The Insanity of Mainstream Media’s Medical Advice

The Insanity of Mainstream Media’s Medical Advice

By Melissa Melton

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

We’ve all heard that coffee is bad for you. Or is it good for you? Butter and eggs used to be bad for you, but now they’re good…  or are they?

The mainstream media is constantly reporting on new scientific medical studies, dishing out more advice than a doctor on what (and what not) to consume to maintain our health. One month something will kill you, the next month it will save your life.

Take this recent example. A couple weeks ago, The Telegraph reported that, based on a new scientific study, all adults over the age of 50 should take aspirin every single day as a preventative measure to stave off cancer and heart disease. Everyone.  Regardless of their previous warnings.

Are you over 50? Is your mom? Your grandma? Well according to The Telegraph’s reporting on this new study, you better be taking a daily aspirin every day for a decade. As The Telegraph reported:

“Middle-aged adults should take aspirin every day for ten years, according to scientists who found it could save more than 6,000 lives a year by preventing cancer and heart disease. Daily aspirin can prevent up to one third of cancers of the bowel, throat and stomach and can halve the risk of dying in some cases, according to the the largest, most comprehensive analysis of the drugs use.”

The article goes on to downplay the risks associated with taking a daily aspirin, stating: “It comes after previous research raised concerns about the side effects of aspirin, which include bleeding and ulcers. The new study found that while there was a small increased risk of a stroke, stomach bleeding and ulcers, the benefits of taking aspirin made it a ‘good bet’.”

A “small” increased risk of a stroke? Hm. That must be why the exact same media outlet  reported  back in December  that “a daily aspirin may do more harm than good”, and noted that researchers at that time were claiming that regularly taking aspirin led to a 37 percent increased risk of internal bleeding and 38 percent increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke.

So which is it? Aspirin is good to stave off heart disease, but only if you want a nearly 40 percent increased risk of suffering a potentially deadly hemorrhagic stroke? How is that even remotely a “good bet”? Anyone??

Corporate Junk Science

So, listen to The Telegraph and go ahead and take aspirin every day for 10 years, you know…  just in case. Never mind that it is already on record that drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration kill 100,000 people every year who took the drugs as prescribed  – this latest  study claims it will save 6,000 lives. Notably, The Telegraph reporter doesn’t declare this little factoid about prescription death rates on the aspirin study until the very last line of her article: “Several of the authors of the analysis declared that they have worked for the pharmaceutical industry connected to aspirin but that the findings and conclusions in the study do not represent their respective organisations. [emphasis added]

The Insanity of Mainstream Media’s Medical Advice

Time Magazine, June 22, 2014

This is the other side of “science” — the bought-and-paid-for “science” conducted to paint the proper picture for whatever industry is funding it. Sadly though, most people do not read articles all the way to the end. Most casual mainstream media customers will read a headline and if it grabs them, they might skim the first few paragraphs, meaning they will seldom  read  the part where the industry itself is essentially revealed to be paying for the so-called “science” that  propagates the false belief  that these profitable products are good for them.  (For more information, please see:  The Top 10 Tricks Used by Corporate Junk Science.)

And this is just one example. This happens all the time, to the point that most people  don’t know  what’s healthy or not anymore, based  on mainstream media standards. This isn’t to say that science gets everything wrong, obviously, but it illustrate that science can be paid for by corporate interests to say what those interests want it to say. And even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Nature’s  Solutions

Dr. Russell Blaylock is a board certified neurosurgeon, author and lecturer who has dedicated his work to actually looking at the root cause of health issues so they can truly be cured with natural means, rather than patching over symptoms  with potentially harmful pharmaceutical treatments that are never actually intended to “cure” anything in the first place (because there’s no real money to be made in cures).

Writing on aspirin as a blood thinner in his book Health and Nutrition Secrets, Dr. Blaylock says that strokes are a huge concern with taking a daily aspirin, noting, “One of the largest stroke-prevention studies using aspirin, the Physician’s Health Study, involved 22,000 physicians and found that patients taking aspirin had twice as many brain hemorrhages as those who did not take aspirin.”

Dr. Blaylock went on to point out that that the problem with just taking a daily aspirin to prevent strokes and heart attacks is that it doesn’t do anything to strengthen the actual blood vessels themselves, something people who are concerned with heart issues should definitely take into consideration. Basically a weak blood vessel carrying thinned out blood is the perfect set up for a stroke. Makes sense.

Blaylock goes on to say that the herb Gingko Biloba not only thins the blood, but helps strengthen the collagen and elastin in blood vessel walls. In addition, flavonoids contained in Ginkgo biloba protect from free radical damage. (Learn more: Study Confirms Gingko Biloba Aids Stroke Recovery.) These benefits are  in addition to other numerous health effects of Ginkgo Biloba as reported by numerous other natural health outlets, including: (source)

  • Enhances memory
  • Uplifts the spirit
  • Strengthens the eyes
  • Relaxes constricted blood vessels
  • Improves circulation
  • Acts as an energy restorative
  • Provides antioxidant boost
  • Relieves tension and anxiety

But Ginkgo biloba isn’t a manufactured chemical produced for a Big Pharma company in the past 100 years;  it’s a plant that has been around for millions of years and has been used medicinally since long before aspirin was ever synthesized. But what does nature know? But by now, if we believe mainstream media’s medical advice, we should all be asking ourselves how anyone anywhere in the history of humanity managed to live to be over 60 before we could  take aspirin every single day.  Insanity.

For more scientific explanations on how to enhance your health naturally with nutrition –  simply paying more attention to what you’re eating and drinking and how it effects your life  –  check out Dr. Blaylock’s book Health and Nutrition Secrets.

Previous article By Melissa Melton:  

About the author:

Melissa MeltonMelissa is a researcher and writer at Nutrition Anarchy;  her focus is on anything that will help people make better decisions regarding what they are putting in their bodies and be  healthier in this toxic soup we’re all living in.

Anarchy is defined as the non-recognition of authority. If nutrition becomes regulated by a bunch of bureaucrats who, at best, don’t really care about people, and at worst, hope to depopulate the globe, you must have the plans and weapons in place to live a life of nutritional anarchy. Founded by Daisy Luther of the Organic Prepper, and Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton of Truthstream Media, the team at Nutritional Anarchy is dedicated to helping people prepare for the day when real vitamins might be completely inaccessible without a prescription and real, untainted food may not be available in stores.


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