Wake Up World’s 2 Million Facebook ‘Likes’ Giveaway Celebration

Thank You - 2 Million Facebook Likes

16th April 2015

By Andy & Ryan

Founders of Wake Up World

Today,  Wake Up World’s Facebook community  reached  an amazing 2 million ‘Likes’!

To celebrate this milestone we have heaps of  cool give-aways, including e-books, personal consultations, learning programs and health/wellness products, all thanks to  the kindness and generosity of our regular contributors and dedicated supporters. And the best part is, we’ve got something for everyone!  You’ll find details on how to enter and claim your free gifts below.

This is our way of saying  thank you. Thanks for your support, and for embracing our message. Wake Up World has grown from a little blog into an amazing community of awake and aware people, and  we’re  so grateful to be a part of it. In just a few years, two  million of us have come together with our eyes and hearts wide open  — Just imagine what we can  achieve together.

Peace and love.

Andy & Ryan ~ Wake Up World founders.

Please note: the giveaway has now ended.


Something for everyone…

These first three gifts come to you from  contributing writers Sayer Ji  (founder of GreenMedInfo.com),  Indra  (founder of LumenOctave.com), and  Ethan Indigo Smith.

There’s no  competition — these 3 items are free to all Wake Up World readers  as a thank you from us to you. Please check out each of the 3 offers below for details on how to claim them.

Please note: the giveaway has now ended.

• Free GreenMedInfo eCourses for All Readers!

Thanks to  Sayer Ji, founder of  GreenMedInfo.com, we’re giving away  free access to GreenMedInfo’s natural health eCourses  The Wisdom of Food  and Cancer, Nutrition & Natural Healing  to  all Wake Up World readers!

GreenMedInfo.comThe Wisdom of Food:  Based on years of research and science into the transformative properties of food, this special webinar hosted by Sayer Ji will provide the tools  and  practical tips combined with cutting edge knowledge for wise eating. Examining the science of natural and integrative modalities, this session  is an excellent opportunity to navigate through the sea of information regarding diet and health and develop a unique holistic approach to eating.

Cancer, Nutrition and Natural Healing:  This 2-part eCourse  combines the newest information from whole food nutrition, mind-body medicine, and nutrigenomics. It this course,  Sayer Ji explores an alternative view of cancer causation, challenges the current medical paradigm, and will inspire those who wish to take back control of their health, or the health of their loved ones.

To obtain your  free  access:

Visit  store.greenmedinfo.com/free-ecourse-video-access  and enter your details.

  • For ‘The Wisdom Of Food’ eCourse, enter the access  code: wuwfreecan
  • For the ‘Cancer Nutrition and Natural Healing eCourse, enter the access  code: wuwfreewis


• Free eBook! The Matrix of Four  by Ethan Indigo Smith

To celebrate our 2  millionth “Like”, Ethan Indigo Smith has generously donated digital copies of his book  The Matrix of Four: the Philosophy of the Duality of Polarity  —  free to all Wake Up World  readers for a short time only!

Ethan Indigo Smith - Matrix of Four - www.wakeup-world.comEthan’s work is both deeply connected and extremely insightful, blending philosophy, politics, activism, spirituality, meditation and a unique sense of humour.

In The Matrix of Four, he  examines the collective consciousness and the subsequent  development of individual consciousness, providing a broad range of insights – from meditation to political observation, universally shared ideas, the portrayal of the righteous rebel archetype, ancient philosophy, metaphysical awareness and intuition. With celestial, mathematical, spiritual and natural absolutes as its basis, The Matrix of Four  provides  a metaphysical map for self-development and enhanced understanding, and  presents thought-provoking and empowering  ways  to develop consciousness, and turn it into conscious action.

To grab your free copy:

To grab your free copy of The Matrix of Four, The Philosophy of the Duality of Polarity, email your name and the word ‘Ethan’ to [email protected]  and we’ll send your copy as a PDF (via email.)

To check out details of  Ethan’s other  publications, including the popular title The Little Green Book of Revolution, please visit www.amazon.com/Ethan-Indigo-Smith.


• Free for All Readers!  Boost  Your Natural Bliss.

Indra, the founder of  the  LumenOctave ®  and first generation-contributor to Wake Up World, invites  you to join this FREE 8-Day Challenge to boost your natural bliss!

LumenOctave promo

The work of the  LumenOctave  is to introduce you to methods that  first detox the glands then activate the body’s energy centers, to help you live the life that your “soul’s code” has in store for you. The free LumenOctave 8-Day Challenge  will leave you feeling  great  and  give you the simple tools you need to eliminate blocks, low vibes and anything in the way of your fully awakened life on planet Earth.

To join the challenge:

This free offer is available to all Wake Up World readers! To take the 8-Day Bliss Challenge, please visit  www.Blissen-Up.com

You can follow  Indra’s work  at  www.LumenOctave.com


And now, the competition…

The rest of the goodies  on offer are available in limited numbers. So, to be in the draw to win any of the the prizes below:

  • Email us at [email protected].
  • Tell us which 3 prizes you’re most interested in.
  • Competition closes 23:59 UTC, Monday 20th April 2015.
  • Winners will be contacted via email.

Condition of entry:  All we ask is that you  keep in touch. So, by entering  this competition, you are agreeing to receive  Wake Up World’s free email newsletter (via the email address you use to enter.) Our subscriber list is securely  hosted by an email security company, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Good luck with the give-away!

Please note: the giveaway has now ended.

• 5 x Program Packages from  ‘Higher Balance’

“It is our goal to give you all the tools and knowledge you need to empower yourself, to transform your life into something amazing and to awaken the wonder that lives within you.” ~ Higher Balance

Thanks to the kind folks at  HigherBalance.com, we are giving away digital access to a collection of  Higher Balance’s amazing programs  to 5 lucky readers!  Each package valued at over $200 each, these life changing programs include:

Unveiled:  Reality is an illusion. So says the enlightened master. What does that really mean? And how does it apply to you and your spiritual evolution? Prepare yourself for a voyage into the depths of reality. What is reality made of? And how does it all work?


Dreamscapes  –  Future Memory:  An innovative combination of hypnotherapy, relaxation techniques, sound, music and colorful visualizations, Dreamscape is psychological trip into the deep recesses of the mind. It will take you places you have been before, and into the hidden memories of your future.

Alisone  –  God and The Sixth Sense:  The universe is a pretty big place…  unimaginably  big! So how can god be everywhere? Maybe you’ve wondered how God can be everywhere when you can’t see or her him? Why try to use your 5 senses to experience a non-physical being? It may be time to surrender that outdated image of an old man sitting on a cloud, and replace it with a new, more universally realistic image.

Plus…  Magnetic Pill:  Supercharge your neural network. Gain deeper meditations, expanded consciousness, and all the benefits of a body that is fine-tuned to greater levels of development with the natural yet potent supplement. The result of eight years of extensive research, experimentation, and refinement it has been created specifically to aid meditation, enhance the senses, engage and sharpen the mind, while relaxing and calming the body. The result – clear, present, calm and aware.  www.magneticpill.com/ms1

Please visit  HigherBalance.com  for full course and product information.


• 5 x One  Month Supply of NCD2 Pure Liquid Zeolite

Pure Liquid Zeolite Logo

Donated by the good folks at  PureLiquidZeolite.com, we have 3-bottle packages of NCD2 Pure Liquid Zeolite (enough for a 1  month dedicated detox program) to give away to 5 lucky winners!

Comprised of an activated and micronised naturally”occurring zeolite, Clinoptilolite, Natural Cellular Defense has been clinically formulated to remove heavy metals and other toxins, balance your body’s pH levels and support a healthy immune system.

One of the few minerals found in nature with a negative charge, the natural properties of zeolites act as molecular sieves, or filtering agents, that attract and trap into them positively charged atoms, ions, and compounds  (like heavy metals)  and remove them from the system.”‹ Best of all, liquid zeolite is completely natural and 100% non-toxic, and is eliminated from the body in  5 to 7 hours.

Visit  PureLiquidZeolite.com  to read  more information, studies and third  party data.


• Nanice Ellis ~ Life Coaching and eBooks

Courtesy of contributing writer, Nanice Ellis, we are  offering a  FREE package of professional Life Coaching services and copies of Nanice’s e-books to 16 lucky readers!

Nanice EllisNanice has been a professional Life Coach for over 17 years, and is also a successful author, Theta Healer and Master Neuro Linguistic Practitioner. Helping people to make quantum jumps in their lives, Nanice’s unique coaching style is often referred to as the “Nanice Effect”.

1st prize includes:  3 personal Life Coaching sessions with Nanice PLUS copies of each of her 5 best-selling e-books. These empowering coaching sessions are  designed to pinpoint the pivotal shift that will allow you to go from confusion to clarity, in order to manifest your new dream. This prize is available for 1 lucky winner!

2nd prize includes: copies of Nanice’s 5 best-selling e-books, including the popular titles “The Infinite Power of You!” and “Gandhi Got Hungry and Buddha Got Mad!”  This prize available for 10  lucky winners!

3rd prize includes: a copy of Nanice’s inspiring e-book, “Zest Point – The Power of Choice“, for 5 lucky winners!

Visit  www.Nanice.com  for more information, or sign up for Nanice’s free DivineSpirations e-newsletter.


• 25 x Digital Subscriptions to New Dawn Magazine

New Dawn Cover 149Published in Australia since 1991, New Dawn magazine is internationally respected as the #1 magazine for people who think for themselves.

Thanks to the good folks at New Dawn, we are offering 6 month  subscriptions  to New Dawn magazine for 25 lucky readers! Each digital subscription includes  4 issues of New Dawn, including the current (March/April) edition, the current  Special Edition, and 2 future  issues (May/June and July/August 2015).

New Dawn covers a broad spectrum of alternative news and views, presenting diverse non-mainstream material that is engaging, inspiring and thought-provoking  — including  everything from ancient mysteries and the paranormal, to conspiracies, hidden history, health and spirituality. Their  mission is to publish unique articles that not only inform, but make a difference in people’s lives.

For more information, please visit  www.newdawnmagazine.com


• 3 x Global Healing Center Product Packages

Courtesy of Global Healing Center, which was  founded in 1998 by regular contributor  Dr. Edward F. Group III,  we have packages of 3  natural  supplements  to give away to 3 lucky people! This package  includes 1 bottle of each of  the following:


Detoxadine: Nascent Iodine Supplement

Detoxadine ® is a high-quality daily nascent iodine supplement made from dietary transformative iodine in a bio-elemental nanocolloidal state. It is gentle on your stomach and will not sting or burn when used externally. Each bottle contains 1.0 fluid oz.  Detoxadine ®, which  supports thyroid health, supports the immune system, and helps balance vital iodine levels.


Liquid Extract of Certified Organic Turmeric Root

Made from organic turmeric and Spagyrex ® processed for maximum potency, this is the premium turmeric extract!

It is loaded with curcuminoids, the active components in turmeric, and each bottle contains 2 fluid oz.


AllerTrexâ„¢ Respiratory Support

AllerTrexâ„¢ is the only natural respiratory support product on the market which uses a Spagyrex ® processed blend of powerful herbs and essential oils that support normal function and cleansing of the lungs, sinuses and respiratory tract. Contains 1 fluid oz.

Global Healing Center is the premier source for organic living and natural health, offering a wide variety of high quality, green living lifestyle products to help you maintain a clean body and live a healthy lifestyle.  Visit  Global Healing Center  for more information.


• 3 x OpenHand’s ‘Divinicus’ eBook & Celestial Realm Meditation

Openhand is that energy which works within the weave of the fabric of life, helping to unravel blockages, re-balance disharmony and bring greater enlightenment to the universe.

Divinicus-BookCourtesy of contributing writers Trinity  and  Open, founders of  OpenHandWeb.org, we’re giving away packages of Open’s ‘Divinicus’ eBook and Openhand’s Celestial Realm Meditation mp3 to 3 lucky winners!

Open’s e-book  Divinicus:  Humanity has been enslaved within a controlling intervention, that we all know. But just how deep does the rabbit hole go? How are we being influenced at the deepest levels of our consciousness? This book will take you on an enthralling journey: from the deserts of Arizona to the plains of South Africa; from the Garden of Eden to the Big Apple; from ancient Lemuria to the submerged Atlantis.

OpenHand’s Celestial Journey Meditation (40 minutes):  This celestial meditation encourages transcendence of the mind with integration of a deep primordial knowing, beyond thought, to unfold your true spiritual nature. Trinity’s approach is gentle, yet deep, with an ethereal quality that acts as a bridge into a higher paradigm. Her own expansive affinity with unity consciousness allows for a celestial journey beyond the veil; a soul to soul communication that transcends words.

Connect with Open and Trinity at OpenHandWeb.org


• 4 x Astrology Audio Sessions

Wake Up World’s  resident  astrologer  Simon Vorster, founder of Raising Vibrations Astrology, is giving away recorded audio services to 4  lucky star-beings! Winners will receive either…

Raising Vibrations1x Solar Return reading (45 mins):  this personalized session offers insights into the basic karmic journey of your  life, then focuses on the major core themes and dynamics ahead. Recorded for you on video file, this session  also comes with  your charts plus tools and support  to help you integrate learnings into your life.

1x Saturn Return audio (50 mins):  this sessions provides an astrological understanding of  the Saturn Return, the cycle of maturation that occurs for us  every 29 years, including  details to help  you  integrate this energy  into your life.

1x Saturn in Sagittarius audio (90 mins):  this session explores the effects of Saturn’s current 3-year transit through Sagittarius, and how each astrological archetype  will be influenced on a more personal level.

1x Personal Empowerment audio (45 mins):  this session explores the current state of humanity ´s spiritual process, viewed through an astrological lens, to help you manifest a reality that reflects you core being.

Simon Vorster is an evolutionary astrologer and teacher who has been practising astrology for over 10 years.  Using the Evolutionary Astrology method of chart understanding, he  explores the deep aspects and dynamics of the soul and how it experiences its lives across time. Check out Raising Vibrations  for more information.


• 10 x ‘The New Frontier ~  Multidimensionality’ Photographic eBook by Cedar Rivers

Author and photographer Cedar Rivers’ book,  The New Frontier: Multidimensionality, demonstrates how to journey through the remarkable dimensional worlds to photograph and interact with spirit orbs, nature spirits, light beings, UFOs and extraterrestrials.

new frontier dimensionalityThanks to Cedar’s kindness and generosity, we are pleased to offer digital copies of Cedar’s extraordinary photographic book, for 10 lucky winners!

Capturing images of nature spirits,  the  authentic photographs presented in  The New Frontier: Multidimensionality  shows  fascinating phenomena of the finer vibrational realms and a variety of visitors from these vastly different cultures. Descriptions of her own personal journeys also accompany the photographs, as well as  a guided meditation to deepen your understanding of the subtle realms of nature, and step-by-step techniques on how to photograph spirit beings.

As the veils between dimensions continue to thin, more can see into the Spirit Worlds with their physical eyes, as well as with the spiritual third eye. From one of the pioneers of orb photography, The New Frontier is a treasure-trove of experience, personal truth and understanding.

Visit TheNewFrontierMultidimensionality.com for more details.


• Jack Adam Weber ~ Chinese Medicine/Health Consultation

Courtesy of Jack Adam Weber, L.Ac., Dipl. C.H., this Skype or phone consultation of approximately 45 minutes will be tailored to one lucky winner‘s  particular needs and interests.

Jack-WeberJack Adam Weber  graduated valedictorian from Chinese medical university in 2000. His specialty is digestive health and employing the metaphorical system of the Five Elements to help patients discover the creative, ontological (lifestyle and life’s callings) solutions for vitality and fulfillment. As such, a medical-coaching consultation will typically include traditional holistic modalities in addition to inwardly resourced solutions for challenging situations.

A regular contributor to Wake Up World, Jack is also a poet and artist; his poetry truly reflects his passions and deep relationship with the natural world. You can find Jack’s books, artwork, and learn more about his integration of holistic medicine with the creative life at  www.poetichealing.com.


• 3 x Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen eBook

Trinitys Conscious Kitchen - book cover

Compiled  by long-time  Wake Up World  contributor Trinity Bourne, Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen  brings together a unique collection of vegan, sugar-free and gluten-free recipes that are good for the body and great for the soul.

And thanks to Trinity, we’re giving away copies  to 3 lucky winners!

Trinity is delighted to bring you this unique and delicious collection of compassionate and thought provoking recipes, inspired by years of catering for spiritual retreats and events. Through her e-book, she  offers  a range of unique, healthy recipes, and introduces original vegan, wheat-free, sugar-free recipes designed to create optimal health, and greater spiritual, mental and emotional clarity.

Visit  www.trinityskitchen.com  for more information.


• 25 x ‘The Grand Illusion’ eBook by  Brendan D. Murphy

The Grand Illusion - a Synthesis of Science and SpiritualityDid you know that modern neuroscience considers the brain as a receiver of consciousness rather than the generator of it?

Written by Brendan D. Murphy, founder of Global Freedom Movement, the book The Grand Illusion : a  Synthesis of Science & Spirituality synthesizes the paranormal with today’s hard science, breaking through the outmoded world-view that we are just powerless little “meat computers”.  Here, new and expansive vistas of possibility are laid bare, and the forces and energies produced by our consciousness that act on the world around us are blown open for your understanding.

Courtesy of Brendan, we have digital  copies of The Grand Illusion to give away to 25 lucky readers!

With the knowledge that we are incredible and immortal spiritual beings temporarily inhabiting a dream-like, multidimensional, holographic reality, we can indeed begin to turn life on this planet into The Grand Illusion.  Are you ready to meet yourself?

  • “Every person in the field of ‘paranormal’ psychology or related topics should have this book as a major reference.” –Dr. Buryl Payne ”

    A masterpiece…The Grand Illusion is mind-blowing.” –Sol Luckman, author of Potentiate Your DNA.

    “You’ve written the best synthesis of modern science and esoteric science that I’ve seen in 40 years of study in that area. Brilliant!” –Michael K. Wade

    “[T]his is a really good piece of work, my friend! Good research, well thought out, impeccably reported, a real contribution to the field.” –David Yurth, scientist, inventor, author

Visit  brendandmurphy.net  and Global Freedom Movement  for more information.


Thanks a million TWO million!

We hope you enjoy the free gifts, and good luck with the give-away.

2 Million Facebook 'Likes' Giveaway CelebrationCongratulations and thank you to all the readers, writers, editors and other contributors, critics, friends and family members who helped to build this 2,000,000 strong community  of awake and aware people!

Keep questioning everything, be true to your best self, share the love and knowledge, and create positive change in your world at every opportunity. Together, 2 million people can change the world. Are you ready?

Peace and love!

Andy and Ryan,

Wake Up World Founders

Please note: the giveaway has now ended.

About the authors:

Andy and Ryan are both former corporate managers turned co-founders of  Wake Up World. Advocates of peaceful (r)evolution, they  believe humanity  is  on an inevitable path (albeit very bumpy) to a new  social model grounded in love, transparency, individuality, sustainability, community,  and spirit. Through Wake Up World, they hope to contribute positively to that transition.

Connect with Andy,  Ryan and the Wake Up World crew at  Facebook.com/JoinWakeUpWorld.




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