want  to be, but rather the me I Am.

Our true self is unveiled by shedding EVERYTHING that is superimposed upon it. What is revealed is something so earth-shatteringly-brilliant, so extraordinarily-ordinary, that it is impossible to find unless we are being profoundly honest with ourselves. Surrender, let go and trust. Unveil your divine authentic beingness!

So how about you? Are you ‘creating’ you or ‘being’ you?

In Love and Light

Further articles by Trinity

About the author:

Openhand is the name we give to a highly evolved benevolent consciousness that has been around since the dawning of time. It is that energy which works within the weave of the fabric of life, helping to unravel blockages, rebalance disharmony and bring greater enlightenment to the universe. It works as a synchronistic mirror, revealing what is holding us back and how we can take the next evolutionary step. Openhand Foundation works on behalf of this energy, helping ground its presence in this realm.”

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