Letting The Divine Take The Lead


By Lissa Rankin MD

Guest Writer for  Wake Up World

How many times have you tried to strong arm your will, only to discover your efforts didn’t help you anyway?

Are you one of those people who studies Law of Attraction books and then tries, in vain, to affirm, visualize, and manifest what you want, only to discover it didn’t work?

Are you sitting on the fence, trying to make a seemingly impossible decision or resolve a seemingly impossible problem?

If so, then you’ll love the book I just gobbled up in one sitting.

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But First, A Crazy Story

I was teaching a teleclass to the doctors in the Whole Health Medicine Institute with Dr. Christiane Northrup, and many of the doctors are at big crossroads in their lives right now. So I said a little prayer beforehand, asking that Chris be used as the perfect vessel for what the doctors need to hear right now. And Chris SO brought it! Perfect divine wisdom at just the right time. Prayer answered.

Chris led us through a powerful exercise in intuition, designed to help us collectively solve the health care crisis (you can read my thought on how to solve it here). She also suggested that we all go out and buy astrologer Tosha Silver’s Outrageous Openness IMMEDIATELY. So I ordered it lickety split, and after reading half of it on Friday, on my way to LA to film a documentary with Martha Beck, I looked up Tosha’s website on the plane and signed up for her newsletter because I was hungry for more of this woman’s awesome work. I then wrote Tosha a gushing fan letter, something akin to “OMG, you don’t know me, but I’m a huge fan of your book, and we live in the same city, and can we please be BFF’s?”

Then I went to my email because her newsletter sign up said “Go to your email to confirm your subscription.” So I complied, and when I got there, my inbox had an email- from Tosha. (I’m totally serious). Tosha apologized for signing me up for her newsletter list, saying she never does that, but that she was about to teach a workshop in San Francisco for the first time in a long time, and that she just had a feeling I might want to be there.

Oh. My. God.

Needless to say, I’m going to Tosha’s workshop. (DUH! Signs from the Universe!)

Outrageous Openness

Based on a series of articles Tosha wrote for the San Francisco Examiner, Tosha’s book touches on astrology, but it’s much more about the art of surrendering to Divine will, something I not only continue to struggle with, but something I honestly just forget to seek! The book is filled with stories from Tosha’s life, as well as from the lives of the 30,000+ client readings she has done through the years. She doesn’t just recommend turning your big struggles over to the Divine. She recommends letting go of trying to control even the smallest things. How? Here are some of Tosha’s prayers.

Prayers Of Surrender

When you’re looking for love:

The perfect partner is already selected. He/she is arriving in the right way at the right time. I am so grateful to receive him/her.

When something you want isn’t happening as fast as you wish:

My life is unfolding in Divine timing. All delays are beneficial. I’m always at the right place at the right time.

When you’re looking for clients:

I’m now available to receive anyone who can benefit from my teaching. Let all who need me find me. Let me help relieve suffering. The Divine is my complete Source for all prosperity and will provide.

When things aren’t going well at work:

I call Divine Order into my work. In the right time, in the right way, let my offering become available for the good of all, to all who need to be guided to me and to know.

When stressed about travel:

Let every aspect of this journey unfold in harmony. Let Divine Order arrange and show me every detail. The right airline connection, lodging, and all else are already selected and I’ll be guided to them easily. I’ll follow the leads as they are shown.

When you feel an impulse to be of service:

Wherever I can be a force for Love, please guide me. Take me wherever you wish me to go. Let me do your bidding.

When struggling to get over the painful loss of a relationship:

This entire relationship now belongs to Divine Order. It is in God’s hands and I am open to a miracle of completion. The situation now unfolds in the perfect way for the good of all. I needn’t fear letting go; my needs are always met.

When trying to decide about whether to do something you can’t quite afford but wish to do:

Please show me if you wish me to go. If you do, please bring a sign, and a miracle. Please show your Divine Will in this matter and send a clear sign that gives the proper direction. And if for some reason I’m about to head the wrong way, please, please stop me.

When dealing with writer’s block:

I ask that if I can be of service, and I this be God’s will, that the perfect chances will arrive to pulverize this damn writer’s block once and for all.

When dealing with a customer service cluster f*ck:

With every fiber of my being I invoke God as my Source and cast the burden of this mess. I pray that the perfect people who intercede on my behalf will come at the right moment.

When struggling to find the perfect apartment or just the right parking spot:

I am now being guided to the right apartment [or parking spot] at the right time. It’s already handled.

When unclear about what’s next:

My perfect new path is already selected and will arrive at the right time. I’ll be shown the steps to receive it.

Can It Be That Easy?

As someone who has been blessed with the grace of Divine intervention even in the midst of my own struggle to control my life, I know personally that we are not alone in this journey of life, and that when we surrender to Divine Order, problems work themselves out in ways more magical than we might have conjured with our rational minds.

Yet, we still resist. Why oh why do we resist?

Consider how life triggers stress responses in your body which deactivate your body’s natural self repair mechanisms. Just imagine how relaxing turning over your struggles to the Divine can be to your nervous system. What if surrendering to Divine will not only brings into being that which is in the highest good for all beings, but also improves your health?

Sounds like just what the doctor ordered…

Can You Let The Divine Lead?

What struggles do you face? Have you tried surrendering to Divine Will? Tell us your stories of struggle and triumph in the comments.

Letting go,

Updated September 2014

Previous articles by Lissa

About the author

lissa_rankinLissa Rankin, MD is a mind-body medicine physician, founder of the Whole Health Medicine Institute training program for physicians and health care providers, and the New York Times bestselling author of Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself. She is on a grass roots mission to heal health care, while empowering you to heal yourself.

Lissa blogs at LissaRankin.com and also created two online communities – HealHealthCareNow.com and OwningPink.com. She is also the author of two other books, a professional artist, an amateur ski bum, and an avid hiker. Lissa lives in the San Francisco Bay area with her husband and daughter.

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