Wake Up World Among 75 Best ‘Personal Growth’ Websites of 2013


For  Wake Up World

The folks at the  Institute for the Psychology of Eating take an holistic nutrition approach to wellness. But while their  philosophy may begin with holistic nutrition, they believe that what we eat is only half the story of good nutrition; the other half of the story is who we are as eaters.

There is a the powerful connection between our inner world and our nutritional health, and our nutritional metabolism is profoundly affected by our thoughts, feelings and beliefs.  It is impacted by our level of stress or relaxation during meals. It is elevated by the amount of pleasure we receive with eating. It is energized when we have compassion for our fears about weight and body image. And it is enlivened when we experience a healthy relationship with the Earth, and with our inner spiritual life.

The work of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating is firmly grounded in clinical and scientific nutrition, complementary and alternative medicine, and the mind-body sciences. They consider it their mission to re-unite the psychology of eating with the science of nutrition, and part of that mission is to share information resources that reflect their holistic core philosophy.

This year, Wake Up World is honoured to be recognized among  the IPE’s list of the  Top 75 Personal Growth Websites of 2013.

Here’s what they had to say, plus the full list of sites they reviewed….

According to the honours list… “Wake Up World’s initial focus was to unravel the web of deceptions that Governments continue to spin in the name of maintaining control and supporting a Corporate agenda. But the site evolved as the readership grew. Today, while WuW continues to offer insight to help break down the “old” ways of thinking and being, they also celebrate the bright future ahead.”

The IPE… “do not endorse or promote any religious or spiritual philosophy, or recommend any particular path of personal growth over another. All paths have something to offer if they’re the right one for you. From self-help to mindfulness and religious contemplation or retreats, there’s something worth exploring in each one here…. They’re all ranked highly in our eyes!”

75 Best ‘Personal Growth’ Websites

1.  Abraham-Hicks + The Law of Attraction

If you’re new to the Law of Attraction and The Law of Allowing, this is where it began. The Abraham teachings affirm our well-being and help us to recognize the power of joy in achieving all that is desired in life. Esther Hicks is an inspirational speaker and author who dialogues with a group of spiritual teachers called Abraham. She and her husband, Jerry Hicks, have also co-authored eight books.

2.  Adyashanti

Adyashanti’s teachings on non-dualism have been compared to those of the early Zen masters and Advaita Vedanta sages. Expressing both the infinite possibilities and the ordinary simplicity of a spiritually realized life, Adya, as he’s called affectionately by his followers, and his teachings are directed to those who are sincerely called to awaken to their true nature and embody this life-changing realization.

3.  Advanced Life Skills

Jonathan Wells is a Personal and Professional Breakthrough Strategy Coach who specializes in encouraging clients to achieve goals that they once thought were impossible. Jonathon works with clients from all over the globe and maintains a blog that reaches the millions who have not hired him as a coach — yet.

4.  The Art of Living Foundation

Operating in over 150 countries, The Art of Living Foundation (AOLF) is a non-profit, educational and humanitarian organization founded in 1981 by the world-renown philanthropist and spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. All of AOLF’s programs are guided by Sri Sri’s philosophy: “Unless we have a stress-free mind and a violence-free society, we cannot achieve world peace.” The AOLF community is diverse and attracts people from all walks of life backgrounds and religious orientations.

5.  Body Divine Yoga

Body Divine Yoga is the work of Danielle Prohom Olson, a certified yoga instructor in British Columbia, who has been practicing yoga for over 15 years. Deeply committed to yoga as a healing modality, she is currently completing her certification as a Yoga Therapist. Body Divine Yoga truly dives into the sacred underbelly of what’s become a fitness trend. Yoga, Danielle reminds us, is not about achieving perfect poses. It is about inhabiting the body as sacred space. B.K.S. Iyengar put it “The needs of the body are the needs of the divine spirit which lives through the body.” This is a great place to begin reconnecting to your divine spirit.

6.  Bruce Lipton

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist and bestselling author of,  The Biology of Belief,  he was also the 2009 recipient of the Goi Peace Award. He is best known for promoting the understanding that our genes and DNA can be manipulated by our thoughts and beliefs. He teaches at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic

7.  Byron Katie

If you are new to The Work of Byron Katie – then welcome, welcome. This is truly transformative stuff. “The Work,” developed by Katie, is a way of identifying and questioning the thoughts we so often entertain unconsciously as truth, and that cause all the anger, fear, depression, addiction, and violence in the world. Experience the happiness of undoing those thoughts through The Work, and allow your mind to return to its true, awakened, peaceful, creative nature. Are you ready?

8.  Center for Action + Contemplation

Located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC) is the home of the Rohr Institute and its Living School for Action and Contemplation. The CAC has supported the world-renowned ecumenical ministry of Richard Rohr, OFM for 25 years. As founder of the CAC and Academic Dean of the Living School, Fr. Richard’s teachings form the basis of the organization’s vision and on-going work.

9.  The Center for Child Honoring

The Center for Child Honoring, founded by beloved children’s troubadour Raffi Cavoukian, is a communications hub and training ground for a global awareness and education campaign. Where Child Honouring is being advanced as a universal ethic, an essential code of conduct for all to embrace. Child Honouring is a unifying vision by which societies can re-order their priorities- a central organizing principle for sustainable, peace-making cultures.

10.  Contemplative Outreach

Contemplative Outreach is a spiritual network of individuals and small faith communities committed to living the contemplative dimension of the Gospel. It was created under the work mission of Cistercian monk, Father Thomas Keating. The common desire for Divine transformation, primarily expressed through a commitment to a daily Centering Prayer practice, unites our international, interdenominational community.

11.  The Daily Awe

Lindsay Curtis is a spiritual intuitive, Reiki practitioner and empath who specializes in beginning and end of life care. The Daily Awe is Lindsay’s space for providing guidinance and encouragement on how and why to follow your gut.

12.  Dan Millman

After an intensive, twenty-year spiritual quest, Dan Millman’s teaching found its form as “The Peaceful Warrior’s Way”, expressed fully in his books and lectures. His work continues to evolve over time, to meet the needs of a changing world. Dan’s thirteen books, including Way of the Peaceful Warrior, have inspired and informed millions of readers in 29 languages worldwide. The feature film, “Peaceful Warrior,” starring Nick Nolte, was adapted from Dan’s first book, based upon incidents from his life.

13.  The David Lynch Foundation

The David Lynch Foundation was established in 2005 to fund the implementation of scientifically proven stress-reducing modalities, including the  Transcendental Meditation  program, for at-risk populations such as under-served, inner-city students; veterans with PTSD and their families; women and girls who are victims of domestic violence; American Indians suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular disease and high suicide rates; homeless men participating in reentry programs who are striving to overcome addictions; and incarcerated juveniles and adults.

14.  Divine Cosmos

Divine Cosmos, is the Official Internet home for the work of David Wilcock. Within this site are thousands of free pages of scientific and spiritual information about soul growth, Ascension and the evolution of consciousness. David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy. His upcoming Hollywood film “Convergence” unveils the proof that all life on Earth is united in a field of consciousness, which affects our minds in fascinating ways.

15.  Drunvalo Melchizadek

Drunvalo is the author of five books including  The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life,  Volumes I & II,  Living in the Heart, Serpent of Light  and his newest one,  The Mayan Ouroboros. These books have been published in 29 languages and reach out to over one hundred countries throughout the world. Drunvalo is the first person in the world (in modern times) to mathematically and geometrically define the human light body called in ancient times the Mer-Ka-Ba. Also referred to in the Book of Ezekiel as “The Chariot”. He is the founder of the Flower of Life Facilitators that have been teaching his work in over 60 countries.

16.  Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart is a spiritual teacher and author, who, at the age of 29, experienced a profound inner transformation, which radically changed the course of his life and marked the beginning of an intense inward journey. He is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller  The Power of Now  and the highly acclaimed follow-up  A New Earth, which are widely regarded as two of the most influential spiritual books of our time.

17.  Gabrielle Bernstein

Gabrielle is the New York Times best-selling author of  May Cause Miracles. She appears regularly as an expert on NBC’s Today Show, has been featured on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday as a next-generation thought leader, and was named “a new role model” by the New York Times.

18.  Global Oneness Project

The Global Oneness Project is a digital, ad-free, bi-monthly magazine. Through stories, we explore the threads that connect culture, ecology, and beauty. Our collection of films, photography, and essays feature diverse and dynamic voices from around the world

19.  The Happiness Project

Gretchen Rubin is one of the most thought-provoking and influential writers on happiness. Her books  Happier at Home  and  The Happiness Project  were both instant New York Times bestsellers, and The Happiness Project has spent more than two years on the bestseller list. Here, she writes about her adventures as she test-drives the studies and theories about how to be happier.

20.  Holos University

Holos University Graduate Seminary prepares students to integrate Universal Principles of Spirituality and Holistic Health through self-development, scholarly exploration and research, and compassionate service. Amazing programs to explore!

21.  I AM Fil

Director Tom Shadyac says that I AM “is a film for people who want the truth… this is for our generation…” and then asks: Ever wonder what the root cause of the world’s problems are? What’s wrong the world and what on Earth can we do about it? Discover the truth of who we really are, the magic and mystery of the human heart…Challenge your beliefs… This isn’t just a film, it’s an experience!

22.  Institute for Noetical Sciences

The Institute of Noetic Sciences mission is entirely about supporting individual and collective transformation through consciousness research, educational outreach, and engaging a global learning community in the realization of our human potential. “Noetic” comes from the Greek word nous, which means “intuitive mind” or “inner knowing.” Founded in 1973 by Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, The Institute’s primary program areas are consciousness and healing, extended human capacities, and emerging worldviews.

23.  The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine

As the International Research Division of Holos University Graduate Seminary, ISSSEEM retains its original Goals as established in 1989: the exploration of subtle energies and their application to the experience of consciousness, healing, and human potential. And that’s just the beginning.

24.  Jacob Lieberman

Dr. Jacob Lieberman is a pioneer in the fields of light, vision and consciousness, and author of  Light: Medicine of the Future, Take Off Your Glasses and See, and Wisdom From an Empty Mind. He is the President of the International Society For The Study Of Subtle Energies And Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM). His most recent project, EYELIGHT, will revolutionize our understanding of how light interacts with the body by evaluating the composition of light entering and exiting the eyes.

25.  Ken Wilber & The Integral Institute

Ken Wilber is the author of over twenty books including A Brief History of Everything. He is the founder of Integral Institute, a think-tank for studying integral theory and practice, with outreach through local and online communities such as Integral Education Network, Integral Training, and Integral Spiritual Center in Boulder, Colorado.

26.  Marc & Angel Hack Life

Marc and Angel are students of life eager to share inspirational and practical advice for living a fulfilling life. With over 600 articles on topics such as happiness, productivity, relationships, and emotional intelligence, Marc and Angel Hack Life is a vault of valuable information for personal growth.

27.  Marci Shimhoff: Happy for No Reason

Marci is the female face of  Chicken Soup for the Soul.  Marci is one of the bestselling female nonfiction authors of all time. In addition, she’s the host of the national PBS television show called Happy for No Reason and she’s a featured teacher in the international film and book sensation,  The Secret.

28.  Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual author and lecturer. Six  of her ten published books have been  New York Times Bestsellers. Four  of these have been #1  New York Times Bestsellers.  A Return to Love  is considered a must-read  of The New Spirituality.

29.  Masaru Emoto

Made famous in the metaphysical documentary: “What the Bleep Do We Know?” Masaru Emoto’s best-selling books  Messages from Water, The Hidden Messages in Water, The True Power of Water  and  Love Thyself, have erupted into American culture. He has now also authored two children’s books,  The Secret of Water for the Children of the World, and  The Message from Water:  Children’s Version. He is a long-time advocate for peace in relation to water, and is currently the head of I.H.M.General Research Institute and President Emeritus of the International Water for Life Foundation.

30.  Matthew Fox

Matthew Fox has been busy renewing the ancient mystical tradition of Creation Spirituality; a tradition that is feminist, art-centric, wisdom centric, “prophetic and committed to eco-justice, social justice and gender justice”. Fox’s effort to reawaken the West to its own mystical tradition has included revivifying awareness of Hildegard of Bingen, Meister Eckhart, Thomas Aquinas and the Cosmic Christ tradition, as well as interacting with contemporary scientists who are also mystics. A beautiful place to begin a contemplative journey…

31.  Mayan Majix

Mayan Majix was established in 1998 by Ian Xel Lungold. Ian traveled the world speaking about the Mayan Calendar and the Evolution of Consciousness. Ian passed away Nov. 16, 2005. Mike and Matty are keeping the Mayan Majix website going in his honor. Incredible database of article links to the state of the world, spiritually, financially, healthfully, etc.

32.  The Meru Foundation

The Meru Project is based on 30 years of research by Stan Tenen into the origin and nature of the Hebrew alphabet, and the mathematical structure underlying the sequence of letters of the Hebrew text of Genesis. Absolutely Incredible work!

33.  Metaphysical Musing

Metaphysical Musings is an incredible online resource with access to a variety of articles and PDFs to full texts books on such topics as The Bhagavad Gita, The Rig Veda, The Emerging Worlds, and the Shiva Sutras. Must see!

34.  Mooji

Mooji, born Anthony Paul Moo-Young, is a direct disciple of Sri Harilal Poonja, the renowned advaita master known as Papaji. A chance meeting with a Christian mystic 30 years ago brought him into the direct experience of the Divine within. A modern teacher of the advaita tradition, Mooji expounds the “knowledge of Self”, and the method of self-inquiry, with clarity and love. There is an energy that radiates from Mooji’s presence, a kind of impersonal intimacy, full of love, joy and a curious mix of playfulness and authority.

35.  My Miboso

Sabrina Bolin is a joy coach, hypno-therapist, emotional freedom technique (EFT) practitioner, and energy healer. All of her gifts powerfully combine as she works with clients to help them listen to their inner wisdom and follow their intuition.

36.  Myth & Mystery

Consider Myth & Mystery a metaphysical warehouse. They search the internet for all links related to ancient history, paranormal and mysticism, and then organize into navigatable categories. Whether you’re interested intudies of the Human Mind, ESP, or conspiracy theories, secret government coverups regarding UFOs/abductions, or have a hunch that the pyramids at Giza, have a connection Angkor and to the all the Sacred Sites… this is your place!

37.  Neal Donald Walsch

Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God.

38.  On Being

On Being with Krista Tippett is an in-depth, spacious conversation about religion, meaning, ethics, and ideas — and an evolving media space — about the big questions at the center of human life, from the boldest new science of the human brain to the most ancient traditions of the human spirit: What does it mean to be human? And how do we want to live?

39.  Patanjali Kundalini Yoga Care

Patanjali Kundalini Yoga Care (PKYC) is a spiritual direction service and retreat that offers individual guidance for qualified spiritual seekers of all spiritual traditions. PKYC seeks to support serious, qualified spiritual aspirants to live a healthy, spiritual lifestyle and to carefully accelerate spiritual progress by properly cooperating with Kundalini Shakti’s efforts to complete her rising. If you’ve had any interest in Yoga and true Kundalini Science, read their book “Kundalini Vidya,” available on the website!

40.  Pick The Brain

PickTheBrain diverges from traditional “self-help” by taking a broader approach. Rather than sticking to a small set of topics, the site covers anything related to self-improvement – this covers a lot of ground. We’re sure you’ll find something of use here — from living more prosperously, to creating satisfying life goals!

41.  Play with the World

Shannon Kaiser has been labeled a modern thought leader on the rise by CafeTruth. She is the author of Find Your Happy, an Inspirational Guide to Loving Life to Its Fullest, and a four-time contributing author to the International best-selling book series Chicken Soup for The Soul. She is an inspirational travel writer, motivational speaker, life coach, graphic designer, and marketing professor.

42.  Reality Sandwich

Reality Sandwich is a web magazine for this time of intense transformation. Their subjects run the gamut from sustainability to shamanism, alternate realities to alternative energy, remixing media to re-imagining community, holistic healing techniques to the promise and perils of new technologies.

43.  Rudolf Steiner Archive

Rudolf Steiner, father of Waldorf Education, was an Austrian philosopher, social reformer, architect, a recognized contributor to esotericism and a literary critic and cultural philosopher. This is the database for his lectures and books! Incredible free collection of works!

44.  The School of Images

The School of Images (SOI) was founded by Dr. Catherine Shainberg in 1982 and is located in New York City. The School teaches the language of imagination for instantaneous insight and transformation. The SOI teaching works to catalyze creative manifestation at all levels, in all areas of life; the teaching may serve as the foundation for exploration of a sacred path.

45.  Shambhala

With centers all over the world, – if you’re interested in the Buddhistic path, then this is a great exploration: they offer community meetings, retreats, intro to meditation classes and deeper study. Shambhala holds the view that every human being has a fundamental nature of goodness, warmth and intelligence, which can be cultivated through meditation, following ancient principles, and it can be further developed in daily life – check what they’re up to.

46.  Spiritual Sweat

Amanda Christian prescribes a thorough workout for your soul on her website, Spiritual Soul. The exercises she challenges you with involve setting yourself free, stepping into your power, blazing your own trail, and choosing love over fear.

47.  Spirituality & Health

Spirituality & Health magazine is for people who wish to explore the spiritual journey—the journey to self-knowledge, authenticity, and integration. They draw from the wisdom of many traditions and cultures, with an emphasis on sharing spiritual practices. And look to science to help provide a context for the spiritual quest. We explore the health of body, mind, and spirit, and recognize that in our language the words “whole,” “health,” and “holy” share a common root.

48.  Spread Happy

Andi Evans uses her own experiences to be a spokeswoman for happiness, faith, and optimism. Her work and blog posts on Spread Happy help others find happiness from within not outside themselves.

49.  Stephen Gardner

Stephan Gardner is a unique presence in the field of emotion therapy. Considered a master life coach, therapist, Yoga instructor and workshop facilitator, his services are used around the world to help people be greater at living. Stephan’s masterful training in The Demartini Method ®, Yoga and life-long experience with hypnotherapy, meditation and shamanism has proven to be uniquely effective for his clients.

50.  Tara Brach

Tara Brach’s incredible teachings are a blend of both Western psychology and Eastern spiritual practices, prescribing us to be attentive to our inner life, and to engage with the world in a fully embodied and compassionate way. She’s a distinctive voice in Western Buddhism, and offers a wise approach to freedom from suffering.

51.  Tiny Buddha

Lori Deschene knows that gaining knowledge isn’t necessarily a problem – especially in this day and age. It’s applying it, that we have issues with, especially considering, she says “how little time we have throughout our busy days to stop, breathe, and just be.” Enter Tiny Buddha.

52.  The Theosophical Society

The Theosophical Society in America is a membership organization, branch of a world fellowship – the International Theosophical Society with headquarters in Adyar, Chennai, India. Theosophists regard Truth as a prize to be striven for, not as a dogma to be imposed by authority. They hold that belief should be the result of individual understanding and intuition rather than mere acceptance of traditional ideas, and that it should rest on knowledge and experience.

53.  The Thrive Movement

THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s really going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future. A must see!

54.  Truth Theory

TruthTheory offers alternative news, documentaries and more. We are presenting information, which you will not find in the mainstream media. Find out what is really happening in the world today!

55.  Wake Up World

Wake Up World’s initial focus was to unravel the web of deceptions that Governments continue to spin in the name of maintaining control and supporting a Corporate agenda. But the site evolved as the readership grew. Today, while WuW continues to offer insight to help break down the “old” ways of thinking and being, they also celebrate the bright future ahead.

56.  World 5

Based on the 3 Truths, World 5”²s intent is to be present to the Reality of This Moment, to foster global awakening and to heal our communities, ecologies and planet through Peace and Love. “The only true freedom is freedom from fear.”

57.  World Mysteries

World Mysteries is a collection of the world’s greatest unexplained phenomena — lost civilizations, ancient ruins, sacred writings, mysterious artifacts, science mysteries, “alternative theories”, subject experts, related books and resources. You could easily spend all day here.

58.  Yesod Foundation’s Reb Zalman’s Legacy Project

The Yesod Foundation’s Reb Zalman Legacy Project promotes the teachings of Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi , aka “Reb Zalman,” — one of the most influential spiritual leaders of our time. A Holocaust survivor, with early associations with Habad-Lubavitch Hasidism, Reb Zalman went on to teach Jewish Mysticism and Psychology of Religion at various universities, and to found the influential Jewish Renewal and Spiritual Eldering movements.

59.  Zen Habits

Zen Habits is about finding simplicity in the daily chaos of our lives. It’s about clearing the clutter so we can focus on what’s important, create something amazing, find happiness. Written by Leo Babauta, Zen Habits features one or two powerful articles a week on: simplicity, health & fitness, motivation and inspiration, frugality, family life, happiness, goals, getting great things done, and living in the moment.

… and more to come!

Where are the other 16…?

The crew at Psychology of Eating need your help to fill out the rest of the list.  

Email your (other) favourite ‘personal growth’ websites to  [email protected] and let them know… where do you go when you’re looking for a spiritual booster or personal power up?

The remaining 16 entries will be released through PsychologyOfEating.com

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