Warriors To The Helm! Sailing Into The Wind of Awakening

Warriors the Helm Sailing into the Wind of Awakening

By Zen Gardner

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Is anyone else having a hard time going through what often appears to be the same old news? Is it just me, or are we seeing a change of attitude and consciousness manifesting in lieu of this incessant and increasing barrage of repetitive headlines?

An interesting question.

This does seem to happen to myself periodically but it continues to take on an almost sneaky, changing nature. While I get weary of it at times, on the other hand the vibrations of this massive awakening continue to arouse and inspire which brings everything into play with renewed interest and passion.

I have to say, this morphing enigma called change of consciousness continues to confound and amaze me.

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Tracking and Tacking

Sailing life’s seas is an art. Seasoned sailors can use any wind to their advantage, even opposing ones via a technique called tacking, using the oncoming wind to literally create a vacuum that draws the ship forward. The illustration below shows how this is possible, which is done using the ship’s fore and aft sails that need to be re-set on every turn into the wind. (See here for a basic explanation.)

Warriors to the Helm - Tacking

We appear to be in just such a time. The powers that shouldn’t be appear to be unleashing more and more of their weapons against humanity and we certainly need to keep shifting our sails as we navigate these manipulated headwinds.

No doubt this barrage coming at us can be quite daunting at times, with so many so eager to swallow the party line in the name of “security”. It’s a sad sight to behold, but then again, don’t believe everything you see and hear.

The state controlled media is downplaying anything that doesn’t fit their narrative, so any statistics or volumes of coverage do not indicate any form of reality. I’m not trivializing the amount of people that fall for all of this, but let’s not let the would-be-controllers minimize the growing numbers that are connecting the dots and realizing what’s really going on.

This is why we need to keep up our full frontal attack, exposing the hypocrisy and agenda with real facts and founded understandings.

Tracking their moves while tacking our ships into the wind.

Rough Days and Days That Amaze

Slogging through the headlines each day can be quite unpleasant. It is information, at least for many of us, that we need to be aware of in order to keep our fingers on the pulse of what’s going on.

But it can weigh on you. The brutality and carnage with hardly a peep of public outrage against the injustices is downright discouraging at times. We know it’s but a symptom of a very serious parasitic virus that has invaded our planet and has been confusing and consuming it for a long time, but the inhumanity can wear on us as each day seems to be fraught with high crimes and atrocities.

Warriors To The Helm! Sailing Into The Wind of Awakening - fb

However, the other side of the coin is bright and beautiful. Despite the blacked-out backdrop of this current attempt to draw humanity into a new dark age, people are waking up. As noted before, it is often through very trying circumstances that individuals are finally willing to open their eyes to what’s going on around them and consider an alternative world view, for starters.

People also dig deep for spiritual answers to put everything in context. This is good. It’s a shame so many have to be forced to get serious about such issues, but if that’s what it takes, so be it.

The beauty of the opportunity before us now is the wildly accelerating connectivity taking place over the internet. Besides finding others of like mind and similar new found realizations, knowledge that was once sequestered deep in old libraries or government dossiers is now readily available. On virtually any subject!

This it a first for humanity and a total game changer.

Never Underestimate the Power of Awakened Truth

It’s said the pen is mightier than the sword. Do we believe that? If so, just search and count how many internet pages cover any one of the hundreds of alternative research subjects or independent media reports.

It’s inestimable. Why? Because it continues to grow exponentially. Those who wake up are vocal, they share their new found knowledge and findings. Truth is contagious.

Do you think the media presstitutes or government lackeys would ever report the full truth about this “truth movement” phenomenon, except disparagingly? They have unlimited assets and millions of paid employees to micromanage the mainstream media. And we’re not part of it.

And what about this massive truth movement, the alternative research community and the growing number of independent media outlets? That’s the beauty of it. We have no leader. We have no contrived agenda. We are spontaneous and there’s nothing they can do about it except try to muzzle us.

Herein lies the rub. We don’t stop. We are driven by passion, to them it’s just a job. We and truth are like water, we weave and move where the openings are, openings they cannot control as hard as they try.

So sail on into the wind, keep sowing seeds along the way, and even occasionally look back to see how far you’ve come for your own encouragement. And on a clear day you may get a glimpse of the massive armada of other ships just like you advancing into the fray!

There is a lot to be encouraged about…but there’s still a whole lot to do!

Warriors to the helm!

Love, Zen

Previous articles by Zen Gardner:

About the author:

I have questions. Life is wonderful – full of amazing wonders that continue to unfold. My quest for truth has given me new perspectives which lead to well springs of information that continue to inspire awe and wonder at the world we live in. Dare to explore and see what leaves you. Just wondering. Love Zen. Connect with Zen at zengardner.com

“The hourglass is almost out of grains.”

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