Natural Body Care… In Your Kitchen

Body Care in Your Kitchen

By Alex ‘Earthie Mama’ Du Toit

Guest writer for Wake Up World

Most body care products that you buy from the store are full of harmful chemicals and toxins, and the products that are natural and organic that actually work I find to be expensive.

I have found the perfect combination of inexpensive ingredients that will give you the cleanest teeth, hair and skin you could imagine, and you can find it all in your kitchen cupboard: Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil, Baking Soda, Himalayan Pink Salt, Hydrogen Peroxide, Honey, Sugar, and Soap (I recommend Dr. Bronner’s).

Coconut Oil should be a staple at home. It is so incredible for you with its anti-biotic, anti-inflammatory and anti viral properties. It can be used all over the body, for cooking, for oil pulling, deep hair conditioning, or even a tablespoon for constipation. Apple Cider Vinegar is another staple in the home. It can be used on the hair and skin but also, when ingested, helps to balance the body’s systems so less dis-ease results.

Step 1

Oil Pulling: Take a Tablespoon of Coconut Oil and put it in your mouth. If the oil  is hard it will liquify. Start to swirl  it around in  your mouth and move onto step 2 (you will swirl the oil for about 20 minutes).

Step 2

To deep condition the hair: Heat oil (as an alternative to Coconut, you can use Olive, Jojoba, Almond, etc.) and pour warm oil on the roots and hair. Put hair up. This helps with hair growth and conditions the hair.

Step 3

Spread Honey all over the face (let it sit for around 20 minutes). The honey pulls out the toxins and black heads and tightens the skin.

Step 4

In the meantime, mix 2 tablespoons of Baking Soda and add 1 teaspoon of Himalayan Pink Salt. You can mix with Coconut Oil to make a paste.

After 20 minutes has gone by, spit the oil from your mouth into your garden, compost or trash can (never spit it into a sink or toilet). Dip your brush into the tooth powder or paste, and brush away. You will have the cleanest and whitest teeth ever. The baking soda and salt help to make the teeth extra white.

Step 5

Rinse the mouth with Hydrogen Peroxide. Hydrogen Peroxide kills bacteria in the gums. Make sure you don’t swallow it.

Body Care in Your Kitchen -Step 6

Head for the shower. When you get in, rinse the Honey off of your face. Grab the Dr. Bronner’s soap, pour some in your hand and scrub into the hair and face. Everyone should have a bottle of Dr. Bronner’s Liquid Soap in their house. You can use it to clean everything!

Step 7

Pour a few caps of Apple Cider Vinegar onto the roots of the hair and let it drip down the rest of the hair. Try and get a bit of ACV on the entire head of hair. Then massage some into your face. Take a drink of the ACV and then rinse off the face with water.

Step 8

Take a handful of Sugar and mix with Dr. Bronner’s and scrub your skin all over. This removes all of the dead skin that rests on the skin’s surface.

Step 9

Once you dry off and get dressed, take a bit of Coconut Oil and put a light layer on the skin, face, arms, hands, bottom of feet, etc.

Voilà !

You are extra clean and beautified with products from your kitchen. If you create this as your daily ritual, I promise people in your life will start asking you why you look so good! It happened to me too 🙂

Let me know how this cleaning routine works out for you!

In gratitude and service,

Alex (Earthie Mama)

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About the author:

Alexandra Du ToitAlexandra is a true Earthie Mama, helping others tune into their most natural, thriving state while bringing harmony and balance into all areas of their lives. She hosts a well-known blog,, where she writes about health and wellness, conscious parenting, green living, self sustainability and getting off the grid. Alex also has an MA in Psychology, and is a registered Yoga Instructor, environmentalist, conscious mother, green living advocate and natural birthing expert. She also sells all natural products and her ebooks through her website.

Please check out her website at, connect with Earthie Mama on Facebook, or sign up to the free EarthieMama e-newsletter here!

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