9 FAQs About “Happy Armpits: Make Your Own Coconut Oil Deodorant”


By Ana Jadanec

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Following my previous article Happy Armpits: Make Your Own Coconut Oil Deodorant, I decided to make a short list of frequently asked questions submitted by readers.

1. Does this natural deodorant work?

Yes, it absolutely does. I found it to work better than the store-bought natural deodorants, as well as the special, sensitive deodorants typically sold at a higher price (if you live in Europe, you probably came across Klorane, Vichy, Avà¨ne, Roc Keops). Even if you intend to use it while doing heavy duty work in scorching heat, you will find the smell to be minimal.

I need to emphasize one thing, though. If your armpits are used to the regular, aluminium and alcohol based deodorants, upon switching they may take a few days to detox. In the first few days you can experience excess sweating and some smell. That will go away as soon as your armpits remember their natural way of being and working. So, should this be your case, don’t give up, exercise a more regular hygiene until it all settles down to the new, more natural, normal.

2. Does it work as an antiperspirant?

No, you’ll sweat, which is the natural process your body undertakes to cool itself. Corn starch is there to absorb excess wetness, so don’t worry, you won’t be sporting ginormous sweat circles on your t-shits

3.  Isn’t cornstarch GMO?

Not necessarily. You can buy organic cornstarch, so no need to be afraid of it. Lots of recipes suggest arrowroot, which I also used. Arrowroot tubers contain about 23% starch, so it’s just another starchy ingredient that will absorb wetness. I didn’t include it in my recipe since it’s not as readily available as corn starch, but if your local store carries it, I warmly recommend it.

4. Why should I melt the coconut oil?

You don’t have to melt it, but I found it to be easier to combine all the ingredients if it’s melted. Coconut oil is solid at room temperature, so if you choose not to melt it, you’ll need to put some into a bowl and work it into a manageable paste with a spoon.

5. How should I melt the coconut oil?

My recipe doesn’t specify it, because I assumed everyone would be melting it in a small pot on their stove. However, I now see that a lot of people are using microwaves. I hardly ever use mine, so this didn’t even cross my mind. Microwave usage is a whole different subject, just know that should you decide to use your microwave it will kill most of coconut oil’s nutritional, anti-oxidant, as well as anti-fungal/anti-bacterial properties.

6.  Won’t baking soda irritate my skin?

It normally doesn’t, but if your skin is a super sensitive type, it might. Make a smaller batch at first to see how it goes. You can always reduce the amount, or take it out of the recipe completely. Play with it and see what works best for you. The same goes for any other ingredient in this recipe. Choose the essential oils you like best, combine those that have anti-septic, antibacterial or anti-fungal properties with those that smell divinely. Adapt it, play with it, and make it your own.

7. Will the deodorant melt in warmer climates?

This really depends on how warm your house gets, I’d say; or if you’re camping outdoors. You can always add some beeswax to harden it, should you find the need, or you can keep it in the fridge.

8. How do I apply it?

If you pour it into a jar, you’ll have to use your fingers. I used to dig a small chunk out with a spoon, melt it a bit in my fingers and then apply it. But thankfully to the ever growing, inspiring internet community of coconut oil deodorant lovers, I learned that while preparing it you can pour it into an old (clean) stick deodorant container. It’ll be easy to use, and it will look just like any conventional stick deodorant.

9. Does the coconut oil stain the clothes?

I haven’t found that to be the case. Cornstarch can get a bit gritty, so you might have some white spots on your armpits, but that usually goes with any stick type deodorant. You can always play with the ingredients and see what you prefer best. You can also not use cornstarch/arrowroot or baking soda at all. Some people add vegetable glycerin to the mix.

If you react to any of the ingredients, replace them with something that works for you. It’s yours to try out.


Click here to read Ana’s first article “Happy Armpits: Make Your Own Coconut Oil Deodorant (Recipe Included!)“.

About the author:

Croatian-born Ana is a quirky star-child who strives to expand into different activities and touch as many aspects of life as she can. She is not here to preach nor teach, just to share a different perspective of life on Earth and the various potentials she has found within. Ana lives life intuitively and freely, and hopes that her love for the starry sky, our space brothers and sisters, planet Earth, nature, dogs, sewing and life will enable her to shine tiny sparkles of hope and love around the world. Visit Ana’s website:  https://analilscorner.wordpress.com/


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