New Study Confirms Climate Engineering Is Contributing To Planetary Meltdown


By Dane Wigington (with Robert Scribbler*)

Guest Writers for Wake Up World

The entire premise of “solar radiation management” (SRM, a form of geoengineering) is to create artificial cloud cover by spraying reflective aerosols into the atmosphere. This incredibly insane tunnel visioned “human intervention” approach to cooling planet Earth is so packed with pitfalls that they are impossible to quantify. But what is the bottom line?

There are countless sources of anthropogenic (human caused) activity contributing to the alteration of Earth’s systems. And although climate engineers can create short term (highly toxic) cooling over large regions, it comes at the cost of a worsened overall warming. This is the conclusion dictated by all available data.

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Covering the planet with artificial aerosol cloud cover contributes to the overall warming of the planet. Why would this be a surprise? The same materials that deflect some of the sun’s incoming thermal energy also traps heat. But this is just the tip of the known negative climate engineering effects…

The ozone layer is being shredded, the hydrological cycle has been completely derailed, and the entire planet has now been heavily contaminated — this is what climate engineering has given us. The planet’s natural energy balance has long since been disrupted. Earth is currently warming at the rate of 4 Hiroshima bombs per second (2.5 x 1014 Joules per second).

Though the analysis* that follows does not directly address climate engineering and the massive global aerosol cloud cover it is producing, the inference is clear enough. This new study further confirms my long standing conclusion — solar radiation management is making an already bad climate and environmental situation far worse, not better.

New Study Finds Clouds Are Amplifying Human Warming*

(This section by Robert Fanney.)

The Mysterious Clouds

For decades, science has been unable to nail down how clouds might change with human warming of the climate. Sure, we knew that added water vapor through a heating-increased amplification of the rate of evaporation and precipitation would likely impact cloud formation. But how would those physical alterations impact climate? Would an added darkening of the Earth through increased cloud cover provide a cooling effect and slow down the rate of human-caused warming (also called a negative feedback)? Or would the added water vapor aloft, itself a powerful greenhouse gas, provide an extra boost to the human heating engine (also called an amplifying feedback)?

The mainstream climate models thus assumed a zero to slightly positive heat feedback from clouds and relied on decadal verification runs to help test for accuracy. A kind of backwards checking that excluded values from clouds due to a lack of needed information.

Confusionists Take Advantage of Cloud Uncertainty

It was an uncertainty hanging in the very air above us. An uncertainty many climate confusionists used to sow doubt over a broad range of issues involving how sensitive the Earth is to the human heat forcing. They often argued, through this scientific dim spot, that climate sensitivity was, indeed, quite low and that we had very little to be concerned about regarding an immense dumping of heat trapping gasses into the atmosphere that is now at least 6 times faster than at any time in the deep history of life on Earth.

The shady clouds, in other words, would save us from ourselves.

New Study Confirms Climate Engineering Contributing To Planetary Meltdown - Pyrocumulonimbus - Fire Thunderstorm

(From the global climate perspective, some clouds are worse than others. The above image shows a thunderstorm set off by massive wildfires blazing through the permafrost zone near Great Slave Lake on August 5 of 2014. A pyrocumulonimbus cloud or, colloquially, a fire thunderstorm. Image source: NASA.)

Not so fast, said Dr. Andrew Dressler who in this paper and this paper recently defended consensus climate science from the cloudy claims of confusionists. Dressler, like mainstream climate science, assumed at least a small degree of positive feedback from changes to clouds and atmospheric water vapor loading. And his observational findings were consistent with an equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS), or a one century rate of warming, in the range of 2.0 to 4.5 degrees Celsius for each doubling of CO2 (consistent with a multi-century warming [ESS] in the range of 4 to 9 C for each doubling of CO2 — or about a 6 C average).

Study Finds Changes to Clouds are an Amplifying Feedback

But now, a new study has found that the picture is not quite so rosy as some claimed. The study, led by Dr. Kevin Trenberth, found that net changes to clouds and related additions of water vapor to the upper atmosphere is a positive or amplifying feedback to human caused warming. In other words, the way human heat alters clouds and the related hydrological cycle results in yet more heat being trapped by the Earth System.

This confirms Dr. Dressler’s work and raises a rather unpleasant question — if we have an added heat feedback from clouds under a regime of Earth Systems warming, then how strong is it?

Trenberth notes in an interview published last month in The Guardian, Changes in Water Vapor and Clouds are Amplifying Global Warming:

What we do find is that if one looks at tropospheric average temperature rather than surface temperature, then there is a much stronger relationship with energy flow at the top of the Earth’s atmosphere. We are able to find a water vapor signal that is clearly a positive feedback.

Climate Sensitivity Needle May Tilt Toward Upper Range of Estimates

This is somewhat unhappy news.

What it means is that the Earth System is at least as sensitive as climate models suggest. But, even worse, there is a chance that the Earth System may be closer to the upper range of climate sensitivity estimates. It means that accumulation of heat in the atmosphere, in glaciers and in the ocean may happen somewhat faster than consensus models predict and that geophysical changes may, consequently, be greater and more catastrophic.

Whether model simulation of climate sensitivity will need to be altered has not, as yet, been determined. The study is now very new and it will take some time for the more recent data to wash out in the model projections.

But what can be plainly stated is that “fossil fuel” industry-funded voices of false comfort have again been proven dreadfully wrong and that there is some risk that the situation may be even more dangerous than current science anticipates. As such, there is absolutely no reason for further delays in policy action and a very rapid draw-down to zero human emissions.

Imminent Collapse

We are all immersed in a sea of deception and lies. The global power elite are using every tool they have at their disposal to hide countless converging catastrophes from public view until the last possible moment. From completely fictitious economic and unemployment figures, to Fukushima, to an all out (highly toxic) manipulation of the planet’s climate system and so much more. The mainstream media propaganda machine has been given the responsibility of hiding reality from the public at all cost, every option of deception and illusion the power structure has is being exercised at this point. Why? Because the moment the delusion of the the former reality is broken (and the gravity of what is unfolding becomes clear to populations), our paradigm will completely overturn. As populations are forced to face reality and the point of panic draws near,  those who rule the world will be more dangerous than ever before. There will very likely be some major maneuvering by the power structure very soon as they are increasingly exposed for what they are to an awakening world.

The climate science community is helping to hide the ongoing geoengineering crimes by their constant attempt to explain away the completely engineered as being “natural”. Many that live in the eastern US have convinced themselves that the world is not warming because it happens to be cold in their location. Many more have convinced themselves of the same conclusion by referring to the eastern US as proof. But, to push the “global cooling” myth is in effect helping the geoengineers sell climate engineering as an effective method of climate mitigation when in reality the exact opposite is true. Climate engineering is making the climate scenario far worse overall, not better. Worse still, the ongoing climate engineering fallout is contaminating the entire planet with toxic metal and chemical particulates.


Climate Engineering and the Manipulated Perception of the U.S. Population - 2014GISS


When will climate scientists admit to the geoengineering elephant in the room?

The whole of the climate science community is completely conditioned (or threatened) into taking a position that a reality can only be a reality if it is acknowledged by a “peer reviewed” power structure ordained study. As far as “science” is concerned, even if you can see something with your own eyes (like jets spraying materials into our skies), the reality does not exist unless a peer reviewed study exists — which, in the case of admitting to the ongoing climate engineering, will never be allowed. We are living in what can only be described as an alternate reality with much of the science community helping to tow the line. Scientists openly ponder the US “warm West, cold East divide”. Why can’t they figure out what is behind the completely unprecedented “freeze-fry” scenario in the lower 48 states of the United States? Because these scientists are not willing or not allowed to admit to reality — the completely engineered cool-downs of the Eastern US.

There is a tremendous and ongoing effort by the power structure to hide the reality of our imploding biosphere and the climate engineering insanity that is helping to fuel this implosion, but the unfolding cannot be hidden much longer.

Those who don’t want to believe any of this is real can easily find some source of information to tell them everything is OK. They can find someone to tell them that those who are sending out the warnings are just “alarmists”. But any who chooses to go down the road of denial should not get too comfortable, there will be no hiding from the gathering storm. The world desperately needs individuals who are determined to take the road less travelled. It needs those who choose to take the path of deciding to be a part of the cure, and who refuse to succumb to the diseases of fear, denial, apathy, and inaction.

Which road will you choose? Make your voice heard in the fight for the common good while there is yet time to make a difference, tomorrow will be too late.



Previous articles by Dane Wigington:

About the authors:

Dane Wigington has an extensive background in solar energy. He is a former employee of Bechtel Power Corp. and was a licensed contractor in California and Arizona. He currently owns a 1,600-acre ‘wildlife preserve’ next to Lake Shasta in Northern California, and his personal off-grid residence was featured in a cover article on the renewable energy magazine, Home Power.

Dane initially focused his efforts and energy on the geo-engineering issue when he began to lose very significant amounts of solar uptake due to ever-increasing “solar obscuration” caused from the aircraft spraying in his area. He also noted significant decline in forest health and began testing and researching into geo-engineering about a decade ago.

Today Dane is the lead researcher for, investigating all levels of geo-engineering from chemtrails to HAARP. He assisted Michael Murphy with his acclaimed production of “What in the World Are They Spraying?” and has spoken extensively in a wide range of forums to explain the environmental dangers we face on a global level.

For more information, visit and geoengineeringwatch on Facebook.

As a science fiction author of Luthiel’s Song and other works, Robert Fanney (Scribbler) has the imagination and ability to communicate. As a former specialist on emerging threats for the prestigious military publisher Jane’s Information Group, he’s learned how to research and pry into things. All of that, plus a special something else that is hard to define, leads to one of the most stimulating climate blogs on the ‘net.

Visit Robert Scribbler’s Blog of find out more about Luthiels’s Song here on Facebook.


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