Walmart Closings: Far More Than Just “Labor Activism”

Walmart Closings - Far More Sinister Than Just Labor Activism

20th May 2015

By Makia Freeman

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The closing of Walmart stores in the southern US states has caused a big stir and plenty of speculation recently. With 5 of its stores in 4 different states, each shut down for 6 months, it is patently obvious the reason for the shutdowns has nothing to do with the ludicrous official story of “plumbing problems”. However what the real reasons are, is still up for debate.

Researchers over at Prison Planet (for whom I have great respect) had suggested some weeks ago that the motivation for the Walmart closings were due to labor activism, yet from the evidence at hand I would suggest that is only one of many reasons, and a superficial one at that…

The Lie is Different At Every Level

Richard Hoagland once said, in talking about the global conspiracy and the compartmentalization of knowledge, that “the lie is different at every level.” He meant that the way the elite Conspirators retain control over the world is by limiting the available information. They construct their systems (corporations, government, military, intelligence, etc.) in strict hierarchies where, as you go higher in the pyramid, you get more of the truth. Those in the bottom are left completely in the dark, those in the middle get a bit more info, and those near the top get most of it.

Similarly, Edward G. Griffin has lectured about Rhodes and his Round Table groups, and mentioned they were set up in a series of concentric circles, where many circles were deliberately misled to think they were the highest or innermost, but actually were not.

There is tremendous deception in the way the world is run. The middle circles can get a bit of information they think is “the truth”, but which is really just a shallow or minor motivation for a certain part of the agenda. Case in point is the Walmart closings. Walmart wanting to stop unionization and labor activism to suppress wages is certainly part of the equation here – as we all know by the cut-throat nature of Walmart’s business model – but it’s not the deepest or main reason for the recent shutdowns.

It’s like layers of the onion. You need to go through through many layers of information before getting to the deepest truth.

Labor Activism Does Not Explain the Suspicious Activities Surrounding the Walmart Closings

The labor activism explanation does not account for many things. In my previous article The Possible Underground Tunnel Connection to Walmart, I talked about how many weird and suspicious activities were going on at these 5 Walmart stores. In that article, I also linked to videos showing police patrolling the perimeter of Walmart stores, giant walls being erected and windows being blacked out. I’d also like to reiterate the connection between Walmart and a network of US Government underground ‘defense’ tunnels, which you can read about more at The Official Wal-Mart Tunnels of Paulding County Investigation.

Additionally, reports are coming in from locals that the Walmart carparks are full – and none of the cars appear to be plumbing vehicles! Evidence is definitely pointing to Walmart being set up to become something – perhaps a military Command and Control Center, or a military Distribution Center, or something akin to those.

Here’s what one reader of The Freedom Articles wrote about the suspicious nature of the Walmart closings:

I can’t claim to know what is going on at these Walmarts, but I do know that there is something really off about this. I live about 30 minutes from Livingston, TX, where the closest Walmart to me is. When I first heard it was closing because of plumbing issues, I was mad because that meant I’d have to drive at least an hour to the nearest Walmart, but then I heard about the other 4 stores closing for the same exact reason.

So I got curious and did my research to find that something wasn’t adding up. Now, I heard that the closed Walmarts have been seen with completely full parking lots… My mom just started a new job in Livingston and she confirmed it with me yesterday. She said, “The whole lot was slam-packed with cars and none of them were labeled plumbing trucks”.

Putting Out a Call for Photos and Videos

What we need right now are citizens activists who live near the 5 Walmarts to do their best to get close up – and take lots of photos and videos of what’s going on, and let us know in comments (below) and on Facebook. Together, united, we may be able to get to the bottom of these suspicious Walmart closings.


Previous articles by Makia Freeman:

About the author:

Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance. An avid promoter of freedom, truth and health, his mission is to expose the truth, raise awareness about the conspiracy to enslave mankind and to help create a critical mass of people to stand up against it – and thus restore peace and freedom to the world. - Knowledge is Power

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