Recognizing Real vs. Artificial Synchronicities

Real vs. Artificial Synchronicities

By Montalk

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Real synchronicities and artificial synchronicities both have meaning to the perceiver. Both manifest via highly improbable “coincidences.”

Real synchronicities come from your subconscious/HigherSelf/Universe and let you know that a quantum shift in perception is imminent – this can be an emotionally charged situation or a smoother leap in learning.

Artificial synchronicity is engineered by hyperdimensional negative beings in an attempt to suppress, sabotage, drain, distract, or mislead targets on the verge of awakening. This can happen in a variety of ways.

One way artificial synchronicity occurs is by backing disinformation with synchronistic “confirmation” – for example, you can get multiple people at the same time who apparently don’t know each other to tell you about some idea, which in truth is bait to lead you down the wrong path. You may see this odd timing as confirmation that it’s the right path, even though it isn’t.

A common one happens to people who attend UFO or New Age conventions and “synchronistically” meet someone who happens to share odd things in common with their personal history. They believe it was “meant to be” and so often start relationships with these people only to find out too late that they were conned or hooked up with a matrix agent. One red flag is if the person shows no independent thinking and is just mirroring you in a shallow way and carries a glib salesman-like too-smooth-yet-hasty ‘gotta make the sale’ undertone.

Another is experiencing electronic anomalies after doing something that’s on the wayward path. Say you are researching a questionable topic and the computer freezes or shuts down. Some people take that to mean they are on the right path and are being interfered with by “the dark side”, when in truth they are being reinforced in their error. The goal is to get you to ignore your intuition and reason in favor of this “sign.”

Real vs. Artificial Synchronicities

Now, all of the above can happen with real synchronicities as well. How to tell apart artificial from real synchronicities? Well, the artificial ones seem contrived, very forceful and rushed, and just a bit too weird. They try to press you into making a particular decision or sparkle up something that you know deep down is false, whereas real synchronicities merely reflect confirmation of decisions you have already made or else forecast an upcoming leap in progress.

Take into account the nature of the Higher Self and the Universe’s interface with your own subconscious mind, reflecting in experience the nature of your thoughts, feelings, and tendencies — there is much weirdness that can happen via this process. Likewise, consider that negative hyperdimensional forces have advanced technology bordering on time travel, can influence people around you into saying or doing pre-scripted things, have at their disposal cybergenetic humanoids posing as regular people who are completely remote-controllable, and can zap electronic equipment or cause paranormal effects. So basically you have to differentiate between “real magic” and “stage illusions” when it comes to synchronicity.

Only experience and intuition can tell you know which is which.

Discerning Alien Disinformation

A hardcopy book or free download by Montalk

Montalk - Discerning Alien Information

If aliens revealed themselves to the world, how would we know they were friendly? Would it be enough for them to arrive without violence, offer gifts of scientific knowledge, and guide us toward achieving global peace and unity? Not necessarily.

Hostile aliens may disguise themselves as friendly helpers to capture our hearts before ensnaring our minds and souls. If we are to be ready for contact, we must acquire discernment to see through such deception.

Topics Covered:

?  The four primary alien types and their capabilities.

?  Why the alien agenda is proceeding so quickly.

?  Analysis of alien disinformation and manipulation methods.

?  Future scenarios for worldwide alien deception.

?  Positive aliens and how to distinguish them from impostors.

?  The global problems we face and what we can do.

Download FREE or buy a hardcopy of “Discerning Alien Disinformation” here.

Previous articles by Montalk:

About the author:

MontalkTom / Montalk is an author, researcher, and musician dedicated to empowering others with practical esoteric wisdom and technical knowledge. His published works include an extensive website and the books Fringe Knowledge for Beginners and Discerning Alien Disinformation.

Tom was born in 1980 in central Germany. In early childhood, paranormal phenomena and harrowing alien encounters taught him that reality was strange and mysterious. At age twelve he obtained a library card and began reading all and everything he could find on UFOlogy and spirituality to make sense of his experiences. He also became interested in fringe physics and suppressed inventions after stumbling upon recurring references to alien propulsion systems in UFOlogy literature.

After majoring in physics and electrical engineering for several years, Tom left university to pursue a more independent path of knowledge. Combining his research and personal experiences with those of others, he now dedicates his life to solving the deepest riddles of metaphysics, gnosticism, UFOlogy, hyperdimensional physics, and spiritual warfare. He strives to communicate his findings in a clear and concise manner so that as many people as possible can put such knowledge into practice.



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