Hieroglyphics Experts Declare Ancient Egyptian Carvings in Australia to be AUTHENTIC

Hieroglyphics Experts Declare Ancient Egyptian Carvings in Australia Legitimate

October 2014

By Patricia Awyan

Guest writer for Wake Up World

Foreword by Wake Up World contributing writer Andy WhiteleyThe continuing research of Egypt’s Khemit School of Ancient Mysticism is focused on the implications of the evidence left behind for us to discover by the indigenous and the ancients of Egypt. Drawing on the expertise of hieroglyphics expert Mohamed Ibrahim and Khemit School Co-Director Yousef Abd’el Hakim Awyan (who has studied ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs his entire life), the Khemit School Team has worked tirelessly over recent months, deciphering the mysterious (and hotly disputed) set of around 300 early-Egyptian hieroglyphs carved into remote rock walls in bushland near Gosford NSW, on Australia’s east coast.

And the result? Not only has the Khemit team deemed the Gosford ‘Glyphs legitimate, they believe the scribes who created them accurately used a number of ancient hieroglyphs and ‘grammatical’ variations that were not even documented in Egyptian hieroglyphic texts until 2012. And as hieroglyphics (like any language) evolves over time, the specific style of script used offers a linguistic time-frame that suggests there was an Egyptian presence in Australia at least 2,500 years ago — 500BC or earlier. The  translated text is even so detailed as to identify the ancient scribes, by name and occupation.

In this historic interview and presentation, Patricia Awyan (Co-Director of the Khemit School) along with hieroglyphics experts Mohamed Ibrahim and Yousef Abd’el Hakim Awyan of the Khemit School, provide details of their research and translation methodologies, and offer translations and analyses of the narratives on the walls of the historic Gosford ‘glyphs.

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Egyptian Hieroglyphs Written During Ancient Times

By Patricia Awyan:

The Khemit School Team has visited, documented and completed an in depth study of the now famous “Gosford Glyphs” located near Kariong, about 60 km north of Sydney, Australia

Last February, Beatrice Awyan  and I embarked on a journey of discovery to both New Zealand and Australia as I was invited to present a series of lectures in Auckland, NZ and Melbourne, AU. After we announced our journey, we were delighted to receive an invitation from Sonya van Gelder to visit the Gosford ‘Glyph site, and view what many believe to be very ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs carved on 2 very large sandstone rocks in a remote area in the forest.

Reports of these enigmatic ‘glyphs date back to the early 1900’s, and there has been much controversy about whether they were placed there as a hoax — or that they were in fact, carved by one or more Egyptians in ancient times.

My husband, Yousef and Mohamed Ibrahim were so excited by the prospect of our visit, that they began to study the pictures of the Glyphs (that had been sent to us by Sonya at an earlier date) in order to create a video of their findings — so that Beatrice and I would have something to offer as a gift, in return for this generous invitation.

It was not long before they were both bustling with enthusiasm over what they were discovering! Not only did they believe that they were authentic… but they could begin to understand the story that the glyphs were telling us. We all knew that a much more thorough and in-depth examination would be necessary- but, we went ahead and filmed a short video of their findings to present to our hosts.

After spending many wonderful moments with both old and new friends in New Zealand and Melbourne, as well as being introduced to much evidence that points toward the possibility of a very ancient connection of Egypt with both New Zealand and Australia  — we were ready to explore the site at Gosford.

Beatrice and I were honored to learn that we would be meeting respected Original Elder and custodian of the women’s’ lore of the area, Auntie Beve, also known by her tribal name, Goolabeen. (I am sad to say that Auntie Beve passed on shortly after we left, in April. Her vibrant spirit touched me deeply, and I know that her inspiring legacy of service, connection and achievement will live on in the hearts and memories of many others.)

We were also accompanied by Aboriginal Star Lore author and lecturer, Stella Wheildon, who has been entrusted with the gift of the wisdom of the Ngarakwal traditional lore, given to her by Mrs. Marlene Boyd, a direct ‘bloodline to country’ descendant of the Seven Sisters Star Lore — the ancient matrilineal culture of traditions, lore and customs of the Bird Tribes of Australia.

The Grandmother Tree

The Grandmother Tree

We were grateful to be introduced to many fascinating people that day, all coming together in the interest of protecting this site — and honoring its historical and multi-level significance.

As we were led down the path through the forested area, we soon discovered that there was much more to this site than a few rocks with Egyptian hieroglyphs on them. They are encased in a natural paradise, known to be a sacred area, as a meeting place (in separate locations) for both men and women. I was especially enchanted by the Grandmother Tree, a huge leaning angophora tree which has stood tall for hundreds of years, just a few steps from the sandstone rocks blanketed with ancient inscriptions.

As I came around the corner to view the carved script for the first time, I was surprised at my own reaction. They seemed to be alive, and to speak to me from the distant past.  I could almost feel the energy of the writers — and based on what I already knew of story they were telling, began to understand their plight.

The sandstone rocks were huge, creating a tall corridor that we were told, once had a roof that covering it.   We were guided around the surrounding area and saw many more items of interest, including a shaft that seemed to go deeply inside an area underneath one of the sandstone boulders, as well as more hieroglyphic inscriptions!

The Gosford Glyphs

The Gosford ‘Glyphs

Beatrice and I were blessed to have experienced many powerful moments that afternoon, as we explored the sacred area before gathering again that evening where we were able to present our film of Yousef and Mohamed’s quick interpretation of the Glyphs.

We were elated to witness Auntie Beve’s reaction, who told us that the interpretation Mohamed and Yousef shared, matched the information handed down to her by the ancestors.  She spoke to us of how hard she was working to save this and other sacred areas of Australia’s Original people — from destruction, vandalism or sale by the government.

We made a promise to her that we would return to Egypt, with all the photographs and video taken by Beatrice at the site, to give to Yousef and Mohamed so they could begin a thorough examination, in order to present a much more convincing presentation that we would give to her to help her and others in their efforts to maintain the integrity of the site and its significance to the Original people of Australia.

And so…

The Khemit School dedicates this video presentation, produced by Sadat and Beatrice Awyan, to Auntie Beve and all of the Original people of Australia.

Translating the Gosford ‘Glyphs

Part I:

We introduce you to The Gosford Glyphs found in Kariong, New South Wales and we address the question of whether ancient Egyptians had the  capability  of traveling to Australia.

Part II:

We speak about the authenticity of the Glyphs and how we deciphered them  utilizing well known  Hieroglyphics texts and other resources.

Part III:

We discuss who wrote these ancient symbols and the message they were delivering on the sandstone blocks, pointing to a possible long term connection between these two ancient civilizations.

To learn more, visit the Khemit School of Ancient Mysticism at Khemitology.com  and  YouTube.com/TheKhemitSchool.

About the contributors:

Patricia Awyan:  Researcher, Speaker, Explorer,  and Khemit School Co-Director

Patricia AwyanFrom a very young age, Patricia knew that she would one day be “going home” to Egypt. Having been born with a “need to know”, she has spent much of her life on a personal quest for knowledge, wisdom and spiritual fulfillment. Patricia’s strong and vital connection to Nature and interest in the mystical and physical sciences propelled her into a lifelong study of the ancient mysteries.

She became of student of Khemitology after meeting world renowned, Khemitologist,  Abd’el Hakim Awyan, on her first trip to Egypt in 2005.

It was during her third journey to Egypt that she would meet, and fall in love with her husband, Yousef Awyan. Together, she and Yousef created The Khemit School of Ancient Mysticism as an open forum to share the teachings of his father, Hakim, and to continue on with the exploration and research of the ancient mysteries, both on and off the sites.

Patricia devotes much of her time to the study and exploration  of ancient mysteries, symbolism and mythologies worldwide. She has traveled to sites in Australia, Great Britain, France, Spain and all over America and Egypt ,researching the clues that support the concept of a very advanced civilization , technologically and spiritually, that once spanned the globe possibly tens of thousands of years ago.  The evidence is there and both Patricia and Yousef are making worldwide connections in  hopes of finding and confirming these truths.

Mohamed Ibrahim:  Speaker, Hieroglyphics Expert & Teacher, and Licensed Tour Guide

Mohamed IbrahimInspired by passionate desire to share his wisdom, Mohamed Ibrahim  offers a wide spectrum of knowledge regarding the history, arts, literature, and culture of the ancient Egyptians.

Mohamed was born in Memphis, Egypt and studied (Ancient Egyptian, Coptic and Islamic) Art and History at Helwan University in Cairo. He has been working as a Tour Guide and a  Teacher of Hieroglyphics  since 2000. Mohamed studied Hieroglyphics under the tutelage of Professor Abdel Halim Nour Ed-Dien.

Mohamed’s comprehensive knowledge of Ancient Egypt, along with his background in comparative religions and spiritual studies has enabled him to fill lecture halls and conduct a variety of successful tours over the years. When he is not on tour, Mohamed frequently lectures on Egyptian mythology ” its spiritual aspects in Egyptian art, and the Ancient Egyptian concept of Gods and Goddesses.

Yousef Abd’el Hakim Awyan:  Speaker, Explorer, Stone Mason, and  Co-Director of the Khemit School

Yousef Abd’el Hakim AwyanYousef Awyan  was born, raised and still resides at his family’s home in Nazlet el Saman, which lies just a few meters from the Sphinx Entrance to the Giza Plateau. Yousef grew up listening avidly to his father, world renowned Indigenous Wisdom Keeper and Egyptologist,  Abd’El Hakim Awyan  (1926-2008), talk about the secrets and mysteries of ancient Khemit (Egypt). Sharing his passion, he honors his father’s memory by carrying on the tradition of sharing the secrets of this very sacred indigenous wisdom. He is devoted to revealing, researching and teaching the amazing truths of Egypt’s and our collective heritage.

Yousef has been studying ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs or the “Sufi Language”, as Hakim called it, for most of his life. Yousef reads and interprets the glyphs, symbols and images found in Egypt,  from the indigenous understanding as well as from what he has learned through his study of hieroglyphics texts.

To learn more, visit the Khemit School of Ancient Mysticism at Khemitology.com  and  YouTube.com/TheKhemitSchool.


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